Received From Subject
7/25/24 10:55 am Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...> [centralvalleybirds] SAC Bufferlands Indigo Bunting
7/24/24 9:02 pm Andy Engilis via groups.io <aengilisjr...> Re: [centralvalleybirds] ibis in Yolo County
7/24/24 5:35 pm Michael Perrone via groups.io <michaelperrone10...> [centralvalleybirds] ibis in Yolo County
7/21/24 7:24 pm Glennah Trochet via groups.io <trochetj...> [centralvalleybirds] Cosumnes birds this July weekend
7/17/24 5:10 pm Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...> [centralvalleybirds] Bufferlands Indigo Bunting continues
7/12/24 6:25 pm k foley via groups.io <kaseyfoley...> Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
7/12/24 4:40 pm Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...> Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
7/11/24 4:11 pm PETER via groups.io <pmperrine2...> Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
7/10/24 2:59 pm Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...> Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
7/1/24 8:24 pm Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...> [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
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Date: 7/25/24 10:55 am
From: Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...>
Subject: [centralvalleybirds] SAC Bufferlands Indigo Bunting
Hi folks,

I will be taking a couple people out to look for the bunting tomorrow
(Friday 7/26) at 7am, though I need to leave by 8:30.
I'll also be available on Saturday (7/27) at 3pm.
Let me know if you're interested and I'll send directions and details.
Assuming it sticks around, I might be available after work next week when
we are forecasted to have less extreme temperatures than we've suffered
through most of this week.

The bird continues and may be getting slightly less vociferous/continuous
in its singing than it was a couple weeks ago. I have detected it all
throughout the day during its period of known presence, beginning on 6/27.
I saw a female bunting on 7/23, probably a Lazuli, in the general area
where the male has been singing, but it may be an early migrant rather than
associated with the male Indigo.
More than 60 people have seen the bird so far (

In other news, a few of us had an early migrant Hermit Warbler in the
vicinity on 7/17.

Take care,

Chris Conard

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Date: 7/24/24 9:02 pm
From: Andy Engilis via groups.io <aengilisjr...>
Subject: Re: [centralvalleybirds] ibis in Yolo County
I bet there are Least Bittern there too!

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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From: <centralvalleybirds...> <centralvalleybirds...> on behalf of Michael Perrone via groups.io <michaelperrone10...>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 5:35:38 PM
To: Central Valley Birds <centralvalleybirds...>
Subject: [centralvalleybirds] ibis in Yolo County

Today, courtesy of the City of Woodland, a few of us were allowed to visit the ibis nesting colony just north of the "Pacific flyway pond" AKA North Regional Pond, which is itself just north of the Woodland wastewater treatment plant ponds. The area is called Woodland WTP on eBird.

The pond is almost entirely in tules in shallow water, and where the tules have been trampled, there were about 400 ibis standing. This suggests that there are perhaps 400 ibis nests, if one bird of a pair is guarding each nest, as I expect. We noted a brand-new hatchling and suspect there will be many more in the next few days.

A same-morning survey of the area by Lyann Comrack and Mark Martucci noted 1400 ibis. It is unknown how many of those are breeding. We are unaware of other nearby colonies.

Michael Perrone

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Date: 7/24/24 5:35 pm
From: Michael Perrone via groups.io <michaelperrone10...>
Subject: [centralvalleybirds] ibis in Yolo County
Today, courtesy of the City of Woodland,  a few of us were allowed to visit the ibis nesting colony just north of the "Pacific flyway pond" AKA North Regional Pond, which is itself just north of the Woodland wastewater treatment plant ponds.  The area is called Woodland WTP on eBird.
The pond is almost entirely in tules in shallow water, and where the tules have been trampled, there were about 400 ibis standing. This suggests that there are perhaps 400 ibis nests, if one bird of a pair is guarding each nest, as I expect.   We noted a brand-new hatchling and suspect there will be many more in the next few days.
A same-morning survey of the area by Lyann Comrack and Mark Martucci noted 1400 ibis.  It is unknown how many of those are breeding.  We are unaware of other nearby colonies.
Michael PerroneDavis

