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Our next trip will meet at Riverlands at Teal Pond Parking Lot at 8 am on the 22nd.
David Becher
Saint Louis
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
I have been feeding an average of 23 Purple Finches over the last five days. Today I counted 26 Purple Finches 15 male and 11 females. Yesterday count of 22 Purple Finches a 50/50 split. My high count of 46 on 12th was 21 male and 25 female and a low of 12 on the 15th a 50/ 50 split. I have been curious as why the numbers vary from day to day? While most of the other species seem to remain relatively constant in number.
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I had five Purple Finches at feeders yesterday, 3 females and 2 males. So far today, 3 females and 1 male. This is a couple more than usual for me.
Date: 2/18/25 10:35 am From: Mike Taylor <3catacres...> Subject: Re: Purple Finches
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I typically have 20-40 Purple Finch (PUFI) at my feeders every winter. I reported 27 this past Sunday morning during the Great Backyard Bird Count. I just now reported 11, along with a rare (for me) Rusty Blackbird. My high count for PUFI is about 80 individuals during an especially harsh winter storm. With another storm coming, I may get high numbers again. The balance between males and females sometimes seems skewed slightly towards females but it’s usually close to 50/50.
Mike Taylor
Bollinger County
I had five Purple Finches at feeders yesterday, 3 females and 2 males. So far today, 3 females and 1 male. This is a couple more than usual for me.
Karen Stair
Lee's Summit, Jackson County
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/18/25 9:30 am From: Mike Grant <mikecurlew...> Subject: Eastern Bluebirds
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With people talking about Purple Finches I thought that I would chime in about the bluebirds in my suburban yard in Chesterfield. This morning there were at least 30 of them waiting for me to put out the mealworms! It is quite a frenzy when I fill those feeders.
Mike Grant
Chesterfield, MO
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/18/25 8:51 am From: Terry Stair <00000134fa09d2cc-dmarc-request...> Subject: Purple Finches
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I had five Purple Finches at feeders yesterday, 3 females and 2 males. So far today, 3 females and 1 male. This is a couple more than usual for me.
Karen Stair
Lee's Summit, Jackson County
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Wy wife, Carla Bascom and I (Kevin Hogan) worked for years at Lakeside Nature Center in K.C.Mo. We also were a rehab. facility for native Mo. wildlife. So far this winter we have had 3 purple finches with severe conjunctivas. 2 died overnight and the 3rd we were unable to catch with a net. We also recently had a dead Great blue heron found on our property which our conservation agent recommended we double bag and dispose of. FYI.
From: Missouri Wild Bird Forum <MOBIRDS-L...> on behalf of Linda Williams <000005261ef93d0e-dmarc-request...>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2025 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Purple Finches
My highest Purple Finch count is 16 (usually evenly mixed between male and female) on February 3 in rural Shannon County but I have nothing to compare to since I just moved here 3 months ago. These country birds took a few weeks to figure out feeders and still prefer their seeds on the ground so I accomodate them.
I have the same few species every day with the following high counts since the first week of January. Interesting that I have yet to see any woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees, or nuthatches at the feeders. That’s okay...they’re doing well doing their own thing.
Dark-eyed Junco: 25
American Goldfinch: 16
Purple Finch: 16
White-throated Sparrow: 11
Northern Cardinal: 6
Fox Sparrow: 4
American Crow: 4
Blue Jay: 4
The following appear occasionally and/or showed up during the last snowstorm.
Common Grackle: 55
Red-winged Blackbird: 48
Brown-headed Cowbird: 14
Rusty Blackbird: 12
American Robin: 6
Song Sparrow: 1
American Tree Sparrow: 1
Eastern Phoebe: 1
Linda Williams
Winona, Shannon County, MO
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On Feb 17, 2025, at 8:15 AM, sgg.bluesfan <sgg.bluesfan...> wrote:
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Hi all,
Just curious if others are seeing high amounts of Purple Finches recently. Until the last couple of weeks the most I have seen in my yard was two. I have been seeing up to five the last couple of weeks and just now ten. All but one female.
