Received From Subject
7/25/24 7:23 am Charles Stirrat <stirrcr1...> [MDBirding] MD/DC Fall Count Dates Sept 21-22, 2024 – Clarification/Correction
7/23/24 11:49 am William Young <wcyoung4242...> [MDBirding] Mississippi Kite Nest at Welsh Park, 7-23-24
7/23/24 7:52 am Cass <enbycass...> [MDBirding] Lost Domestic Pigeon by Silver Spring metro
7/21/24 9:51 pm JAMES SPEICHER <jugornought...> Re: [MDBirding] Ferry Neck, July 12-16, 2024.
7/21/24 9:16 am Harry Armistead <harryarmistead...> [MDBirding] Ferry Neck, July 12-16, 2024.
7/18/24 5:43 pm William Young <wcyoung4242...> [MDBirding] Mississippi Kite Chick at Welsh Park 7-18-24
7/15/24 7:09 am Noah Comet <noahcomet...> [MDBirding] Re: Night bird sound? (ID help)
7/15/24 6:43 am Noah Comet <noahcomet...> [MDBirding] Night bird sound? (ID help)
7/14/24 10:05 am Lisa Wilcox Deyo <lisawilcoxdeyo...> [MDBirding] Fwd: MNPS Field Trip: Wetlands at Wildlife Management Areas – McKee Beshers WMA (Sunday), 08/04/2024
7/11/24 2:53 pm 'Gail Frantz' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> [MDBirding] It's True...
7/11/24 9:05 am Harry Armistead <harryarmistead...> [MDBirding] Ferry Neck, June 26 - July 2, 2024.
7/9/24 5:22 am Steve Long <steve.long4...> Re: [MDBirding] Baby bird photo ID and questions
7/5/24 3:40 pm William Young <wcyoung4242...> [MDBirding] Mississippi Kite Chick in Rockville
7/4/24 2:17 pm 'Mike Bowen' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
7/4/24 12:20 pm 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
7/4/24 11:30 am '<marciastutzman...>' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
7/4/24 11:18 am '<marciastutzman...>' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
7/4/24 10:50 am 'Mike Bowen' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
7/4/24 9:47 am 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
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Date: 7/25/24 7:23 am
From: Charles Stirrat <stirrcr1...>
Subject: [MDBirding] MD/DC Fall Count Dates Sept 21-22, 2024 – Clarification/Correction
There has been some confusion over the dates for the count and then I
failed to update the dates from last year in the article appearing in the
latest Yellowthroat. The correct text should have been: “The annual Fall
Seasonal Bird Count sponsored by MOS is held on the weekend of the 3rd
Saturday in September in the Maryland-DC area. The MOS Board has left the
choice of whether the count will be on *Saturday the 21st or Sunday the
22nd* to local chapters and coordinators.” The 2024 updated information on
counts and checklist files will be posted on the MOS website Seasonal
Counts page in early August.

Chuck Stirrat

MOS Fall Count Coordinator

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Date: 7/23/24 11:49 am
From: William Young <wcyoung4242...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Mississippi Kite Nest at Welsh Park, 7-23-24

This morning, the Mississippi Kite chick at Welsh Park was standing on a
branch right next to the nest. For most of the time, the chick stayed in
one spot out in the open. A couple of times, an adult came to feed the
chick. This chick seems to be about a week ahead of the chick in a kite
nest I monitored at Monticello Park in Alexandria in 2017. Below are photos
of the chick standing next to the nest and one when the chick had just
received a food delivery from an adult.


Bill Young

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Date: 7/23/24 7:52 am
From: Cass <enbycass...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Lost Domestic Pigeon by Silver Spring metro

This isn't about a wild bird but thought maybe someone here might have
experience. I saw a white domestic pigeon with a red head in the flock at
Silver Spring Metro Station and noticed it had banded feet. Someone was
feeding all the pigeons (all the others were ferals) when I left. The
domestic pigeon did seem more friendly/less afraid than the others as I was
taking photos though they were all mobbing me for food.

I called City Wildlife and they told me to call Humane Rescue Alliance. HRA
said they couldn't help because this was across the border in Maryland. I
called Montgomery County Animal Services & Rescue even though they're three
times as far away but they do not open until 12.

I figured I'd reach out to the list in case anyone here has experience
rescuing lost pigeons and might be better equipped to take care of one
until it can be reunited with its owner.


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Date: 7/21/24 9:51 pm
From: JAMES SPEICHER <jugornought...>
Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Ferry Neck, July 12-16, 2024.
The online issues of The Kingbird don't include the previous 2-3 year's

So nothing after 2022.

