Yea! Finally. After 4 years here….. I had hope. They have been reported around
That area. Mary and I joined the ASO trip there this morning. Ann Oliver - leader.
She was explaining the ins and outs of fall migration up there. She was there
Yesterday also. She said it was much slower today. I attribute that to the cold! A
Good migration on the radar last night. A good variety of warblers around.
The GW was with a mixed flock at cedar bend parking area.
Lost Bridge was devoid of shorebirds. The river looks fine for shorebirds.
Oh well….. Mary and I hit Oxbow in Indiana later. Shorebirds there! Scope
Needed. The main channel lake is getting edges. Southern edge especially.
Bairds sandpiper!
No odes in this cold. But some are around. Andrew texted me.
Good birding all!
Sandra Keller
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Date: 9/8/24 10:43 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Sunday morning: 17 warblers
Very chilly start this morning with temperatures in the 40s, didn’t think to bring gloves! Once the sun was up, the warbler activity picked up and I had a good activity for awhile, not quite as frantic as yesterday, but still enough birds it was difficult to get on all of them especially since some were higher or farther back. After the main flocks dissipated as usual around nine, I went looking for whatever else I could find, running into a few pockets of warblers here and there, enough to keep me busy until almost noon which is unusual for Denison. I ended up finding 17 species of warblers, the last a female Canada.
An amazing highlight was watching a Hooded Warbler male mix it up with a Blue-winged in an aerial battle. Unlikely I’ll see that species tableau again! Once again, I had singing warblers: N Parula, Magnolia, Tennessee. I don’t recall another fall when I’ve heard so many singing warblers. A Swainson’s Thrush was singing as well albeit at low volume. Heard the chick-burr call of a Scarlet Tanager but couldn’t spot it. Another highlight was views of a Great Crested FC perched in the sun. It called very briefly as well. Amazing morning—if only a Golden-winged had shown up!
Hooded Male
Canada female
Cape May
N Parula
Blackpoll—great looks at one where I could see the yellow legs
BT Green
Com YT
White-eyed (a few juvs begging from adults)
Brown Thrasher
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Scarlet Tanager
Swainson’s Thrush
Great Crested FC
E Phoebe
Peggy Wang
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Date: 9/7/24 3:45 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus and Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Blendon WoodsAmerican redstarts Magnolia warblers Common yellowthroat Blackburnian warbler Black throated blue warblers (male and female) black and white warbler chestnut sided warbler Swainson's thrush Broad winged hawks ruby throated hummingbirds
Woodside Green Park in Gahanna (lots more birds than at Blendon Woods)Bay breasted warblers Black and white warblers American redstarts Blackburnian warblers Magnolia warblers Black throated green warblers yellow throated warbler Wilson's warbler Swainson's thrush red eyed vireoruby throated hummingbirds
Bob McNulty
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Not a tremendous radar pic last night, but enough to push new birds in.
Passerines and shorebirds.
Andrew and I went exploring the East Fork riparian reserve. It covers 2
Counties - Clinton and Highland. Get some data into ebird for both hotspots.
Pick up new county birds! The Clinton part has wet areas. Hopefully
Good for odes as I am in Clinton and Warren a lot next year. Some
Highlights - we hit sunny edges, it was a bit cool this morning! Blackburnian,
BT Green, Blackpoll and Bay breasted. Black and White. Maggie’s, redstart.
Yellow warbler. And I am probably forgetting stuff. Swainsons thrushes. Etc.
My highlight was a Lincoln’s sparrow! Seems a bit early. I’ll check my excel
Chart tonight.
I hit the east fork Williamsburg wetland on the drive home. Got another needs
Alert for Solitary sandpiper there. No……. But I did have some shorebirds!
Water levels are down. Good! Least, Stilt, lesser yellowlegs, Semipalm plover.
Stilt and Semipalm were county birds! Some year a Solitary…… scope desired
Here. And it’s a half mile walk to the river and mud.
Butterfly notes - lots around the riparian reserve early. Nothing like sun!
Nothing unusual.
Odes - zilch. Too cold for them to start flying I guess.