Steve Griffaw
Jefferson City MO
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone
Date: 2/17/25 1:46 pm From: Kevin Wehner <kevinwehner...> Subject: No Sighting - The Bluebird for March 2025
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Dear MOBIRDS Subscriber,
The March 2025 issue of The Bluebird is now available:
Date: 2/17/25 8:30 am From: Linda Williams <000005261ef93d0e-dmarc-request...> Subject: Re: Purple Finches
My highest Purple Finch count is 16 (usually evenly mixed between male and female) on February 3 in rural Shannon County but I have nothing to compare to since I just moved here 3 months ago. These country birds took a few weeks to figure out feeders and still prefer their seeds on the ground so I accomodate them.
I have the same few species every day with the following high counts since the first week of January. Interesting that I have yet to see any woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees, or nuthatches at the feeders. That’s okay...they’re doing well doing their own thing.
Dark-eyed Junco: 25
American Goldfinch: 16
Purple Finch: 16
White-throated Sparrow: 11
Northern Cardinal: 6
Fox Sparrow: 4
American Crow: 4
Blue Jay: 4
The following appear occasionally and/or showed up during the last snowstorm.
Common Grackle: 55
Red-winged Blackbird: 48
Brown-headed Cowbird: 14
Rusty Blackbird: 12
American Robin: 6
Song Sparrow: 1
American Tree Sparrow: 1
Eastern Phoebe: 1
Linda Williams
Winona, Shannon County, MO
Date: 2/17/25 6:15 am From: sgg.bluesfan <sgg.bluesfan...> Subject: Purple Finches
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Hi all,
Just curious if others are seeing high amounts of Purple Finches recently. Until the last couple of weeks the most I have seen in my yard was two. I have been seeing up to five the last couple of weeks and just now ten. All but one female.
Steve Griffaw
Jefferson City MO
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/14/25 8:21 am From: Edge Wade <1edgewade...> Subject: Re: Owls in the Yard
Your resident Barred Owls are likely to leave the territory or they and/or
their young be eaten by the GHOW. The screech owl would be a meal for
either larger species.
It'll be interesting to know how long your haikubox continues to hear more
than the GHOW.
Edge Wade
Escondido, CA
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 9:30 AM Daniel Getman <
<000002b3a133f539-dmarc-request...> wrote:
Date: 2/14/25 7:31 am From: Daniel Getman <000002b3a133f539-dmarc-request...> Subject: Owls in the Yard
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We’ve always had a pair of Barred Owls in the woods behind our property, which we routinely hear calling, but only occasionally see. We have a good-sized stand of large white pines in the back of our property, where I suspect they sometimes roost. I’ve occasionally spotted and photographed them around the yard.
But this winter has seen some new developments.
About 2 weeks ago, while cleaning my larger nestboxes, I found 3 owl pellets in a Eastern Screech Owl box. Photos of the pellets can be viewed at:
I’ve been occasionally watching that box, but haven’t seen any activity. Very infrequently, my haikubox has picked up the call of a Screech Owl. But other than that, we haven’t seen any other evidence.
Second, my haikubox has now routinely been recording calls from both a Barred Owl and a Great Horned Owl overnight.
When I mentioned this to my neighbor, he reported that this year he’s been hearing an owl sitting on his roof calling, with the call resonating down his chimney. When I played the songs of a Barred Owl and Great Horned Owl, he clearly identified the Great Horned Owl.
I don’t know the typical territory size of these owls and whether Barred and Great Horned Owls will co-exist or not. But from what I’ve read, the Great Horned is the superior predator. Any information or perspective would be appreciated.
Dan Getman, Kirksville, northeast MO
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/12/25 8:06 am From: Jack Corrigan <mbs_jackc...> Subject: Presentation Request
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Can someone help Cynthia with her presentation request?
