Received From Subject
7/22/24 5:03 pm 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...> [BostonBirds] 7/22 Squantum Highlights
7/17/24 3:54 pm <neil.c......> <neil.calabro1...> [BostonBirds] Adding a Bird Walk for Belle Isle Marsh, Winthrop-Side, in Aug.
7/12/24 1:32 pm <neil.c......> <neil.calabro1...> [BostonBirds] Millenium Park BBC-BNC Bird Walk for Sat., Jul. 12 RESCHEDULED!!!
6/29/24 1:45 pm 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...> [BostonBirds] 6/28 Stony Brook in Hyde Park and West Roxbury
6/29/24 12:35 pm <neil.c......> <neil.calabro1...> [BostonBirds] Millenium Park BBC-BNC Bird Walk Report for Sat., Jun. 29
6/27/24 4:10 pm 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...> [BostonBirds] 6/26 Broad-winged Hawks at Cliff Swallow Site Readville
6/27/24 3:59 pm 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...> [BostonBirds] 6/26 Cliff Swallows in Readville YES
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Date: 7/22/24 5:03 pm
From: 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...>
Subject: [BostonBirds] 7/22 Squantum Highlights
I birded all of Squantum except Nickerson Park, Squantum Pt. Park, and the conservation trail opposite the nursing home (Seaport Blvd.

Glossy Ibis 1
Blach-crowned Night-Heron 1
Snowy Egret 15
Great Egret 7
Great Blue Heron 6
Osprey 8
Killdeer 2
Semipalmated Plover 4
Least Sandpiper 12
Semipalmated Sandpiper 19
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Willet 6
Short-billed Dowitcher 4           hummock mudflats
Greater Yellowlegs 4
Lesser Yellowlegs 11
Laughing Gull 2                     back of Moswetuset Hummock
Least Tern 3                          
Common Tern 1
Mourning Dove 62                yesterday near sunset near Ayers Collision on wires
Marsh Wren 2                      four yesterday
Saltmarsh Sparrow 5+         very visible now as they flr short to medium distances and drop back down
White-tailed Deer 1               out in marsh (here two days ago as well)
Coyote 1                              yesterday in marsh

Paul Peterson

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Date: 7/17/24 3:54 pm
From: <neil.c......> <neil.calabro1...>
Subject: [BostonBirds] Adding a Bird Walk for Belle Isle Marsh, Winthrop-Side, in Aug.
Hi everyone,

I'm excited to announce a joint Brookline Bird Club-Boston Nature Center at
Belle Isle Marsh (Winthrop side) to be held Aug. 4. @ 7:30 am.

Details are below.

Hope to see you there!



Join us to observe resident birds and early fall migrants in a unique urban
habitat that is a favorite for many bird species, including uncommon and
rare birds. A BNC naturalist will help us find and identify birds through
field marks, sounds, and behaviors. Birders of all levels will enjoy these
guided walks; beginning birders are encouraged to come! The trails are flat
and easy to walk.

Target birds include Common Raven; Dowitchers & Yellowlegs; Glossy Ibis,
Green Heron; Osprey; Oystercatcher; Peregrine Falcon; Semi-Palmated Plovers
& Sandpipers; Saltmarsh Sparrow; Snowy Egret; Tree, Rough-Winged, & Barn
Swallows; Great Blue Heron; Virginia Rail; Willet, Yellow-crowned

Hats, waterproof footwear, and insect repellent and sunblock are

The walk is free but all participants must pre-register by emailing
<cgeorge...> and copying <neil.calabro1...> Please note
that participants must be at least 13 years of age and this outing is
limited to 15 people.

Date: Sun, Aug 4, 2024 7:30 am - 9:30 am

Meeting Place: Belle Isle Marsh Winthrop (!!!) side, 120 Banks St., Winthrop,

Parking: RPM Fitness lot, 120 Banks St. Winthrop. There is a chainlink
fence with (worn out, not easy to see) signs authorizing public parking
alongside the fence. Park in front of that fence. You’ll see a sign in the
far back of the lot that says Belle Isle Marsh Marine Ecology Park. Meet in
front of the sign. *Please don't park in a spot that says for gym only.*

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Date: 7/12/24 1:32 pm
From: <neil.c......> <neil.calabro1...>
Subject: [BostonBirds] Millenium Park BBC-BNC Bird Walk for Sat., Jul. 12 RESCHEDULED!!!
Hi folks,

Due to the rainy forecast, we're moving the bird walk to Sun., Jul. 13 @
7:30 am.