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
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Date: 9/7/24 11:19 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison & Lobdell sat morning
Went to Denison first. There was a brief flurry of activity early with small flocks dashing off in different directions, making it quite difficult to get on individual birds, but then the action collapsed and it was very difficult to dig out even single birds after that. Best bird was a Blue-winged Warbler altho a gorgeous adult male Chestnut-sided was stunning in what appeared to be spring plumage: bright yellow cap, vivid chestnut streaking down flanks. Toss-up between TNs & Redstarts for the most numerous altho there was a handful of Nashvilles. Heard Swainson’s (one was singing short segments of song) & Veery (calling) but could not spot them.
I was going to go to Morris woods afterwards but there must’ve been a hike scheduled as the small parking lot was overflowing so I went to Lobdell instead. it was relatively quiet in the late morning, but I did run into a small flock. A B&W Warbler was singing there & 2 Peewees were having a vigorous disagreement over something, much chasing about & even fluttering at each other in midair.
absolutely gorgeous day to be out even if it wasn’t as birdy as I thought it was going to be after the front moved through.
Am Redstart
BT Green
B&W—both male & female
Com YT
RE & WE Vireos
Brown Thrasher
Swainson’s Thrush heard only
Veery heard only
House Wren
Empid sp
Com Grackle
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Black Vulture
Morris Woods
Am Redstart
B&W—male singing
Com YT
YB Cuckoo
Peggy Wang
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Date: 9/7/24 10:55 am From: Douglas Vogus <vogeye...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Cuyahoga Valley Towpath Census
SEPTEMBER 06 & 07, 2024 - CUYAHOGA VALLEY MONTHLY TOWPATH TRAIL CENSUS. ROUTE 09/06: Red Lock Trailhead south to Botzum Trailhead with a stop at the Peninsula Coffee House (end census at Botzum Trailhead due to approaching thunderstorm). ROUTE 09/07: Botzum Trailhead south to Merriman Valley (finish census route from day before). TIME 09/06: 6:35am - 4:55pm TIME 09/07: 8:40am - 10:45am TOTAL TIME AFIELD: 12:25 TEMP. 09/06: 61F ~ 75F ~ 71F TEMP. 09/07: 54F ~ 58F COND. 09/06: Calm and mostly sunny early, turning cloudy at 8:45am, then rain from 8:55am to 9:30am; clouds changing to mostly sunny; approaching front from the west, turning gray with rain starting at 4:50pm. COND. 09/07: Mostly cloudy and breezy, cool, and Autumn-like. TRAIL COND. 09/06: Good; turning wet after short period of rain. TRAIL COND. 09/07: Wet with some puddling. RIVER COND. 09/06: Very low - lowest to date; many rockbars and sandbars showing with very good clarity. RIVER COND. 09/07: Slightly higher and muddy. TOTAL FT. MI.: 14.75 OBS. 09/06: John Henry (Lock 29 Trailhead to Botzum Trailhead) and Douglas W. Vogus. OBS. 09/07: Douglas W. & Michelle Vogus.
1. Eastern Chipmunk - 66 2. Woodchuck - 1 3. Eastern Gray Squirrel - 9 (2 black morph) 4. Red Squirrel - 35 5. American Beaver - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census) 6. Meadow Vole - 1 (First September Record on Census) 7. Common Muskrat - 2 8. White-tailed Deer - 1 (doe)
II. BIRDS: 85 SPECIES, 1,086 TOTAL. (NOTE: m = male; f = female; ? = bird was seen but not sexed; * = bird was heard calling but not sexed)
1. Canada Goose - 12 2. Wood Duck - 52 (21m,30f,1?) 3. Mallard - 2 (1m,1f) 4. Common Merganser - 57 (mix of immatures and females - two on logs north of Stanford Swamp and 55 on the sandbar at north end of Stanford Swamp - Fourth September Record on Census) 5. Wild Turkey - 3 (m) (Second September Record on Census) 6. Rock Pigeon - 27 7. Mourning Dove - 21 8. Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 (Third September Record on Census) 9. Chimney Swift - 56 10. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 7 (1 immature m,2f,4?) (Tied Census High from 09/2020 & 08/2023) 11. Virginia Rail - 1 (at Ira Beaver Marsh - Second September Record on Census) 12. Sora - 1 (at Ira Beaver Marsh - Second September Record on Census) 13. Killdeer - 5 14. Spotted Sandpiper - 1 15. Ring-billed Gull - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census) 16. Green Heron - 7 (3 immature) 17. Great Blue Heron - 8 18. Turkey Vulture - 18 19. Osprey - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census) 20. Cooper's Hawk - 1 (f) 21. Bald Eagle - 2 (adult) 22. Red-shouldered Hawk - 1 23. Red-tailed Hawk - 4 24. Belted Kingfisher - 4 (3m,1*) 25. Red-headed Woodpecker - 3 (1 adult,1 immature,1*) 26. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 19 (4m,1f,1 immature,3?,10*) 27. Downy Woodpecker - 20 (3m,5f,2?,10*) 28. Hairy Woodpecker - 5 (2f,1?,2*) 29. Northern Flicker - 5 (2m,2?,1*) 30. Pileated Woodpecker - 7 (1?,6*) 31. Peregrine Falcon - 1 (m) 32. Eastern Wood-Pewee - 7 33. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 (Third Record on Census, Third September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 09/2010 & 09/2020) 34. Acadian Flycatcher - 2 35. Willow Flycatcher - 1 (Second September Record on Census) 36. Least Flycatcher - 1 37. Eastern Phoebe - 3 38. White-eyed Vireo - 2 (Fifth September Record on Census) 39. Yellow-throated Vireo - 3 40. Philadelphia Vireo - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 09/2012, 10/2015, 09/2016, 05/2019 & 09/2020) 41. Warbling Vireo - 7 42. Red-eyed Vireo - 7 43. Blue Jay - 45 44. American Crow - 21 45. Black-capped Chickadee - 25 46. Tufted Titmouse - 11 47. Barn Swallow - 4 48. Cedar Waxwing - 72 (4 immature) 49. White-breasted Nuthatch - 12 (1m,3f,1?,7*) 50. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 2 (f) 51. Carolina Wren - 31 52. Northern House Wren - 3 53. Gray Catbird - 29 54. European Starling - 123 55. Eastern Bluebird - 4 (3f,1?) 56. Swainson's Thrush - 1 (Second September Record on Census) 57. American Robin - 51 (2 immature) 58. House Sparrow - 25 59. House Finch - 8 (2m,3?,3*) 60. American Goldfinch - 25 (9m,4f,6?,6*) 61. Song Sparrow - 7 62. Swamp Sparrow - 1 63. Eastern Towhee - 2 (1m,1*) 64. Bobolink - 1 (south end of Stanford Swamp - Third Record on Census & Second September Record on Census) 65. Red-winged Blackbird - 25 (17m,4f,1 immature,2?,1*) 66. Common Grackle - 39 67. Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 (First September Record on Census) 68. Tennessee Warbler - 5 (3m,2f) 69. Orange-crowned Warbler - 2 (m) (Second September Record on Census) 70. Nashville Warbler - 2 (1m,1f) (Fifth September Record on Census) 71. Common Yellowthroat - 7 (6m,1*) 72. Hooded Warbler - 5 (3m,1f,1*) 73. American Redstart - 2 (1 immature m,1f) 74. Cape May Warbler - 1 (f) (Second September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 05/2013, 05/2014, 05/2019, 05/2020 & 09/2020) 75. Northern Parula - 2 (1m,1f) (Second September Record on Census) 76. Magnolia Warbler - 3 (f) 77. Bay-breasted Warbler - 16 (Fourth September Record on Census & New Census High - previous was 5 on 09/2023) 78. Blackburnian Warbler - 1 (m) 79. Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 (f) (Third September Record on Census) 80. Blackpoll Warbler - 4 (Tied Census High from 10/2016) 81. Black-throated Blue Warbler - 3 (2m,1f) (First September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 05/2014) 82. Scarlet Tanager - 6 (4m,2f) 83. Northern Cardinal - 39 (10m,1 immature m,12f,12*,4 immature*) 84. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 15 (6m,7f,1?,1*) 85. Indigo Bunting - 1 (m)
1. Common Snapping Turtle - 7 2. Red-eared Turtle - 4 3. Midland Painted Turtle - 93 4. Eastern Spiny Softshell - 1 5. Northern Water Snake - 1 (Third September Record on Census) 6. Eastern Garter Snake - 1 (plus one dead - trail casualty - Second September Record on Census)
1. Northern Two-lined Salamander - 3 (in "Canal Creek" south of Peninsula - Second Record on Census, First September Record on Census & New Census High - previous was 1 on 08/2023) 2. American Toad - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census) 3. Northern Spring Peeper - 8 (heard only) 4. Gray Treefrog - 3 (heard only) 5. American Bullfrog - 7 6. Green Frog - 15