Jim Speicher

On Sun, Jul 21, 2024, 12:16 PM Harry Armistead <harryarmistead...>

> FERRY NECK, JULY 12-16, 2024.
> Mitra in the *Kingbird*, March 2024, vol. 74, no. 1, “Editor’s note: the
> names of birds”, pp. 2-7. Literate, witty, brilliant even. “Standardized
> common names are useful to birders, and their relative stability over time
> and space is an asset. Losing so many of them would be enormously costly,
> especially compared to the supposed gains, which appear very doubtful in
> general and almost certainly very small, at best.” (p. 7). re “ … the
> proposal to remove the names of people from the standard common names of
> North American birds … “
> JULY 12, FRIDAY. Arrive 4:45, overcast, calm becoming SW 5-10, temps in
> the 70s, light rain off and on. Has rained c. 1” (bird bath is full) or
> more but there are no puddles or water in the ditches or Waterthrush Pond
> or the Varmint Pool. Many blossoms, finally, on the Rose of Sharon bushes.
> Complete list, seen 5:45-7:45, 1 unless specified otherwise,: Great Blue
> Heron, Green Heron 2, Osprey 7, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Mourning Dove,
> Northern Flicker, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow 2, Purple Martin, Fish Crow,
> Carolina Chickadee, Carolina Wren, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Northern Cardinal
> 3, Red-winged Blackbird 2, Common Grackle, Blue Jay, Chipping Sparrow,
> American Robin 2. No bluebirds or titmice, but they will be seen tomorrow,
> A Gray Squirrel at Royal Oak. Late in the day: 8:44 P.M. a Red Fox, 8:52
> two fawns with their 2 does, 8:57 a different Red Fox, 8:59 probably the
> 1st Red Fox again. Three additional does and a buck earlier. only 5
> fireflies. Eastern Cottontail 2, 3 additional deer (does) plus a fawn.
> Hackberry Emperor 3, strange to see them on an overcast, damp day and so
> late in the day. Anne, Derek & Alexis see a Raccoon on the driveway when
> they arrive c. 9:45 P.M.
> JULY 13, SATURDAY. left over rain, overcast, very damp in the morning,
> then gradually becoming fair, light winds, then SE 10-15, 70s to 85, hot
> and oppressive.
> not seen Friday: Turkey Vulture 1, Snowy Egret 1, Cattle Egret 1, Tufted
> Titmouse 2, Blue Jay 1, American Crow 1, Eastern Bluebird 1, Northern
> Mockingbird 1 American Goldfinch 1, and the Ayres see 3 Wild Turkeys, 2 Box
> Turtles, 3 Eastern Cottontails, a small Snapping Turtle.
> Delicious supper with tarts made with blackberries Anne and Alexis picked
> today.
> JULY 14, SUNDAY. wind SW 5-10, fair, 70s to near 90. very humid, close,
> not much fun, a short and very light rain in the late afternoon.
> Derek, Alexis & Anne leave for Philadelphia c. 11:30. They see a Box
> Turtle, again, and every day bring us the *Post* & *NYT*, Brown Thrasher
> 2, 1 each of Northern Flicker, Pileated, Downy & Red-bellied woodpeckers, 1
> Blue Grosbeak, 1 Great Crested Flycatcher, 1 Eastern Kingbird, 4 Blue
> Jays, 4 Brown-headed Cowbirds, 1 American Goldfinch. 4 Chipping sparrows,
> 2 of them likely fledglings.
> Various places on the Neck: 9 does plus 1 small fawn 2 skinks on the
> Front Porch. 1 Common Wood Nymph on the car hood, 3 Hackberry Emperors in
> their favorite spot, c. 20’ up around the Eastern Redcedar just east of the
> American Hackberry seen from the front porch. They are very active
> butterflies, don’t leave you much time to study them after they alight.
> Thousands of blackberries remain, but they are still mostly red, not ready
> for picking.
> JULY 15, MONDAY. phew! hot, humidity not too bad though, NW 5 or so,
> clear, low 80s to mid 90s. Going out the drive at 3 P.M. a Great Crested
> Flycatcher, a Gray Squirrel, 2 spotted fawns, 4 turkey poults with their
> momma, 96 degrees (up to 101 in St. Michaels).
> Even though sprayed earlier in July, our fields are starting to green up
> again, especially Fields 4 and 5. 5 P.M. 2 Gray Squirrels at the feed,
> choosing to not choose what one would suppose would be a refreshing dip in
> the adjacent birdbath, 90 degrees F. 6:40, the first post-breeding Belted
> Kingfisher of the summer, a fall arrival of sorts.
> JULY 16, TUESDAY. fair, SW 10, 86, hot and dry. By the driveway bend 40
> juvenile starlings. 1 Gray Squirrel. Farther out the driveway a
> half-grown young Gray Squirrel that has already mastered one skill set:
> scampering. CORDOVA, N of there a d.o.r. Woodchuck, *Requiescat in
> pavement*.
> -Best to all. - Harry Armistead, Bellevue & Philadelphia.
> --
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Date: 7/21/24 9:16 am
From: Harry Armistead <harryarmistead...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Ferry Neck, July 12-16, 2024.
FERRY NECK, JULY 12-16, 2024.

EXCELLENT ESSAY ON PROS AND CONS OF EPONYMIC BIRD NAMES by Shaibal S. Mitra in the Kingbird, March 2024, vol. 74, no. 1, “Editor’s note: the names of birds”, pp. 2-7. Literate, witty, brilliant even. “Standardized common names are useful to birders, and their relative stability over time and space is an asset. Losing so many of them would be enormously costly, especially compared to the supposed gains, which appear very doubtful in general and almost certainly very small, at best.” (p. 7). re “ … the proposal to remove the names of people from the standard common names of North American birds … “

JULY 12, FRIDAY. Arrive 4:45, overcast, calm becoming SW 5-10, temps in the 70s, light rain off and on. Has rained c. 1” (bird bath is full) or more but there are no puddles or water in the ditches or Waterthrush Pond or the Varmint Pool. Many blossoms, finally, on the Rose of Sharon bushes.

Complete list, seen 5:45-7:45, 1 unless specified otherwise,: Great Blue Heron, Green Heron 2, Osprey 7, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Mourning Dove, Northern Flicker, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow 2, Purple Martin, Fish Crow, Carolina Chickadee, Carolina Wren, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Northern Cardinal 3, Red-winged Blackbird 2, Common Grackle, Blue Jay, Chipping Sparrow, American Robin 2. No bluebirds or titmice, but they will be seen tomorrow,

A Gray Squirrel at Royal Oak. Late in the day: 8:44 P.M. a Red Fox, 8:52 two fawns with their 2 does, 8:57 a different Red Fox, 8:59 probably the 1st Red Fox again. Three additional does and a buck earlier. only 5 fireflies. Eastern Cottontail 2, 3 additional deer (does) plus a fawn. Hackberry Emperor 3, strange to see them on an overcast, damp day and so late in the day. Anne, Derek & Alexis see a Raccoon on the driveway when they arrive c. 9:45 P.M.

JULY 13, SATURDAY. left over rain, overcast, very damp in the morning, then gradually becoming fair, light winds, then SE 10-15, 70s to 85, hot and oppressive.

not seen Friday: Turkey Vulture 1, Snowy Egret 1, Cattle Egret 1, Tufted Titmouse 2, Blue Jay 1, American Crow 1, Eastern Bluebird 1, Northern Mockingbird 1 American Goldfinch 1, and the Ayres see 3 Wild Turkeys, 2 Box Turtles, 3 Eastern Cottontails, a small Snapping Turtle.

Delicious supper with tarts made with blackberries Anne and Alexis picked today.

JULY 14, SUNDAY. wind SW 5-10, fair, 70s to near 90. very humid, close, not much fun, a short and very light rain in the late afternoon.
Derek, Alexis & Anne leave for Philadelphia c. 11:30. They see a Box Turtle, again, and every day bring us the Post & NYT, Brown Thrasher 2, 1 each of Northern Flicker, Pileated, Downy & Red-bellied woodpeckers, 1 Blue Grosbeak, 1 Great Crested Flycatcher, 1 Eastern Kingbird, 4 Blue Jays, 4 Brown-headed Cowbirds, 1 American Goldfinch. 4 Chipping sparrows, 2 of them likely fledglings.

Various places on the Neck: 9 does plus 1 small fawn 2 skinks on the Front Porch. 1 Common Wood Nymph on the car hood, 3 Hackberry Emperors in their favorite spot, c. 20’ up around the Eastern Redcedar just east of the American Hackberry seen from the front porch. They are very active butterflies, don’t leave you much time to study them after they alight. Thousands of blackberries remain, but they are still mostly red, not ready for picking.