The event is at:
Incarnate Word Catholic School
13416 Olive Boulevard, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017
I am organizing a Science Expo night, called Discover Science, for my childrens' school. Unfortunately, we had to change the date of the event due to the snow today. Because of this, the Wild Bird Sanctuary can no longer come to the event and we are looking for another exhibit on birds. Is there any chance that your organization could help us? The event is Wed 2/26 from 630-800. We can provide dinner for the exhibitors and volunteers to help at the exhibit. We also have a small budget. This is also a great way to advertise for your organization. Please reach out to me if you could help, have any questions, or have suggestions of other places to try.
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/10/25 8:34 am From: Jane Frazier <janefraz2828...> Subject: zoom error RBAS
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Sorry folks. Too many cooks in the kitchen. The zoom is by the Conservation Federation of Missouri. It will still be a good one. Thank you Robert Brundage for your sharp eye.
Jane Frazier
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/10/25 6:23 am From: Jane Frazier <janefraz2828...> Subject: River Bluffs Audubon ZOOM
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River Bluffs A S will have a Zoom this Thursday the 13th at 6:30 pm with Michelle Gabelsberger on the mission and accomplishments of the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation. All are welcome. Michelle is the Membership Manager for MCHF. Come join us for a good discussion on this important group. Meeting ID 863 3816 1344. Passcode 988116.
Jane Frazier
Jefferson City
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/9/25 2:15 pm From: Jane Frazier <janefraz2828...> Subject: Mokane Road Callaway County
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On Mokane Road this afternoon Shirley Seabaugh and Betty Richey and I saw the previously seen Merlin on a pole near Capital Sand, and down the road at least 5000 rw blackbirds, skeins of 600 snow geese, one eagle near the nest, and meadowlarks. Several red tails present.
Jane Frazier
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/9/25 6:46 am From: Edge Wade <1edgewade...> Subject: Cornell Lab's Young Birder Event
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The event described below qualifies for support from the Missouri Birding Society's Youth Scholarship Fund. Note the March 16 deadline for application to Cornell. The deadline for application to MBS for $1,000 support to attend is June 1, 2025. The applicant for the MBS support must have been accepted to attend the Cornell event.
Date: 2/5/25 12:21 pm From: Diane Bricmont <colaptes.auratus...> Subject: St. Charles County- Sandhill Cranes
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Two SACR just landed in a muddy field on Dalbow Road, north of Firma Road. American Tree Sparrows are providing backup vocals.
Diane Bricmont
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/4/25 7:23 pm From: David Becher <davidbecher...> Subject: WGNSS BIrding 2/6 and 2/8
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On Thursday, we will meet at the HQ at Busch Wildlife Area at 8 am.
On Saturday, we will meet at Teal Pond Parking lot are Riverlands at 8 am. (rain showers are forecast).
David Becher
Saint Louis
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 2/3/25 5:18 pm From: Kyle McCommis <mccommis...> Subject: Woodcock - St. Louis County
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I just stepped outside into my backyard (Sunset Hills, STL County) and heard a Woodcock display flight right overhead.
Kyle McCommis
St. Louis County
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 1/30/25 8:53 am From: Diane Bricmont <colaptes.auratus...> Subject: Calloway County Shrike(s)?
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We have at least one, but possibly a second, Northern Shrike at Whetstone Creek this morning. The first bird was seen near the location for yesterday's sighting. The second bird was approximately one mile southeast of the first bird - in the field east of CR103.
Diane Bricmont
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 1/29/25 1:37 pm From: Patrick Maloney <maloneypatrick...> Subject: HSL and RMBS
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Both locations were still pretty well iced over but each had small pockets of open water. At Riverlands, the road to the spillway and dam was closed for construction. A large flock of white pelicans, maybe 1000, seen flying north over Ellis Bay. Lots of ducks hugging the shoreline, but too far to ID without a scope. Several groups of swans, Canada geese and one harrier and one eagle.
