California |
Northern California |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 10:11 pm |
northbaybirds |
Daniel Edelstein via <danieledelstein...> |
[northbaybirds] Last Few Days: Grasshopper Sparrow At Mt. Burdell (Novato), plus Las Gallinas (San Rafael) & Pacheco Valle (Novato) |
3/26/25 3:24 pm |
SouthBayBirds |
Dori via <Dorienne777...> |
[southbaybirds] Lark Sparrows |
3/26/25 2:54 pm |
SouthBayBirds |
Dorothy Johnson via <dfj6281...> |
[southbaybirds] Black-headed Grosbeak at Alum Rock Park |
3/26/25 2:11 pm |
northbaybirds |
Carolyn Johnson via <cjohn...> |
Re: [northbaybirds] FOS Hooded Oriole in town of Sonoma |
3/26/25 1:29 pm |
mendobirds |
christopher szejk via <owlwind...> |
[Mendobirds] Bushnell Spotting Scope with Tripod For sale "The Ark" thrift store. |
3/26/25 11:08 am |
SouthBayBirds |
Matthew Dodder via <mdodder...> |
[southbaybirds] Ranch updates |
3/26/25 10:40 am |
central_valley_birds |
Salvatore Salerno via <salernos47...> |
[centralvalleybirds] Birding Booklet Now Available |
3/26/25 7:18 am |
SFBirds |
Dominik Mosur via <dominikmosur...> |
Re: [SFBirds] Juv Bald Eagle headed toward Twin Peaks at 12:54p |
Southern California |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 3:35 pm |
SanDiegoRegionBirding |
Susan Smith via <seiurus...> |
[SanDiegoRegionBirding] Black-and-White Warbler Silvergate neighborhood in alley between Dudley and Warner, Weds 26 Mar |
3/26/25 10:42 am |
slocobirding |
Freddy Howell via <jandfhowellz...> |
[slocobirding] ❗️MCAS Field Trip-Estero Bluffs/ Fig TreeTrailhead, April 5, 2025 |
3/26/25 10:11 am |
sbcobirding |
Meg White via <mswhite...> |
[sbcobirding] White-tailed kite |
3/26/25 3:39 am |
sbcobirding |
eBird alert via <alert.ebird...> |
[sbcobirding] [eBird Alert] Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert <daily> |
3/26/25 3:26 am |
slocobirding |
eBird alert via <alert.ebird...> |
[slocobirding] [eBird Alert] San Luis Obispo County Rare Bird Alert <daily> |
West |
Alaska |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 11:10 pm |
AKBirding |
rainyday via <c_griz...> |
[AKBirding] Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Great Blue Herons, Swans, Western Screech Owl |
Arizona / New Mexico |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 1:33 pm |
AZNMBirds |
Steven Tracey <straceyflash...> |
[AZNMbirds] SEAZ: San Pedro House Birding Walk plus upcoming events |
3/26/25 12:22 pm |
AZNMBirds |
John Williams <john...> |
[AZNMbirds] Crossroads at Silverbell, to W Ina Rd ., Marana |
Washington |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 1:29 pm |
tweeters |
Marcy D'Addio via Tweeters <tweeters...> |
[Tweeters] East 90 |
3/26/25 12:15 pm |
tweeters |
Vicki via Tweeters <tweeters...> |
[Tweeters] Early Rufous and 1 Band Tailed Pigeon, Lesser Goldfinch pairs |
South |
Arkansas |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 3:47 pm |
Judy Griffith <9waterfall9...> |
First of Season |
3/26/25 3:42 pm |
Carol Joan Patterson <0000003a0ccbe138-dmarc-request...> |
Fw: Vermillion Flycatcher |
3/26/25 3:40 pm |
JANINE PERLMAN <jpandjf...> |
FOY Rubythroat...and surprise |
3/26/25 1:46 pm |
Donna Haynes <00000003bd9d64d2-dmarc-request...> |
Gulf of Birds Shirts Halberg Camp Fundraiser |
3/26/25 12:37 pm |
Robert Day <rhday52...> |
Re: Vermillion Flycatcher |
3/26/25 12:05 pm |
JACQUE BROWN <bluebird2...> |
Re: Vermillion Flycatcher |
3/26/25 11:34 am |
Ashlyn Ohm <4ever4hiskingdom...> |
Re: Pects |
3/26/25 9:09 am |
Brian Carlson <brianrcarlson...> |
Re: Scissor-tailed |
3/26/25 8:32 am |
