What is the Birding Lists Digest?
The Digest was created to help birders find out "what's
going on lately" in various regions of the U.S. with a minimum of hassle. The
Digest automatically compiles all posts to dozens of birding email
lists and organizes them by region, by day, and by list. Birders can view
the current day's messages, or browse messages from the last 30 days.
Hopefully, this system will allow birders to find information about rare
bird sightings and other goings-on around the country in a timely and efficient manner.
How do I post a message to the Digest?
Messages are not posted to the Digest directly. If you want to report a sighting
or post a message to a particular email list, you must follow the posting instructions
for that specific list. That normally involves subscribing to the list in question.
Please see the View All Lists page,
where the "Official Archives" links will take you to the lists' respective
home pages, where you can find more information about joining and posting.
email lists are included in the Digest?
There are currently
115 lists included, and more are being added all the time. You can
view the directory of included lists by clicking on
Below is a map of the various regions of the U.S. that the Digest covers.

email lists are not included in the Digest?
The Digest is likely missing many lists from around the country. If your favorite list is not
included, please let me know (email address below).
Some lists are excluded due to a request from the list owner. These include:
How long
are messages kept in the Digest?
Messages are kept
for 30 days. The digest is not meant to be a comprehensive archive of
the email lists it includes. It is intended to be a log of the current
birding happenings nationwide. Almost all of the lists included in the Digest
have official archives where messages are kept for much longer periods.
If you would like to view older messages for a list, you can go to the
official archive for that list. Links to those archives appear on the listing
of email lists included in the Digest, which can be found
What should
I do if I find a bug with the Digest, or have a question or comment?
The Digest was created
by me, Dave Ranney. If you find any bugs I would love to hear about them.
Suggestions for improvement or additional features are also welcome. You
can email here:
The Digest is an expansion of the CA Birding Lists Digest that has been
running successfully since 2002. The original CA Digest was inspired
by a post to the CALBIRDS list by Steve Holzman. His ideas and suggestions,
not to mention his excellent map
of CA birding lists, made the Digest possible. Steve also generously provided the map of Digest regions above.
Thanks to Steve for the encouragement to complete
this nationwide Digest and to
all other birders who have given helpful suggestions over the years.