JULY 15, MONDAY. phew! hot, humidity not too bad though, NW 5 or so, clear, low 80s to mid 90s. Going out the drive at 3 P.M. a Great Crested Flycatcher, a Gray Squirrel, 2 spotted fawns, 4 turkey poults with their momma, 96 degrees (up to 101 in St. Michaels).

Even though sprayed earlier in July, our fields are starting to green up again, especially Fields 4 and 5. 5 P.M. 2 Gray Squirrels at the feed, choosing to not choose what one would suppose would be a refreshing dip in the adjacent birdbath, 90 degrees F. 6:40, the first post-breeding Belted Kingfisher of the summer, a fall arrival of sorts.

JULY 16, TUESDAY. fair, SW 10, 86, hot and dry. By the driveway bend 40 juvenile starlings. 1 Gray Squirrel. Farther out the driveway a half-grown young Gray Squirrel that has already mastered one skill set: scampering. CORDOVA, N of there a d.o.r. Woodchuck, Requiescat in pavement.
-Best to all. - Harry Armistead, Bellevue & Philadelphia.

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Date: 7/18/24 5:43 pm
From: William Young <wcyoung4242...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Mississippi Kite Chick at Welsh Park 7-18-24

The Mississippi Kite chick at Welsh Park is growing quickly. The photo with
the blue sky was taken exactly one week ago on July 11, showing the chick
in the nest. The next two photos were taken this morning. During this brief
time, the chick has gone from being a little white ball of fluff to being
almost as big as the adults. A photo from this morning shows one of the
chick's wings outstretched. Before long, the chick should be leaving the
immediate area of the nest and moving to some of the surrounding branches.
This morning, the adults were flying around, perching in the Black Locust
on the other side of the road, and occasionally bringing food to the chick.
The weather this morning was overcast, and the light was not good for
photography. Also, the chick spent a lot of time perched directly behind a


Bill Young

Kensington, MD

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Date: 7/15/24 7:09 am
From: Noah Comet <noahcomet...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Re: Night bird sound? (ID help)
Mystery solved---Fledgling Barred Owls! Thanks, all! (skip to 0:25)

On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 9:43 AM Noah Comet <noahcomet...> wrote:

> Learned list,
> A colleague captured this audio last night, in Anne Arundel County. I'm at
> a loss: begging call from a juvenile bird, perhaps? (Maybe not a bird at
> all?)
> *Audio file link
> <>*
> Note that I've cleaned up the audio and edited the file to shorten it:
> what you'll hear are three distinct calls back-to-back: in actuality there
> was about a 5-to-10-second gap between each of those calls. They said it
> sounded like it was coming from up in a tree. My birding audio apps are
> coming up empty, but that could be an audio quality issue.
> One of those moments when I wish I were a better by-ear birder!
> Thanks,
> Noah

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Date: 7/15/24 6:43 am
From: Noah Comet <noahcomet...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Night bird sound? (ID help)
Learned list,

A colleague captured this audio last night, in Anne Arundel County. I'm at
a loss: begging call from a juvenile bird, perhaps? (Maybe not a bird at

*Audio file link

Note that I've cleaned up the audio and edited the file to shorten it: what
you'll hear are three distinct calls back-to-back: in actuality there was
about a 5-to-10-second gap between each of those calls. They said it
sounded like it was coming from up in a tree. My birding audio apps are
coming up empty, but that could be an audio quality issue.

One of those moments when I wish I were a better by-ear birder!


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Date: 7/14/24 10:05 am
From: Lisa Wilcox Deyo <lisawilcoxdeyo...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Fwd: MNPS Field Trip: Wetlands at Wildlife Management Areas – McKee Beshers WMA (Sunday), 08/04/2024
Thought this may be of interest.

Lisa Wilcox Deyo

Registration is now open.

MNPS Field Trip: Wetlands at Wildlife Management Areas – McKee Beshers WMA

08/04/2024 8:00 AM
McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area (Montgomery County)


*Leaders*: Bradley Simpson and Judy Fulton

*Location*: McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area
McKee-Behsers WMA boasts a unique flora with state rare orchids, swaths of
swamp milkweed, swamp rose mallow, and so much more. Please join us to
explore the special plants that thrive in Maryland’s Wildlife Management

*Notes*: About 1.5 miles on flat, natural surface trails. This walk has
little to no tree cover so please dress accordingly!

*For additional informatio*n: Bradley Simpson Email: <bsimpso2...>
Phone: 443-433-8819

ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Limited to 15 people. Registration through
July 28, 2024 for members only. Directions will be included in
registration confirmation.

*Wear *Long pants, closed-toe shoes, socks over bottoms of pants to exclude
ticks, sunhat.

*Bring*: Sunscreen, insect repellant, water bottles.

*Cancellation Policy:* The walk will proceed in drizzle, but will be
cancelled if heavy rain or thunderstorm; cancellation will be emailed at
least 2 hours before meeting time

Bradley Simpson, MNPS Board Member and Habitat Manager at Nature Forward is
graduate from the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) where he
earned a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy concentrating in Wildlife
Ecology and Management. His work in the plant field has included research
as well as active management of an urban forest. He has conducted urban
forest research in New York City and at Woodend Nature Sanctuary,
categorizing thousands of plants in the process. Currently, he manages the
restoration of Woodend’s natural habitats, specifically the 29 acres of
forest and shares his knowledge of plants through many education programs.
He is also in the process of obtaining a master’s degree from UMD to deepen
his understanding of urban forest ecology.


*Note that An "Account" is not A "Membership" *Our website allows
non-members to have a "Contact Account" to receive emails about upcoming
field trips, programs, and other events. When you login, click on your name
(it should be on the top right of the page); if there are no details on
membership, you are have a "Contact Account" only. Consider joining to
support our programs and take advantage of members-only early registration.

For a listing of all events:

Best regards from

Maryland Native Plant Society

To invite others, please copy and send them this link: MNPS Field Trip:
Wetlands at Wildlife Management Areas – McKee Beshers WMA (Sunday)

Unsubscribe from event announcements

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Date: 7/11/24 2:53 pm
From: 'Gail Frantz' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
Subject: [MDBirding] It's True...
They will come to you.This afternoon a Red-shouldered Hawk sat on our back porch railing for over 1/2 hr. He/she was less than 4 ft away from our hummingbird feeder. Eventually, a juvenile hummingbird approached the feeder for its usual lunch.Uh-oh, noticed Big Bird, took some seconds to fly around it, stopped in mid-flight, looked, and finally flew away. Never did get any sweet water, at least not then.The hawk paid no attention. G FrantzOld Hanover RdReisterstown, Md

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Date: 7/11/24 9:05 am
From: Harry Armistead <harryarmistead...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Ferry Neck, June 26 - July 2, 2024.
FERRY NECK, JUNE 26 - JULY 2, 2024. Lots of Queen Anne’s Lace everywhere. A few cicadas, fireflies.