If you wish to join the walk on Sun., please reconfirm your attendance by
emailing Correne George (<cgeorge...>).

If you want to join the walk but hadn't previously registered, email
Correne as well.

All other walk details such as the meeting location (canoe launch parking
lot) remain the same.

Hope to see you there!


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Date: 6/29/24 1:45 pm
From: 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...>
Subject: [BostonBirds] 6/28 Stony Brook in Hyde Park and West Roxbury
Yesterday, I birded the entire length from Kelly Field to the northern end. (excluding Bellevue Hill Park). That is a lot of coverage.

Great Blue Heron 1
Barred Owl 2                        adult with hissing young (begging)
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 8
Eastern Kingbird 1
Eastern Phoebe 1
Great Crested Flycatcher 2
Red-eyed Vireo 8
Cedar Waxwing 4
Pine Warbler 11
Eastern Towhee 5                scrub oak areas
Baltimore Oriole 2


Eastern Comma 2
Black Swallowtail 2
Little Wood-Satyr 1
Eastern Tailed-Blue 1
Spring Azure 1
Common Buckeye 1
Cabbage White 1
skipper sp.

Paul Peterson

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Date: 6/29/24 12:35 pm
From: <neil.c......> <neil.calabro1...>
Subject: [BostonBirds] Millenium Park BBC-BNC Bird Walk Report for Sat., Jun. 29

Hi everyone,

I want to share trip reports from a very successful Brookline Bird
Club-Boston Nature Center partnership bird walk today at Millenium Park.
Despite cloudy and windy weather, more than 25 people saw a ton of good
birds including Fish Crows, Green Herons, Indigo Bunting, Orchard Orioles,
Red-Eyed Vireo, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, Willow Flycatcher, and a small
flock (family?) of Ravens. There was a possible Osprey sighting as well.

We will be having additional Sat. morning walks at Millenium Park this
summer but spaces are limited so please preregister now if you wish to go
by emailing <cgeorge...> and <neil.calabro1...> The dates
for the future walks are Jul. 13, Jul. 27, & Aug. 10, all @ 7:30 am.

There will also be a Sat. walk @ Boston Nature Center on Aug. 24 @ 7:30 am.

We may schedule an additional walk or two at Belle Isle Marsh as well so
please stay tuned 

Today’s bird lists are copied below. Big thanks to today’s co-leaders
Correne George and Michael McCarthy!!!

We hope to see you on future outings.