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
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On Thursday, we will meet at Riverlands at Teal Pond Parking Lot at 8 am. (Note that the forecast is for rain showers)
On Saturday, we will meet at Columbia Bottom CA at the HQ at 8 am. (note that there continues to be construction at I-270 and Riverview)
David Becher
Saint Louis
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
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Dianne VanDien and I observed a leucistic Red-tailed Hawk while doing a raptor count in Pettis and Benton counties today. It was completely pure white with dark eyes, dark bill and just a hint of blush at the tip of the tail. Location was on Hoffman Avenue, 38.51400 N93.29148 W, near Ionia Ridge CA.
Date: 1/25/25 4:53 pm From: Jane Frazier <janefraz2828...> Subject: Binder Lake goose ruckus
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Today River Bluffs Audubon had a field trip to Binder Lake, Cole County, which gave us several species of ducks despite pretty small numbers and a flyover of forty or so probable trumpeter swans. At one point eighty or so canada geese on the bank started honking very loudly in unison. The noise was quite incredible and we wondered what was up when we saw two geese fighting it out and the eighty seemingly standing there watching. One of the fighters gave it up and ran away after a good bit of thrashing around. Also an eagle appeared to be chasing a gull.
Jane Frazier
Jefferson City
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
Date: 1/25/25 9:23 am From: Edge Wade <1edgewade...> Subject: Rio Grande Valley birding guide--Updated January 2025 version
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My infatuation with the lower Rio Grande Valley is well known. I've just completed the updated 2025 version, and will email it to all who request by return email.
The 2025 version has a few new sites and several updates on conditions we encountered this year.
Date: 1/23/25 1:04 pm From: Daniel Getman <000002b3a133f539-dmarc-request...> Subject: Large Eagle Numbers Continue along Mississippi dams
WARNING: This message has originated from an External Source. This may be a phishing expedition that can result in unauthorized access to our IT System. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email.I was at the lock & dam at Canton, MO this past Tuesday. Although there were quite a few eagles, it was definitely different from the week before. It was sunny and very cold, with temperatures in the low single digits and moderate winds from the west, which is not optimal for photography. But I still managed some pretty good ones: flickr.com/photos/dgetman/sets
Many eagles were circling around looking for fish at a moderate height and some were still sitting in trees. Although they were still catching fish, there seemed to be less fish being caught. When one did catch a fish, they were often chased by other eagles. Then I noticed the dam was not releasing water. I would guess that water being released stirs things up and perhaps makes the fish more visible on the surface, but who knows. I estimated > 75 eagles and there were no where near the large number of eagles on the Illinois side, which was the case last week. But the counts done the next day listed 241 - so what do I. know! Counts at other dams listed were:Keokuk, IA: 238Canton, MO: 241Quincy, IL: 39
Rock Island District > Missions > Recreation > Mississippi River Project > Education > Eagle Watching > Eagle Countsusace.army.mil
Date: 1/22/25 2:07 pm From: Jack Corrigan <mbs_jackc...> Subject: Speaker Request-St Clair County
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Please contact Karen (Karen Kestrel <viviennekestrel...><mailto:<viviennekestrel...>) directly if you can help or know of someone who can help.
Jack Corrigan
KCMO (Clay County)
Webmaster, Missouri Birding Society
Good afternoon, I'm with the St Clair county Garden Club. Every October as gardening season winds down, we like to focus on birds. Our expert is no longer available. Is there someone who could come speak to us October 6, at 7 pm in Osceola MO? Please let me know. Thank you!
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
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On Saturday, we will meet at Teal Pond at Riverlands at 8 am.
(There will be no Thursday trip as it is likely to still be dangerously cold)
David Becher
Saint Louis
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum
"Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely his
eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have
been made." Romans 1:20
"The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of
wonder." G.K. Chesterton
On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 10:01 AM Mike Grant <mikecurlew...> wrote:
Date: 1/21/25 8:05 am From: Mike Grant <mikecurlew...> Subject: Peru Slideshows
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For anyone looking for some virtual birding on this cold day, I have three slideshows on SmugMug of a trip to northern Peru last July. The trip was led by Nick Athanas of Tropical Birding. Prior to the TB trip, Susan Eaton and I hired a local "Tours by Locals" guide for a tour of historic Lima and birding in the Lima area.