In memory of Orlando Garrido, 1931-2024. It was great that he accompanied us for half of our tour of Cuba. The bus would stop and he would get out to point out something. It was hard to keep up with him, then in his eighties. He and his brothers were finalists in the Canadian Open (tennis). He played at Wimbledon 6 times. When he was with us, during that stage of his life, he would often swim offshore half a mile and back most days. He pointed out a big lizard to us, one he had first described to science. I remember him showing us the nest of a Cuban Black Hawk; they fed heavily on land crabs (the crabs gave me the creeps). Look up to the ceiling of an outdoor cafe and there would be crabs clustered in the corners. Orlando took a fancy to my florid evening shirt, full of trogons. I was going to send him one and never got around to it. No one would have deserved more my giving “the shirt off my back”. He was the author of hundreds of articles as well as the ranking Cuban bird guide. He named dozens of animals new to science, especially anoles.

For a fascinating tribute Google his name and hit on a tribute on his 90th birthday, that in my tech ineptitude, I can’t figure out how to cut and paste here.

JUNE 26, WEDNESDAY. Now when you head out Route 33 headed to St. Michaels when you get to Oak Creek then BAM, there is the great expanse of Miles River. What a great welcome to the Eastern Shore. What a view! At low or lowish tide there is an impressive amount of SAV there this year, lots of underwater grasses, with, today, a big flock of Canada Geese availing themselves of it.

Arrive 5:15, 93 degrees F., mostly overcast, SW 10-20, some rain forecast but just a few pathetic drops. It is VERY dry now. Box Turtle 1, goes back and forth across the head of the driveway several times, sometimes stopping and craning its head and neck, having a good looksee. Gray Squirrel 1. Indigo Bunting 1, Great Blue Heron 1, Turkey Vulture 8, Osprey 2 (no sign of eggs or young in spite of the female being in an incubating posture the entire time of our previous visit), Barn Swallow 8, Purple Martin 2, Fish Crow 1 Eastern Bluebird 1. no terrapin.

Corpus delecti 1. Ribs, bones, and strange very dark fur, perhaps 2 feet long out past the tire swing.. I’ll look at it tomorrow, but, the trouble is, it disappears overnight, perhaps by a fox or coon.

JUNE 27, THURSDAY. clear, 70s - 86, NW 5-10, then SW light and calm. Great Egret 1. Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1. Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1. Indigo Bunting sings right in the yard. Green Heron 1. Red-bellied Woodpecker 1. Chipping Sparrow 1. 33 schools of minnows at one time based on their surface water disturbances and 1 one foot fish jumps at the head of the cove. 1 bluet.

Eastern Cottontail 1. Gray Squirrel 2. Box Turtle 2 (differs from yesterday’s; they often appear right after a rain). A small, 5” skink, highly-marked female with nice striping, on the front porch. Haven’t seen a terrapin in days. I guess I just don’t understand their spatiotemporal ways. 3 Wild Turkeys. 1 Pearl Crescent. 0.85” of rain last night but no puddles and the Varmint Pool and Waterthrush Pond still dry.

JUNE 28, FRIDAY. clear, NW15, then ESE 15-20, low 70s - 83, low humidity. From the front porch Liz sees 2 hummingbirds attracted to the Coral Bells, a Carolina Wren building a nest in the boxwood, 2 deer, and a Fowler’s Toad, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

Out by the cove: a Snowy Egret, 3 Cattle Egrets, a Great Blue Heron, 2 Bald Eagles. By the back porch the first blossoms of the Rose of Sharon Bushes. Big dead limb from the Tulip Tree fallen last night. I put out 2 red Wawa bags in hopes to attract more hummers. No terrapin. Corpus delecti 2. Dead, smallish deer in the interdal zone across the cove. This, too, disappears.

JUNE 29, SATURDAY. Mostly fair, SSE 15-20, low 70s - 87. Nancy Lytell and Ann Starr throw a party for Ferry Neck folks, 3-6.

Great Crested Flycatcher 1, Blue Grosbeak 1, Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1, Chipping Sparrow 1, pretty much the same old gang. Steady batch of Tree Swallows over Field 1 with a Barn Swallow or two.

eastern cottontailed bunny wabbit 1, squirreleepooh 1, Reynard 1, 1 hop toad, a little baby fawnlet 1 (real young/small). Red-Spotted Purple 1. 6 deer (does) in Field 1 and a single doe later with her half-grown fawn. That’s about it for today Sports Fans, no doubleheads, haners, or turkles. If we had been in the woods say 40 minutes after sunset we might have heard the “hollerin boys”.

Old Charlie used to say “Be good or the hollerin’ boys will get yuh.” I can’t say for sure, but I think he might have thought Chuck-will’s-widows were the hollerin’ boys. Charlie resides in the small graveyard near the A-frame house. I need to go there to get, from his headstone, his dates and middle initial (M?). The little blue foot stool he made, in our living room here, is a work of art.

Two Brer Rabbit Stories from the Eastern Shore of Maryland
S. G. Armistead<>
The Journal of American Folklore<>, Vol. 84, No. 334 (Oct. - Dec., 1971), pp. 442-444 (3 pages).

In Tranquility, where my grandparents (Sophie [Ashton] Tucker, Henry Tucker, M.D.) used to live, Brother Gordon (Gordy) recorded these stories when he was an advanced teen, late 1940s, from Charles Cook, published them many years later. Old Charlie could not read or write so Gordy knew he’d learned them from oral tradition.

JUNE 30, SUNDAY. overcast, humid, “close”, 70s to mid-80s, 90 in fact, SE5. Rain, 8:02 to 9 P.M., slightly better than no rain at all. Pileated Woodpecker 1, Orchard Oriole 1, Pine Warbler 1, Black Vulture 3. Carolina Wren nesting out front is deafening. When close I have to turn down my hearing aids 4 clicks. As the sergeants used to say in my Army years, “sound off like you got a pair.” 2 rabbits, 1 squirrel, 1 Cope’s Gray Treefrog. Great Crested Flycatcher, Blue Grosbeak, Pine Warbler, 2 Mallards, Yellow-billed Cuckoo. That Orchard Oriole my 1st here this year, hard to believe.

