California |
Northern California |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 8:28 am |
EBB-Sightings |
Marjorie Powell via <marjpowell21...> |
[EBB-Sightings] Bird book sale Saturday March 15 Sunday March 16 Alameda |
3/14/25 7:01 am |
northbaybirds |
larry nigro via <larrymtb...> |
Re: [northbaybirds] Point Reyes Snowy Plover Nesting Season 2025 |
3/14/25 4:53 am |
northbaybirds |
Parker Kaye via <parkerk...> |
[northbaybirds] Point Reyes Snowy Plover Nesting Season 2025 |
3/14/25 2:15 am |
Arthur Macmillan <grrrrrrrrrr8...> |
Re: [MBBIRDS] Question about Lesser Goldfinch and nesting material gathering. |
Southern California |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 10:24 am |
SanDiegoRegionBirding |
Barbara Wise via <barbaraswise...> |
[SanDiegoRegionBirding] Purple Martin at Sweetwater Reservoir |
West |
Arizona / New Mexico |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 9:50 am |
AZNMBirds |
Doug Jenness <dougjenness...> |
[AZNMbirds] Global Big Day, 10 May |
3/14/25 7:38 am |
AZNMBirds |
p c <pcollinsca48...> |
[AZNMbirds] SEAZ: Tubac Hawk Watch - Ron Morriss Park, Tubac, AZ 031325 |
Colorado |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 7:44 am |
COBirds |
Josh Bruening <87211jjb...> |
[cobirds] Crested Caracara-Pueblo County |
South |
Alabama |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 11:12 am |
ALBirds |
Lucy & Bob Email via <RobertADuncan...> |
[ALbirds] Fw: [NFLbirds] Gray Gull is back! DETAILS |
3/14/25 11:09 am |
ALBirds |
Lucy & Bob Email via <RobertADuncan...> |
[ALbirds] Gray Gull is back! DETAILS |
3/14/25 10:22 am |
ALBirds |
Lucy & Bob Email via <RobertADuncan...> |
[ALbirds] Gray Gull is back! |
Arkansas |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 12:07 pm |
Judy Griffith <9waterfall9...> |
Re: Barn Owl |
3/14/25 10:43 am |
Sarah Morris <saraha.morris1...> |
Re: Jackson County Caracara? |
3/14/25 9:14 am |
Patty McLean <000008e6fff5e5c8-dmarc-request...> |
Re: Jackson County Caracara? |
3/14/25 9:07 am |
Sandy Berger <sndbrgr...> |
Barn Owl more info |
3/14/25 8:03 am |
Joseph Neal <0000078cbd583d7c-dmarc-request...> |
Purple Martins for 77 years |
3/14/25 8:01 am |
Sandy Berger <sndbrgr...> |
Barn Owl |
3/14/25 7:57 am |
Charles Anderson <oborocks0...> |
Re: Ornithology students encounter owl chicks on the forest floor |
3/14/25 7:30 am |
Patty McLean <000008e6fff5e5c8-dmarc-request...> |
Re: Yellow Grosbeak (Berryville/Carroll County) |
3/14/25 6:37 am |
Sarah Morris <saraha.morris1...> |
Jackson County Caracara? |
3/14/25 5:38 am |
Mary Kay Hill <marykayhillhome...> |
Re- enroll in <ARBIRD-L...> |
Carolinas |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 6:41 am |
Carolinabirds |
Kevin Hudson (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> |
Funny story |
Louisiana |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 11:48 am |
James W. Beck via <loxosceles928...> |
[labird] Victor Emanuel dies at age 84 |
West Virginia |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 6:08 am |
Paul Mckay <paulmck57...> |
Ohio county birds Paul mckay |
Midwest |
Indiana |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 8:43 am |
Tom and Ann <annntom...> |
[IN-BIRD-L] FW: eBird Report - Lamb Lake, Mar 12, 2025 |
Iowa |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 9:10 am |
Randall Scheiner <randall.scheiner...> |
[ia-bird] Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Floyd Co. |
3/14/25 5:39 am |
John and Anna Bissell <john.annabissell...> |
[ia-bird] Iowa RBA: 3-14-25 |
Michigan |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 12:37 pm |
Birders |
'Marilou Capo' via Birders <birders...> |
[birders] Friends of Whitefish Point |
3/14/25 7:41 am |
Birders |
Fred Kaluza <fkaluza...> |
Re: [birders] Tundra Swans? |
3/14/25 7:31 am |
Birders |
Fred Kaluza <fkaluza...> |
Re: [birders] Ducks are back |
Missouri |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 12:15 pm |
Jane Frazier <janefraz2828...> |
Binder loon |
South Dakota |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 10:07 am |
sd-birds |
David Strom via <djstrom...> |
[sd-birds] Outdoor Campus West Survey 3-14-2025 |
Northeast |
Connecticut |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 7:47 am |
CTBirds |
Batsford, William via CTBirds <ctbirds...> |
[CT Birds] Piping plover |
Delaware |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 7:20 am |
Rob Blye <rwblye...> |
[de-birds] last of winter and first of spring |
Maine |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 10:23 am |
Maine-birds |
Denise Johnson <dpj113...> |
[Maine-birds] FOY RBNU |
Massachusetts |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 12:29 pm |
arlingtonbirds |
Sara Brown <sara.7189...> |
[Arlington Birds] Common mergansers on Spy Pond |
3/14/25 6:29 am |
Gary Freedman <gmf7162...> |
[MASSBIRD] Sandhill Crane Over Acton |
New Hampshire |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 10:36 am |
NHBirds |
Aaronian, Rich <raaronian...> |
[NHBirds] Chapman’s Landing/Exeter |
3/14/25 10:31 am |
NHBirds |
Richard Frechette <frechette7...> |
[NHBirds] Pink-footed Goose |
3/14/25 6:49 am |
NHBirds |
Brian Reilly <reillybj...> |
[NHBirds] FOY. Brown-headed Cowbirds. Keene |
New Jersey |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 3:37 am |
JerseyBirds |
John McCarthy and Linda Stehlik <jmcclins...> |
Re: [JERSEYBI] JERSEYBI Digest - 11 Mar 2025 to 12 Mar 2025 (#2025-10) |
New York |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 12:08 pm |
Cayugabirds-L |
Peter Saracino <petersaracino...> |
[cayugabirds-l] Final Winter World Walk Canceled Due to Illness |
3/14/25 10:36 am |
GeneseeBirds-L |
Jay Greenberg <thegreenjay2010...> |
[GeneseeBirds-L] Short-eared Owl in Brighton |
3/14/25 10:15 am |
HMBirds |
KevinMcG via <kmcgrath...> |
[hmbirds] Gruesome Nature. |
3/14/25 8:40 am |
HMBirds |
Susan via <smbeaudoin1...> |
[hmbirds] Wrights Loop |
3/14/25 8:20 am |
GeneseeBirds-L |
Robert Salsbury <robinsalsbury...> |
Re: [GeneseeBirds-L] Ospreys are on their way! |
3/14/25 5:41 am |
NYSbirds-L |
Tom Fiore <tomfi2...> |
[nysbirds-l] NY County, NYC - week of 3/9 to 3/14- Canvasbacks and other waterfowl, winter-finches, etc. |
Vermont |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/14/25 7:04 am |
Ted Levin <tedlevin1966...> |
[VTBIRD] 14 March 2025: Hurricane Hill (1,100 feet), WRJ |