Donna Haynes <00000003bd9d64d2-dmarc-request...> |
LR Port - Golden Plovers |
3/26/25 6:38 am |
Joseph Neal <0000078cbd583d7c-dmarc-request...> |
Golden Plovers in River Valley |
3/26/25 6:14 am |
Sandy Berger <sndbrgr...> |
Scissor-tailed |
3/26/25 3:41 am |
Patty McLean <000008e6fff5e5c8-dmarc-request...> |
Re: Yellow Grosbeak (Berryville/Carroll County) |
Carolinas |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 2:10 pm |
Carolinabirds |
Anita Huffman (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> |
Re: Awful fires in western NC and SC |
3/26/25 12:12 pm |
Carolinabirds |
Nate Dias (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> |
Awful fires in western NC and SC |
Georgia |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 3:03 pm |
robert emond <robert.emond2015...> |
[GABO-L] Fwd: [eBird Alert] Georgia Rare Bird Alert <daily> 26 Mar 25 |
Louisiana |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 5:25 pm |
Sandra Barbier via <sandabar10...> |
[labird] grackles |
Midwest |
Iowa |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 3:31 am |
Kevin Murphy <kevin.murphy39...> |
[ia-bird] 2025 TRI-STATE Spring Meeting in Sioux City-Registration is open! |
Kansas |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 8:18 pm |
Henry Armknecht <armknecht...> |
Birding KC area Sunday 3/30 |
Missouri |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 9:03 pm |
Monacell, Peter L. <plmonacell...> |
Re: Chestnut-collared Longspurs, Callaway Co., NO |
3/26/25 11:02 am |
Chris Barrigar <1chrisbarrigar...> |
Vermilion Flycatcher - NO, 3/26, Miller Co. |
3/26/25 8:21 am |
Monacell, Peter L. <plmonacell...> |
Re: Chestnut-collared Longspurs, Callaway Co., YES |
Nebraska |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 7:45 pm |
NEBirds |
Jan Johnson via <janbirder...> |
Re: [NEBirds] Tri-State Spring Meeting info |
3/26/25 7:34 pm |
NEBirds |
Kathy DeLara via <renosmom...> |
[NEBirds] Tri-State Spring Meeting info |
Ohio |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 5:00 pm |
Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> |
[Ohio-birds] Local birding - new stuff in |
3/26/25 10:31 am |
WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> |
[Ohio-birds] Alum Creek Beach Tuesday, Denison & Morris woods Wednesday |
Oklahoma |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 2:56 pm |
OKbirds |
mitchellterry1957 <mitchellterry1957...> |
Re: Vermillion flycatcher |
3/26/25 1:43 pm |
OKbirds |
Mike Ludewig <fishinorbirding...> |
Re: Vermillion flycatcher |
South Dakota |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 10:33 am |
sd-birds |
petermhill via <petermhill...> |
[sd-birds] FOY Osprey |
3/26/25 10:04 am |
sd-birds |
Ricky Olson via <olsonr088...> |
[sd-birds] Great Gray Owl |
3/26/25 9:37 am |
sd-birds |
Ricky Olson via <olsonr088...> |
[sd-birds] Great Gray Owl |
Northeast |
Connecticut |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 1:50 pm |
CTBirds |
Beverly Propen via CTBirds <ctbirds...> |
[CT Birds] Coastal Center |
3/26/25 10:38 am |
CTBirds |
Paul Desjardins via CTBirds <ctbirds...> |
[CT Birds] Stn 43 South Windsor Birds |
3/26/25 7:47 am |
CTBirds |
Angela Dimmitt via CTBirds <ctbirds...> |
[CT Birds] First Tree Swallows New Milford |
3/26/25 7:32 am |
CTBirds |
Rick Kenneally via CTBirds <ctbirds...> |
[CT Birds] Rusty Blackbirds at Woodcock Nature Center Wilton |
3/26/25 7:29 am |
CTBirds |
Ernest Harris via CTBirds <ctbirds...> |
[CT Birds] Off the Deck |
Delaware |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 7:19 am |