JULY 1, MONDAY. Happy Fiscal New Year. high 60s to c. 80, NW 15-25 m.p.h., clear, low humidity. Carolina Wren nest with 2 young in the folded Kamp Rite chair on the front porch. Very dry, the light rain last night didn’t help. Blue Grosbeak. Chipping Sparrow 2. Gray Squirrel 1. 2 Bank Swallows. Spend most of the day doing paperwork and chores.

Half-grown Eastern Cottontail. Winds gradually diminishing. Yes, gradually. Tide out to the end of the dock. Mud on cove bottom curiously pockmarked. Green Heron 1. Great Blue Heron 1. Osprey with tiny fish, about all I’ve seen them with this summer.

JULY 2, TUESDAY. clear, 77, E 15, cool, low humidity. 1 gray squirrel. leave 10 A.M. So glad Easton Diner is open again, after the fire there.

Best to all. - Harry Armistead, Bellevue & Philadelphia.

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Date: 7/9/24 5:22 am
From: Steve Long <steve.long4...>
Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Baby bird photo ID and questions
Considering that it appears to be in a roadway, I would try to
"encourage" it to get to a safer location.  Birds do not understand cars
and trucks, especially baby birds.

Steve Long

On 7/7/2024 8:46 PM, Scott Baron wrote:
> Paul,
> The bird in the photo is a Robin fledgling. It is not quite capable of
> flight but you can let it be. It seems that the parents are nearby and
> are caring for it.
> Scott Baron
> Damascus, Md.
> On Sun, Jul 7, 2024, 8:32 PM Paul Tierno <paul.tierno...> wrote:
> Hi all-
> See the attached (not great) picture of a baby bird I came across
> outside my house in Rockville, Maryland. I guessed it is a robin
> based on nothing really, and I'm wondering if you can confirm.
> Also, it was hiding in the nook of a tree root when my wife
> accidentally came across it. My Merlin app identified an adult
> robin nearby calling repeatedly- I assumed (again based solely on
> anthropomorphizing) that they are communicating with each other.
> If they are not miraculously rejoined, and if I see it again,
> should I "do" anything?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> --
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Date: 7/5/24 3:40 pm
From: William Young <wcyoung4242...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Mississippi Kite Chick in Rockville

I went with a friend to Welsh Park in Rockville this morning a bit before
11 a.m. to look at the Mississippi Kite nest. As I was setting up my
telescope to look at the nest, the male flew into the top of a tall Black
Locust tree next to where we were standing. We went to the other side of
the tree and watched the male on one of the bare branches near the top of
the tree for more than 20 minutes. He preened, and he also opened his wings
to sun himself. He made a number of flights to grab large insects, each
time returning to the same tree. He ate some of the insects, but once, he
caught an insect and accidentally dropped it into the middle of the tree.
When he finally left the tree, my friend and I went to look at the nest. We
saw the female who had her wings partially open with her back to the sun.
She was shielding her chick, who eventually popped up and was visible. I
saw only one small chick, and there was no sign of any other chicks in the
nest. Pictures are below.


Bill Young

Kensington, MD

Author of *The Fascination of Birds: From the Albatross to the Yellowthroat*

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Date: 7/4/24 2:17 pm
From: 'Mike Bowen' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
Thanks to everyone who has provided us with enough information so that we can confidently rename this AA County Hotspot as:
Beach Rd. (U.S. Navy property; No Trespassing enforced)
It was painful to discover during the search for information that Hugh Vandervoort, who provided almost all the sightings data for this Hotspot, passed away just last month.
Mike Bowen

D. H. Michael Bowen
8609 Ewing Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817Phone: (202) 236-0510Ambassador for American Bird Conservancy, helping ABC help the birdseBird volunteer Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, and the Republic of Ghana

On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 04:08:04 PM EDT, Patrick Lewis <pdlewis514...> wrote:

Forgot to include Mike Bowen!
On Thu, Jul 4, 2024 at 4:06 PM Patrick Lewis <pdlewis514...> wrote:

I'm not familiar with AA Co. bird-wise, but I checked a map and that road is within NSA Annapolis, the military base on which the Academy is located. The portion across the Severn is where the base support personnel (police officers, logistics, medics, commissary, facilities, etc) work out of and, in some cases, live. Definitely military property that shouldn't be entered! As far as increased enforcement, it might be due to elevated Force Protection Condition levels due to terrorism fears as a result of the wars in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza. Here's a map showing the immediate area and what is and isn't US Government property (the hatched red areas are):

Good birding,Patrick LewisLoudoun County VA
On Thu, Jul 4, 2024 at 3:20 PM 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...> wrote:

Mike, Jessy Oberright will be contacting you via email. She has some of the same questions for the Navy and hasn't gotten any response from them. I suggested making an update now to warn all eBirders who might be thinking of going there. She can always follow up at a later time if anything changes or the Navy provides clarification.

On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 2:30:17 PM UTC-4 <marcias......> wrote:

Maybe "US Gov property. No trespassing enforced"


On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 02:18:42 PM EDT, <marciastutzman...> <marciastutzman...> wrote:

In case anyone has not heard Hugh Vandervoort passed away recently.

Hugh Vandervoort Obituary
Hugh Vandervoort was born June 14, 1944, and passed on June 23, 2024. He was a friend of the Trumpter Swans, a Vietnam veteran, avid bird watcher, and nature lover. He loved, and was loved by his three sisters - Dinny, Muffin, and Marty. Rest in Peace Hugh. Donations in his name may be made to the Trumpeter Swan Society: More room in your heart for love, for the trees! For the birds who own nothing - the reason they can fly. - Excerpt from Storage by Mary Oliver


On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 01:50:45 PM EDT, Mike Bowen <dhmbowen...> wrote:

I can amend the name and/or position of an eBird Hotspot in Maryland, but neither I nor anyone else can remove it since it has over 400 checklists and a great deal of data associated with it.
So here is what I am planning on doing pending comments from Marcy or anyone else (especially Hugh Vandervoort) who is familiar with this specific area --  amending the name to
Beach Rd. (AA Co.) (now private and inaccessible)
The existing Hotspot is positioned in eBird at the very end of Beach Rd., on the Severn River, at a place called "North Severn Beach" on Google Maps.
Do we know how much of Beach Rd. is off limits to the public?  It does look as if the various properties along the road belong to or are somehow associated with the U.S. Navy.  Also, is any part of Kincaid Rd., used to reach Beach Rd., also off limits to civilians?
My suggested revised name for the Hotspot, if used, would strongly indicate that the entire length of Beach Rd. is off limits to birders.
Hugh Vandervoort is by far the most active eBirder at this Hotspot, so if Hugh is reading this post, we'd be very glad to receive his advice.  eBird would of course welcome hearing from anyone who works with or for the Navy in this part of the State.  Post here and/or e-mail me at <dhmbowen...>