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Date: 7/21/24 7:24 pm
From: Glennah Trochet via groups.io <trochetj...>
Subject: [centralvalleybirds] Cosumnes birds this July weekend
Dear Birders,

Yesterday Chris Conard helped out on this month's Tall Forest bird survey
at the Cosumnes River Preserve in southern Sacramento County. There were
long stretches of zero bird detections but we turned up a handful of rather
interesting things, including the outliers of fall passerine migration:
long-billed curlew- 3 in a flocklet as fly-overs
western flycatcher- 1 (none found on territory this year)
warbling vireo- 1 singing intermittently
lark sparrow- 1 (not regular on the preserve this far west)
Oregon junco- 1 singing where seemingly on territory, but no mate seen
thus far
yellow warbler- 3, continuing at/near the Accidental Forest
western tanager- 1
blue grosbeak- 2

Of interest at least to me was a harsh, clacking call note that suggested
brown thrasher to me. We didn't see whatever it was, though we trolled for
that species.

Today I returned to the same area, failing again to discover the source of
the interesting call note. I heard nothing like it today. I also didn't
refind the warbling vireo, but the junco, yellow warblers and blue
grosbeaks were still present. Lark sparrows increased to 11. It's been a
long time (two decades or more) since I found that many behind the Farm
Center gate.

There is a bit of shorebird habitat behind the gate, but the best area for
these birds on the lower preserve right now is along Desmond Road just west
of Bruceville, on the south side of Desmond. The heat shimmer was already
pretty bad by 09:40 today, and lighting would be better early and late in
the day. Only the usual suspects were present today.

John Trochet

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Date: 7/17/24 5:10 pm
From: Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...>
Subject: [centralvalleybirds] Bufferlands Indigo Bunting continues
Hi folks,

I can do 7 tomorrow morning and/or 7 Sunday morning.
Let me know if either works and I will send directions.

May not get directions out until after 9 tonight as I'm working late.

Chris Conard
--please excuse this brief message sent with my phone

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Date: 7/12/24 6:25 pm
From: k foley via groups.io <kaseyfoley...>
Subject: Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)

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Date: 7/12/24 4:40 pm
From: Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...>
Subject: Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
Hi folks,

We had an excellent Indigo Bunting show this morning at the Bufferlands.
I'm going back out on Sunday morning at 7.
If you're interested, let me know and I'll provide directions and details.

Take care,

Chris Conard

On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 2:59 PM Chris Conard <conardc...> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> The Indigo Bunting continues at the Bufferlands. I'm setting up a
> search trip for this Friday (July 12) at 7am.
> Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you directions and details.
> There will likely be some additional chances if it sticks around.
> Take are,
> Chris Conard
> Sacramento
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 8:24 PM Chris Conard <conardc...> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> This morning I saw a singing male Indigo Bunting at the Bufferlands (
>> https://ebird.org/checklist/S184792505). I heard this bird singing at
>> the same spot on Thursday last week and was interested enough to make a
>> distant recording of the song. It sounded more like an Indigo than a Lazuli
>> to me (cleaner, more organized, less buzzy), but I wasn't able to see it.
>> There is no regular public access and my schedule is such that I won't be
>> able to take people in to look for it until Friday at the earliest. With
>> the extreme heat, only quite early in the morning is feasible.
>> If you are interested, send me an email and we'll try for early Friday
>> (and Saturday if there is interest) with three people already expressing
>> interest.
>> Note that there are foot-high weeds along the path to the site for a
>> couple hundred yards after a caravan to the nearest drivable location.
>> We had one that summered here way back in 2006, first detected on 10 July
>> and continuing until 23 August. I've seen two others, but only for one day
>> each of those times. Based on earlier detected singing, one of those likely
>> was around for a couple weeks before I saw it. Back in the mid-90s, one to
>> a few were regular at Cosumnes River Preserve bordering the Tall Forest,
>> but they have been much less consistent there in the past 25 years.
>> Regarding Lazuli Buntings, many years I get a small trickle in the spring
>> and don't see them again until August, when they are pretty common
>> migrants. Other years, they are present and sometimes in pairs in June and
>> July. This year at the Bufferlands, I had a few in April to mid-May, and
>> then nothing until late June, but now continuing.
>> Take care,
>> Chris Conard
>> Sacramento