Darlene Valentine <darlenevalentine...> |
[de-birds] Project Proposal! |
Maryland |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 7:26 pm |
mdbirding |
'SUE RICCIARDI' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> |
[MDBirding] Fort Smallwood Park (26 Mar 2025) 237 Raptors |
3/26/25 5:14 pm |
mdbirding |
Pat <pvaldata1...> |
RE: [MDBirding] Conowingo Dam - Trails Closed - Possible Avian Flu in Vultures |
3/26/25 11:14 am |
mdbirding |
'Marcia Watson' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> |
[MDBirding] Conowingo Dam - Trails Closed - Possible Avian Flu in Vultures |
Massachusetts |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 8:02 pm |
Barbara M Volkle <barb620...> |
[MASSBIRD] Plum Island MA (26 Mar 2025) 41 Raptors |
3/26/25 4:46 pm |
Barbara M Volkle <barb620...> |
[MASSBIRD] UMass Amherst Falcons- 4/4 workshop - opportunity for educators |
3/26/25 4:09 pm |
Barbara M Volkle <barb620...> |
[MASSBIRD] 3/25 Great Pond Raptors and Ducks, EtcThanks to Paul Peterson for this report. |
3/26/25 1:04 pm |
bostonbirds |
'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...> |
[BostonBirds] 3/25 Great Pond Raptors and Ducks, Etc |
New Hampshire |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 5:23 pm |
NHBirds |
Elaine Faletra <elaine.faletra...> |
Re: [NHBirds] partially leucistic junco, Croydon |
3/26/25 5:07 pm |
NHBirds |
jeepinmoabgirl <jeepingmoabgirl...> |
[NHBirds] partially leucistic junco, Croydon |
3/26/25 4:48 pm |
NHBirds |
'Steve Mirick' via NHBirds <nhbirds...> |
[NHBirds] Cool Weather and record early bird arrivals |
3/26/25 8:26 am |
NHBirds |
Jane Hills <jfhbirder...> |
[NHBirds] Eastern Phoebe in Concord |
3/26/25 7:35 am |
NHBirds |
jeepinmoabgirl <jeepingmoabgirl...> |
[NHBirds] Another first for me in Croydon |
New York |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 5:14 pm |
GeneseeBirds-L |
<reports...> |
[GeneseeBirds-L] Braddock Bay (26 Mar 2025) 27 Raptors |
3/26/25 3:58 pm |
GeneseeBirds-L |
<reports...> |
[GeneseeBirds-L] Hamburg Hawk Watch (26 Mar 2025) 296 Raptors |
3/26/25 3:24 pm |
HMBirds |
Naomi Lloyd via <naomi_kestrel...> |
[hmbirds] This week's destination, 3/27 |
3/26/25 2:23 pm |
Cayugabirds-L |
Peter Saracino <petersaracino...> |
[cayugabirds-l] Audubon's Rowe Sanctuary's Crane Camera | |
3/26/25 12:32 pm |
GeneseeBirds-L |
<reports...> |
[GeneseeBirds-L] Ripley Hawk Watch (26 Mar 2025) 165 Raptors |
3/26/25 10:02 am |
HMBirds |
Naomi Lloyd via <naomi_kestrel...> |
[hmbirds] Screech Owl, Lewis Swyer preserve |
3/26/25 8:12 am |
NYSbirds-L |
Andrew Baksh <birdingdude...> |
[nysbirds-l] Probable Gray-breasted Martin on Staten Island |
3/26/25 3:58 am |
NYSbirds-L |
Tom Fiore <tomfi2...> |
[nysbirds-l] Manhattan, NYC - Tues., 3/25 - B.-h. Gull, Canvasbacks continuing to linger |
Pennsylvania |
Received |
List |
From |
Subject |
3/26/25 3:44 pm |
B Richardson <poecile.gambeli...> |
Tussey Mountain Daily Summary 3/26 |
3/26/25 3:43 pm |
Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...> |
Tussey Mountain Hawk Watch (26 Mar 2025) 4 Raptors |
3/26/25 1:40 pm |
Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...> |
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (26 Mar 2025) 1 Raptors |
3/26/25 1:11 pm |
Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...> |
Allegheny Front (26 Mar 2025) 2 Raptors |
3/26/25 6:39 am |
KATHLEEN BECHDEL <0000d165c6a818d5-dmarc-request...> |
Bird Clun Field Trips |
3/26/25 3:44 am |
Kendall Zook <kendallzook98...> |
Short-eared Owls and Rough-legged Hawks, Crawford Co. |