Mike BowenBethesdaeBird Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland


D. H. Michael Bowen
8609 Ewing Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817Phone: (202) 236-0510Ambassador for American Bird Conservancy, helping ABC help the birdseBird volunteer Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, and the Republic of Ghana

On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:50:31 PM EDT, James Tyler Bell <jtylerbell...> wrote:

Can't remember which Ostrowski brother is the editor so ignore if I added the wrong one!
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>To: Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:47:52 PM EDTSubject: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
I'm not sure who can update description of the eBird Hotspot, Beach Road (AA Co.), but maybe he/she/they are in this group.
The Facebook page, Save Greenbury Point, has been posting about the USN cracking down on trespassers. I've never been to Beach Road, so I don't know specifically how people are trespassing. 
Here are two recent posting:
Fellow birders. Please do not go to the Beach Road hot spot on eBird where the nesting Trumpeter swans have been reported. The no trespassing signs at the entrance are now being rigorously enforced. Violations result in a charge of trespassing on a military installation which is not trivial. I've contacted eBird to ask them to remove that hotspot or mark it as restricted. Hopefully they'll do it soon so no one has an unpleasant experience.
!!!IMPORTANT!!!! PLEASE READ...This morning a member who was monitoring Hugh's swans off Beach Road/Woolchurch Pond was ticketed and ordered to federal court for trespassing. Birdwatchers PLEASE DO NOT GO DOWN TO THAT AREA as it's designated as restricted and you risk federal prosecution. Apparently this includes access near the campground and the old comissary, too. Obey all posted signage there AND at Greenbury Point. They are cracking down. I would just stay away from Beach Road until it's clarified where civilians can be. If you are military you might be able to get permission. Supposedly there is a number to call on a sign somewhere. If anyone has more details let us know.
Just passing it along,
Marcy StutzmanRussett, MD

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Patrick D. <Lewispdlewis514...>

Patrick D. <Lewispdlewis514...>

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Date: 7/4/24 12:20 pm
From: 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
Mike, Jessy Oberright will be contacting you via email. She has some of the
same questions for the Navy and hasn't gotten any response from them. I
suggested making an update now to warn all eBirders who might be thinking
of going there. She can always follow up at a later time if anything
changes or the Navy provides clarification.


On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 2:30:17 PM UTC-4 <marcias......> wrote:

> Maybe "US Gov property. No trespassing enforced"
> Marcy
> On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 02:18:42 PM EDT, <marciastutzman...>
> <marciastutzman...> wrote:
> In case anyone has not heard Hugh Vandervoort passed away recently.
> Hugh Vandervoort Obituary
> Hugh Vandervoort was born June 14, 1944, and passed on June 23, 2024. He
> was a friend of the Trumpter Swans, a Vietnam veteran, avid bird watcher,
> and nature lover. He loved, and was loved by his three sisters - Dinny,
> Muffin, and Marty. Rest in Peace Hugh. Donations in his name may be made to
> the Trumpeter Swan Society:
> More room in your
> heart for love, for the trees! For the birds who own nothing - the reason
> they can fly. - Excerpt from Storage by Mary Oliver
> Marcy
> On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 01:50:45 PM EDT, Mike Bowen <
> <dhmbowen...> wrote:
> I can amend the name and/or position of an eBird Hotspot in Maryland, but
> neither I nor anyone else can remove it since it has over 400 checklists
> and a great deal of data associated with it.
> So here is what I am planning on doing pending comments from Marcy or
> anyone else (especially Hugh Vandervoort) who is familiar with this
> specific area -- amending the name to Beach Rd. (AA Co.)
> <> (now private and inaccessible)
> The existing Hotspot is positioned in eBird at the very end of Beach Rd.,
> on the Severn River, at a place called "North Severn Beach" on Google Maps.
> Do we know how much of Beach Rd. is off limits to the public? It does
> look as if the various properties along the road belong to or are somehow
> associated with the U.S. Navy. Also, is any part of Kincaid Rd., used to
> reach Beach Rd., also off limits to civilians?
> My suggested revised name for the Hotspot, if used, would strongly
> indicate that the entire length of Beach Rd. is off limits to birders.
> Hugh Vandervoort is by far the most active eBirder at this Hotspot, so if
> Hugh is reading this post, we'd be very glad to receive his advice. eBird
> would of course welcome hearing from anyone who works with or for the Navy
> in this part of the State. Post here and/or e-mail me at
> <dhmbowen...>
> Mike Bowen
> Bethesda
> eBird Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland
> D. H. Michael Bowen
> 8609 Ewing Drive
> Bethesda, Maryland 20817
> Phone: (202) 236-0510
> Ambassador for American Bird Conservancy, helping ABC help the birds
> eBird volunteer Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland, Delaware, the
> District of Columbia, and the Republic of Ghana
> On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:50:31 PM EDT, James Tyler Bell <
> <jtylerbell...> wrote:
> Can't remember which Ostrowski brother is the editor so ignore if I added
> the wrong one!
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> *From:* 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <
> <mdbirding...>
> *To:* Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:47:52 PM EDT
> *Subject:* [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
> I'm not sure who can update description of the eBird Hotspot, Beach Road
> (AA Co.), but maybe he/she/they are in this group.
> The Facebook page, Save Greenbury Point
> <[0]=AZXVGnLT5dG1fK4Ch6cgLuM7qCo_pKYbbG1zeAAQKtnVWQkhtAu10hpNpxpmCUNhZ5AnTrb7-hfjNq3d2A5CsuuLJKesgSoQt7I1RlwV6YzU8NIrP7O4VfxQUgDILGobXr5F00ZvQfkhN5fM8KcacmWqjp5fGeKZnPjMGvebe68hxu4r8bMxxScTc3jS1_Ansfud-U12u0wi6uJbsLaYuTGYSiipyav25jZmqh5vp_aqdEFCTuX4ENGLSWnVSBPaclR2_AQ1E4F07B_Btc9JpSrD&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-R>,
> has been posting about the USN cracking down on trespassers. I've never
> been to Beach Road, so I don't know specifically how people are
> trespassing.
> Here are two recent posting:
> Fellow birders. Please do not go to the Beach Road hot spot on eBird where
> the nesting Trumpeter swans have been reported. The no trespassing signs at
> the entrance are now being rigorously enforced. Violations result in a
> charge of trespassing on a military installation which is not trivial. I've
> contacted eBird to ask them to remove that hotspot or mark it as
> restricted. Hopefully they'll do it soon so no one has an unpleasant
> experience.
> This morning a member who was monitoring Hugh's swans off Beach
> Road/Woolchurch Pond was ticketed and ordered to federal court for
> trespassing. Birdwatchers PLEASE DO NOT GO DOWN TO THAT AREA as it's
> designated as restricted and you risk federal prosecution. Apparently this
> includes access near the campground and the old comissary, too. Obey all
> posted signage there AND at Greenbury Point. They are cracking down. I
> would just stay away from Beach Road until it's clarified where civilians
> can be. If you are military you might be able to get permission. Supposedly
> there is a number to call on a sign somewhere. If anyone has more details
> let us know.
> Just passing it along,
> Marcy Stutzman
> Russett, MD

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Back to top
Date: 7/4/24 11:30 am
From: '<marciastutzman...>' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
Maybe "US Gov property. No trespassing enforced"


On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 02:18:42 PM EDT, <marciastutzman...> <marciastutzman...> wrote:

In case anyone has not heard Hugh Vandervoort passed away recently.

