Received From Subject
2/18/25 10:07 am Jesse Pline <jessepline...> Re: Red Slough Bird Survey - Feb. 17
2/17/25 7:59 pm <arbour...> <arbour...> Red Slough Bird Survey - Feb. 17
2/16/25 1:23 pm Zach Poland <zachapoland...> Short-billed (Mew) Gull Lake Yahola, Tulsa
2/16/25 1:08 pm Zach Poland <zachapoland...> Short-billed (Mew) Gull, Lake Yahola, Tulsa
2/15/25 4:50 pm Sandy Berger <sndbrgr...> Sandhill Crane
2/14/25 9:46 pm Randy Soto <giantsoto1...> Re: Possible Slaty-backed Gull - Stillwater
2/12/25 6:32 pm Jesse Pline <jessepline...> Re: Red Slough Bird Survey - Feb. 12
2/12/25 6:20 pm <arbour...> <arbour...> Red Slough Bird Survey - Feb. 12
2/12/25 4:13 pm Scott Loss <scottrloss...> Possible Slaty-backed Gull - Stillwater
2/10/25 5:18 am Jimmy Woodard <j.woodard...> Woodcocks at Lake Stanley Draper
2/9/25 12:49 pm Randy Soto <giantsoto1...> 2 Red-throated Loon, Lake Hefner
2/9/25 7:35 am Lewis Pond <breaker57...> Re: Woodcocks in Tulsa?
2/8/25 12:34 pm Cole <000001f9b0e1e8d4-dmarc-request...> Re: Woodcocks in Tulsa?
2/8/25 11:31 am Aster Droste <eviedroste...> Woodcocks in Tulsa?
2/7/25 9:04 am Jimmy Woodard <j.woodard...> MWC Roadrunners
2/4/25 5:53 pm <arbour...> <arbour...> Red Slough Bird Survey - Feb. 4
2/4/25 11:14 am Patricia Velte <pvelte...> February Migration Report
2/3/25 6:24 pm Cheryl Kilpatrick <dr.k_psych...> Re: Fun at the sapwells
2/3/25 3:22 pm Bryan Reynolds <nature_photo_man...> Re: Fun at the sapwells
2/3/25 1:59 pm Jennie Brooks <2014birder...> Re: Fun at the sapwells
2/3/25 1:14 pm Marta Harris <harrismarta8...> Re: Fun at the sapwells
2/3/25 11:23 am Bryan Reynolds <nature_photo_man...> Fun at the sapwells
2/1/25 3:50 pm shenthorn205 <shenthorn205...> Zoo Lake this morning
1/31/25 7:26 am <jwdavis...> <jwdavis...> Bird-friendly Windows
1/29/25 4:41 pm Bryan Reynolds <nature_photo_man...> Recent Oklahoma Birds - 13-27 Jan 2025
1/28/25 10:36 pm <arbour...> <arbour...> Red Slough Bird Survey - Jan. 28
1/26/25 2:21 pm Randy Soto <giantsoto1...> Re: Red-necked Grebe at Tom Steed Lake
1/26/25 2:19 pm Randy Soto <giantsoto1...> Red-throated Grebe at Tom Steed Lake
1/23/25 8:08 pm <arbour...> <arbour...> Red Slough Bird Survey - Jan. 23
1/23/25 8:07 pm <arbour...> <arbour...> Red Slough Bird Survey - January 15 (belated report)
1/21/25 2:18 pm Randy Soto <giantsoto1...> Re: Lake Hefner Black Scoter
1/20/25 1:24 pm Randy Soto <giantsoto1...> Lake Hefner Black Scoter
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