All the best,

Neil Calabro

Sat *29 Jun 2024*10:11 AM

*LocationMillennium Park--West Roxbury High School Marsh

View with Google Maps


- Suffolk County <>
- Massachusetts <>
- United States <>

*Additional details*


*OwnerNeil Calabro*


*Protocol: Traveling*


- Observers: 1
- Duration: 45 min
- Distance: 0.4 mi

*Checklist Comments*

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 2.20.28



*15 <>*

*Species Observed <>*

33 individuals <>


1. *Canada GooseBranta canadensis <>*

Number observed: 2

2. *Wood DuckAix sponsa <>*

Number observed: 3

3. *Mourning DoveZenaida macroura <>*

Number observed: 1

4. *Double-crested CormorantNannopterum auritum

Number observed: 1

5. *Green HeronButorides virescens <>*

Number observed: 2

6. *Great Blue HeronArdea herodias <>*

Number observed: 1

7. *Red-bellied WoodpeckerMelanerpes carolinus

Number observed: 1

8. *Northern FlickerColaptes auratus <>*

Number observed: 1

9. *Blue JayCyanocitta cristata <>*

Number observed: 1

10. *Gray CatbirdDumetella carolinensis

Number observed: 2

11. *Northern MockingbirdMimus polyglottos

Number observed: 1

12. *American GoldfinchSpinus tristis <>*

Number observed: 2

13. *Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus

Number observed: 6

14. *Common GrackleQuiscalus quiscula <>*

Number observed: 8

15. *Yellow WarblerSetophaga petechia <>*

Sat *29 Jun 2024*7:35 AM

*LocationMillennium Park <>*

View with Google Maps


- Suffolk County <>
- Massachusetts <>
- United States <>

*Additional details*


*OwnerNeil Calabro*


*Protocol: Traveling*


- Observers: 1
- Duration: 4 hr
- Distance: 1 mi

*Checklist Comments*

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 2.20.28



*40 <>*

*Species Observed <>*

167 individuals <>


1. *Canada GooseBranta canadensis <>*

Number observed: 12

2. *MallardAnas platyrhynchos <>*

Number observed: 20

3. *Mourning DoveZenaida macroura <>*

Number observed: 8

4. *Chimney SwiftChaetura pelagica <>*

Number observed: 9

5. *Ruby-throated HummingbirdArchilochus colubris

Number observed: 1

6. *Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius

Number observed: 1

7. *Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticorax

Number observed: 1

8. *Green HeronButorides virescens <>*

Number observed: 1

9. *Great EgretArdea alba <>*

Number observed: 1

10. *Great Blue HeronArdea herodias <>*

Number observed: 5

11. *Downy WoodpeckerDryobates pubescens

Number observed: 1

12. *Hairy WoodpeckerDryobates villosus

Number observed: 1

13. *Northern FlickerColaptes auratus <>*

Number observed: 3

14. *Eastern KingbirdTyrannus tyrannus

Number observed: 2

15. *Warbling VireoVireo gilvus <>*

Number observed: 1

16. *Red-eyed VireoVireo olivaceus <>*

Number observed: 1

17. *Fish CrowCorvus ossifragus <>*

Number observed: 3


Flying towards river from central hill

18. *Common RavenCorvus corax <>*

Number observed: 5


Eating something on parking lot A grass, then flew onto high school roof
hanging out by antenna. Well seen by group. They called.

19. *Tufted TitmouseBaeolophus bicolor

Number observed: 1

20. *Northern Rough-winged SwallowStelgidopteryx serripennis

Number observed: 3

21. *Barn SwallowHirundo rustica <>*

Number observed: 4

22. *House WrenTroglodytes aedon <>*

Number observed: 1

23. *Carolina WrenThryothorus ludovicianus

Number observed: 2

24. *European StarlingSturnus vulgaris

Number observed: 6

Exotic: Naturalized

25. *Gray CatbirdDumetella carolinensis

Number observed: 6

26. *Northern MockingbirdMimus polyglottos

Number observed: 2

27. *American RobinTurdus migratorius <>*

Number observed: 3

28. *Cedar WaxwingBombycilla cedrorum <>*

Number observed: 1

29. *American GoldfinchSpinus tristis <>*

Number observed: 12

30. *Chipping SparrowSpizella passerina

Number observed: 1

31. *Song SparrowMelospiza melodia <>*

Number observed: 15

32. *Swamp SparrowMelospiza georgiana <>*

Number observed: 1

33. *Orchard OrioleIcterus spurius <>*

Number observed: 2

34. *Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus

Number observed: 9

35. *Common GrackleQuiscalus quiscula <>*

Number observed: 1

36. *Common YellowthroatGeothlypis trichas

Number observed: 8

37. *Yellow WarblerSetophaga petechia <>*

Number observed: 10

38. *Northern CardinalCardinalis cardinalis

Number observed: 1

39. *Rose-breasted GrosbeakPheucticus ludovicianus

Number observed: 1

40. *Indigo BuntingPasserina cyanea <>*

Number observed: 1


In pine tree at bottom of hill by perimeter trail

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Date: 6/27/24 4:10 pm
From: 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...>
Subject: [BostonBirds] 6/26 Broad-winged Hawks at Cliff Swallow Site Readville
I forgot to mention that a pair of Broad-winged Hawks flew by me at 4:30 as I was at the bridge. Looking at Laurence Connolly's e-bird post just now triggered my memory. 

Paul Peterson

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Date: 6/27/24 3:59 pm
From: 'Paul Peterson' via Boston Birds <bostonbirds...>
Subject: [BostonBirds] 6/26 Cliff Swallows in Readville YES
I believe these birds are nesting under the bridge, based on what I observed.. Also, tis species typically nests on buildings and bridges. . I noticed that as I was at the bridge watching them come in and out of view, that it or they would fly in the direction of nearby Kelly Field. (where the parking area is located) Sure enough, I went the short distance over there, and lo! and behold!  two of them there, feeding along with Barn and Northern Rough-winged Swallows. (also at the adjacent soccer field) Parking is near the very end of Turtle Pond Parkway opposite Fairview St. When at the bridge, try not to go back and fourth from ons side to the other like I did. The curbs are very high and potentially dangerous! By the way, the waterway here is called Mother Brook, and has an interesting history.

Paul Peterson


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