Hugh Vandervoort Obituary
Hugh Vandervoort was born June 14, 1944, and passed on June 23, 2024. He was a friend of the Trumpter Swans, a Vietnam veteran, avid bird watcher, and nature lover. He loved, and was loved by his three sisters - Dinny, Muffin, and Marty. Rest in Peace Hugh. Donations in his name may be made to the Trumpeter Swan Society: More room in your heart for love, for the trees! For the birds who own nothing - the reason they can fly. - Excerpt from Storage by Mary Oliver


On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 01:50:45 PM EDT, Mike Bowen <dhmbowen...> wrote:

I can amend the name and/or position of an eBird Hotspot in Maryland, but neither I nor anyone else can remove it since it has over 400 checklists and a great deal of data associated with it.
So here is what I am planning on doing pending comments from Marcy or anyone else (especially Hugh Vandervoort) who is familiar with this specific area --  amending the name to
Beach Rd. (AA Co.) (now private and inaccessible)
The existing Hotspot is positioned in eBird at the very end of Beach Rd., on the Severn River, at a place called "North Severn Beach" on Google Maps.
Do we know how much of Beach Rd. is off limits to the public?  It does look as if the various properties along the road belong to or are somehow associated with the U.S. Navy.  Also, is any part of Kincaid Rd., used to reach Beach Rd., also off limits to civilians?
My suggested revised name for the Hotspot, if used, would strongly indicate that the entire length of Beach Rd. is off limits to birders.
Hugh Vandervoort is by far the most active eBirder at this Hotspot, so if Hugh is reading this post, we'd be very glad to receive his advice.  eBird would of course welcome hearing from anyone who works with or for the Navy in this part of the State.  Post here and/or e-mail me at <dhmbowen...>

Mike BowenBethesdaeBird Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland


D. H. Michael Bowen
8609 Ewing Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817Phone: (202) 236-0510Ambassador for American Bird Conservancy, helping ABC help the birdseBird volunteer Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, and the Republic of Ghana

On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:50:31 PM EDT, James Tyler Bell <jtylerbell...> wrote:

Can't remember which Ostrowski brother is the editor so ignore if I added the wrong one!
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>To: Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:47:52 PM EDTSubject: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
I'm not sure who can update description of the eBird Hotspot, Beach Road (AA Co.), but maybe he/she/they are in this group.
The Facebook page, Save Greenbury Point, has been posting about the USN cracking down on trespassers. I've never been to Beach Road, so I don't know specifically how people are trespassing. 
Here are two recent posting:
Fellow birders. Please do not go to the Beach Road hot spot on eBird where the nesting Trumpeter swans have been reported. The no trespassing signs at the entrance are now being rigorously enforced. Violations result in a charge of trespassing on a military installation which is not trivial. I've contacted eBird to ask them to remove that hotspot or mark it as restricted. Hopefully they'll do it soon so no one has an unpleasant experience.
!!!IMPORTANT!!!! PLEASE READ...This morning a member who was monitoring Hugh's swans off Beach Road/Woolchurch Pond was ticketed and ordered to federal court for trespassing. Birdwatchers PLEASE DO NOT GO DOWN TO THAT AREA as it's designated as restricted and you risk federal prosecution. Apparently this includes access near the campground and the old comissary, too. Obey all posted signage there AND at Greenbury Point. They are cracking down. I would just stay away from Beach Road until it's clarified where civilians can be. If you are military you might be able to get permission. Supposedly there is a number to call on a sign somewhere. If anyone has more details let us know.
Just passing it along,
Marcy StutzmanRussett, MD

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Date: 7/4/24 11:18 am
From: '<marciastutzman...>' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
In case anyone has not heard Hugh Vandervoort passed away recently.

Hugh Vandervoort Obituary
Hugh Vandervoort was born June 14, 1944, and passed on June 23, 2024. He was a friend of the Trumpter Swans, a Vietnam veteran, avid bird watcher, and nature lover. He loved, and was loved by his three sisters - Dinny, Muffin, and Marty. Rest in Peace Hugh. Donations in his name may be made to the Trumpeter Swan Society: More room in your heart for love, for the trees! For the birds who own nothing - the reason they can fly. - Excerpt from Storage by Mary Oliver


On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 01:50:45 PM EDT, Mike Bowen <dhmbowen...> wrote:

I can amend the name and/or position of an eBird Hotspot in Maryland, but neither I nor anyone else can remove it since it has over 400 checklists and a great deal of data associated with it.
So here is what I am planning on doing pending comments from Marcy or anyone else (especially Hugh Vandervoort) who is familiar with this specific area --  amending the name to
Beach Rd. (AA Co.) (now private and inaccessible)
The existing Hotspot is positioned in eBird at the very end of Beach Rd., on the Severn River, at a place called "North Severn Beach" on Google Maps.
Do we know how much of Beach Rd. is off limits to the public?  It does look as if the various properties along the road belong to or are somehow associated with the U.S. Navy.  Also, is any part of Kincaid Rd., used to reach Beach Rd., also off limits to civilians?
My suggested revised name for the Hotspot, if used, would strongly indicate that the entire length of Beach Rd. is off limits to birders.
Hugh Vandervoort is by far the most active eBirder at this Hotspot, so if Hugh is reading this post, we'd be very glad to receive his advice.  eBird would of course welcome hearing from anyone who works with or for the Navy in this part of the State.  Post here and/or e-mail me at <dhmbowen...>

Mike BowenBethesdaeBird Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland


D. H. Michael Bowen
8609 Ewing Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817Phone: (202) 236-0510Ambassador for American Bird Conservancy, helping ABC help the birdseBird volunteer Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, and the Republic of Ghana

On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:50:31 PM EDT, James Tyler Bell <jtylerbell...> wrote:

Can't remember which Ostrowski brother is the editor so ignore if I added the wrong one!
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>To: Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:47:52 PM EDTSubject: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
I'm not sure who can update description of the eBird Hotspot, Beach Road (AA Co.), but maybe he/she/they are in this group.
The Facebook page, Save Greenbury Point, has been posting about the USN cracking down on trespassers. I've never been to Beach Road, so I don't know specifically how people are trespassing. 
Here are two recent posting:
Fellow birders. Please do not go to the Beach Road hot spot on eBird where the nesting Trumpeter swans have been reported. The no trespassing signs at the entrance are now being rigorously enforced. Violations result in a charge of trespassing on a military installation which is not trivial. I've contacted eBird to ask them to remove that hotspot or mark it as restricted. Hopefully they'll do it soon so no one has an unpleasant experience.
!!!IMPORTANT!!!! PLEASE READ...This morning a member who was monitoring Hugh's swans off Beach Road/Woolchurch Pond was ticketed and ordered to federal court for trespassing. Birdwatchers PLEASE DO NOT GO DOWN TO THAT AREA as it's designated as restricted and you risk federal prosecution. Apparently this includes access near the campground and the old comissary, too. Obey all posted signage there AND at Greenbury Point. They are cracking down. I would just stay away from Beach Road until it's clarified where civilians can be. If you are military you might be able to get permission. Supposedly there is a number to call on a sign somewhere. If anyone has more details let us know.
Just passing it along,
Marcy StutzmanRussett, MD

-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group 'Maryland & DC Birding'.
To view group guidelines or change email preferences, visit this group on the web at
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Date: 7/4/24 10:50 am
From: 'Mike Bowen' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
I can amend the name and/or position of an eBird Hotspot in Maryland, but neither I nor anyone else can remove it since it has over 400 checklists and a great deal of data associated with it.
So here is what I am planning on doing pending comments from Marcy or anyone else (especially Hugh Vandervoort) who is familiar with this specific area --  amending the name to
Beach Rd. (AA Co.) (now private and inaccessible)
The existing Hotspot is positioned in eBird at the very end of Beach Rd., on the Severn River, at a place called "North Severn Beach" on Google Maps.
Do we know how much of Beach Rd. is off limits to the public?  It does look as if the various properties along the road belong to or are somehow associated with the U.S. Navy.  Also, is any part of Kincaid Rd., used to reach Beach Rd., also off limits to civilians?
My suggested revised name for the Hotspot, if used, would strongly indicate that the entire length of Beach Rd. is off limits to birders.
Hugh Vandervoort is by far the most active eBirder at this Hotspot, so if Hugh is reading this post, we'd be very glad to receive his advice.  eBird would of course welcome hearing from anyone who works with or for the Navy in this part of the State.  Post here and/or e-mail me at <dhmbowen...>

Mike BowenBethesdaeBird Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland


D. H. Michael Bowen
8609 Ewing Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20817Phone: (202) 236-0510Ambassador for American Bird Conservancy, helping ABC help the birdseBird volunteer Hotspot Reviewer/Editor for Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, and the Republic of Ghana

On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:50:31 PM EDT, James Tyler Bell <jtylerbell...> wrote:

Can't remember which Ostrowski brother is the editor so ignore if I added the wrong one!
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>To: Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 12:47:52 PM EDTSubject: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
I'm not sure who can update description of the eBird Hotspot, Beach Road (AA Co.), but maybe he/she/they are in this group.
The Facebook page, Save Greenbury Point, has been posting about the USN cracking down on trespassers. I've never been to Beach Road, so I don't know specifically how people are trespassing. 
Here are two recent posting:
Fellow birders. Please do not go to the Beach Road hot spot on eBird where the nesting Trumpeter swans have been reported. The no trespassing signs at the entrance are now being rigorously enforced. Violations result in a charge of trespassing on a military installation which is not trivial. I've contacted eBird to ask them to remove that hotspot or mark it as restricted. Hopefully they'll do it soon so no one has an unpleasant experience.
!!!IMPORTANT!!!! PLEASE READ...This morning a member who was monitoring Hugh's swans off Beach Road/Woolchurch Pond was ticketed and ordered to federal court for trespassing. Birdwatchers PLEASE DO NOT GO DOWN TO THAT AREA as it's designated as restricted and you risk federal prosecution. Apparently this includes access near the campground and the old comissary, too. Obey all posted signage there AND at Greenbury Point. They are cracking down. I would just stay away from Beach Road until it's clarified where civilians can be. If you are military you might be able to get permission. Supposedly there is a number to call on a sign somewhere. If anyone has more details let us know.
Just passing it along,
Marcy StutzmanRussett, MD

-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group 'Maryland & DC Birding'.
To view group guidelines or change email preferences, visit this group on the web at
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Maryland & DC Birding" group.
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To view this discussion on the web visit<1319923178.625991.1720115432186...>


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Date: 7/4/24 9:47 am
From: 'Marcy Stutzman' via Maryland & DC Birding <mdbirding...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Beach Road, Anne Arundel County Hotspot in eBird
I'm not sure who can update description of the eBird Hotspot, Beach Road
(AA Co.), but maybe he/she/they are in this group.

The Facebook page, Save Greenbury Point
has been posting about the USN cracking down on trespassers. I've never
been to Beach Road, so I don't know specifically how people are

Here are two recent posting:
Fellow birders. Please do not go to the Beach Road hot spot on eBird where
the nesting Trumpeter swans have been reported. The no trespassing signs at
the entrance are now being rigorously enforced. Violations result in a
charge of trespassing on a military installation which is not trivial. I've
contacted eBird to ask them to remove that hotspot or mark it as
restricted. Hopefully they'll do it soon so no one has an unpleasant

This morning a member who was monitoring Hugh's swans off Beach
Road/Woolchurch Pond was ticketed and ordered to federal court for
trespassing. Birdwatchers PLEASE DO NOT GO DOWN TO THAT AREA as it's
designated as restricted and you risk federal prosecution. Apparently this
includes access near the campground and the old comissary, too. Obey all
posted signage there AND at Greenbury Point. They are cracking down. I
would just stay away from Beach Road until it's clarified where civilians
can be. If you are military you might be able to get permission. Supposedly
there is a number to call on a sign somewhere. If anyone has more details
let us know.

Just passing it along,

Marcy Stutzman
Russett, MD

-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group 'Maryland & DC Birding'.
To view group guidelines or change email preferences, visit this group on the web at
Unfamiliar with a hotspot mentioned on this list? Quickly locate it here -
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to mdbirding+<unsubscribe...>
To view this discussion on the web visit<61450fab-f496-4ba1-ad47-bde392fa675an...>


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