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Date: 7/11/24 4:11 pm
From: PETER via groups.io <pmperrine2...>
Subject: Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)

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Date: 7/10/24 2:59 pm
From: Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...>
Subject: Re: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
Hi folks,

The Indigo Bunting continues at the Bufferlands. I'm setting up a
search trip for this Friday (July 12) at 7am.
Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you directions and details.
There will likely be some additional chances if it sticks around.

Take are,

Chris Conard

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 8:24 PM Chris Conard <conardc...> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> This morning I saw a singing male Indigo Bunting at the Bufferlands (
> https://ebird.org/checklist/S184792505). I heard this bird singing at the
> same spot on Thursday last week and was interested enough to make a distant
> recording of the song. It sounded more like an Indigo than a Lazuli to me
> (cleaner, more organized, less buzzy), but I wasn't able to see it.
> There is no regular public access and my schedule is such that I won't be
> able to take people in to look for it until Friday at the earliest. With
> the extreme heat, only quite early in the morning is feasible.
> If you are interested, send me an email and we'll try for early Friday
> (and Saturday if there is interest) with three people already expressing
> interest.
> Note that there are foot-high weeds along the path to the site for a
> couple hundred yards after a caravan to the nearest drivable location.
> We had one that summered here way back in 2006, first detected on 10 July
> and continuing until 23 August. I've seen two others, but only for one day
> each of those times. Based on earlier detected singing, one of those likely
> was around for a couple weeks before I saw it. Back in the mid-90s, one to
> a few were regular at Cosumnes River Preserve bordering the Tall Forest,
> but they have been much less consistent there in the past 25 years.
> Regarding Lazuli Buntings, many years I get a small trickle in the spring
> and don't see them again until August, when they are pretty common
> migrants. Other years, they are present and sometimes in pairs in June and
> July. This year at the Bufferlands, I had a few in April to mid-May, and
> then nothing until late June, but now continuing.
> Take care,
> Chris Conard
> Sacramento

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Date: 7/1/24 8:24 pm
From: Chris Conard via groups.io <conardc...>
Subject: [centralvalleybirds] Indigo Bunting and bunting thoughts at the Bufferlands (SAC)
Hi folks,

This morning I saw a singing male Indigo Bunting at the Bufferlands (
https://ebird.org/checklist/S184792505). I heard this bird singing at the
same spot on Thursday last week and was interested enough to make a distant
recording of the song. It sounded more like an Indigo than a Lazuli to me
(cleaner, more organized, less buzzy), but I wasn't able to see it.

There is no regular public access and my schedule is such that I won't be
able to take people in to look for it until Friday at the earliest. With
the extreme heat, only quite early in the morning is feasible.
If you are interested, send me an email and we'll try for early Friday (and
Saturday if there is interest) with three people already expressing
Note that there are foot-high weeds along the path to the site for a couple
hundred yards after a caravan to the nearest drivable location.

We had one that summered here way back in 2006, first detected on 10 July
and continuing until 23 August. I've seen two others, but only for one day
each of those times. Based on earlier detected singing, one of those likely
was around for a couple weeks before I saw it. Back in the mid-90s, one to
a few were regular at Cosumnes River Preserve bordering the Tall Forest,
but they have been much less consistent there in the past 25 years.

Regarding Lazuli Buntings, many years I get a small trickle in the spring
and don't see them again until August, when they are pretty common
migrants. Other years, they are present and sometimes in pairs in June and
July. This year at the Bufferlands, I had a few in April to mid-May, and
then nothing until late June, but now continuing.

Take care,

Chris Conard

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