1. Central Mudminnow - 6 2. Grass Pickerel - 1 (Second Record on Census, First September Record on Census & Tied Census High from - 07/2023) 3. Common Carp - 1 4. Golden Shiner - 3 (Fifth September Record on Census) 5. Creek Chub - 21 6. Bluntnose Minnow - 397 (Fourth September Record on Census & New Census High - previous was 301 on 06/2023) 7. Silver Shiner - 4 (in Furnace Run - New Species on Census - currently at 29 Fish Species since 01/2010) 8. Common White Sucker - 1 (Third September Record on Census) 9. Northern Hog Sucker - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census) 10. Brown Bullhead - 1 (Fourth Record on Census, Second September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 05/2019, 08/2020 & 09/2022) 11. Largemouth Bass - 5 12. Bluegill - 11 13. Pumpkinseed - 12 14. Barred Fantail Darter - 4 (Third September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 08/2022)
1. Crayfish - 7 (Fourth September Record on Census)
1. Cabbage Butterfly - 6 2. Clouded Sulphur - 1 3. Summer Azure - 2 4. Pearl Crescent - 3 5. Eyed Brown - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census) 6. Monarch - 4 7. Peck's Skipper - 1 (First September Record on Census) 8. Sachem - 1 (New Species on Census - currently at 40 Butterfly Species since 01/2010)
1. Orange-patched Smoky Moth - 1 (Second Record on Census, Second September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 09/2022) 2. Morning-glory Plume Moth - 2 (New Species on Census - currently at 39 Moth Species since 01/2010) 3. Unknown Moth (species pending) - 1 (New Species on Census - currently at 40 Moth Species since 01/2010) 4. Triangle-backed Pelochrista - 1 (New Species on Census - currently at 41 Moth Species since 01/2010) 5. Variable Ypsolopha Moth - 1 (New Species on Census - currently at 42 Moth Species since 01/2010) 6. Large Wainscot - 1 (New Species on Census - currently at 43 Moth Species since 01/2010) 7. Broad-patch Carolella Moth - 1 (New Species on Census - currently at 44 Moth Species since 01/2010)
1. Shadow Darner - 3 2. Common Green Darner - 2 (Fourth September Record on Census) 3. Blue Dasher - 2 (Third September Record on Census) 4. Ruby Meadowhawk - 1 5. Ebony Jewelwing - 1 (Third September Record on Census) 6. Orange Bluet - 2 (Second September Record on Census) 7. Fragile Forktail - 12 (New Species on Census - currently at 38 Odonata Species since 05/2018)
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Date: 9/6/24 12:13 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus and Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Blendon WoodsBlackburnian warblers Bay breasted warblers American redstarts Common yellowthroats Black throated green warbler yellow bellied flycatcher ruby throated hummingbirds Swainson's thrushes belted kingfisher eastern phoebenon-bird : White M hairstreak on goldenrod trail
Woodside Green Gahanna (Late morning) Gray cheeked thrush Swainson's thrushes Cedar waxwing American redstarts Bay breasted warblers Chestnut sided warbler Magnolia warblers
Backyard: Palm warbler
Bob McNulty
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Date: 9/6/24 9:14 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Friday morning
A fair amount of activity off & on this morning. Not as many birds but good looks at some nice ones which made up for the ones that were flying too fast & too high to identify. I got stunning looks at a Yellow-throated Vireo perched high facing the sun & a Hooded Warbler male that popped up on a low branch in a shaft of sunlight giving a gorgeous view and even sang a little. That was followed up by very bright Blackburnian that had just taken a bath and was preening in the sun. Tennessees were still the predominant warbler but several redstarts also. I also had a good looks at a perched Yellow-bellied FC as well as a Black-billed Cuckoo. A Swainson’s Thrush even sang an abbreviated song.
Activity died down as the heat/humidity rose. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good flight but I can’t complain since this week has been quite birdy.
Hooded male
Cape May female
B&W female
Am Redstart—at least one male plus one imm male
Com YT female
N Parula
Philadelphia—saw dark lores clearly
Swainson’s Thrush
Brown Thrasher
Black-billed Cuckoo
Cedar Waxwing
Field Sparrow
Pileated WP
Hairy WP
Acadian FC
Yellow-bellied FC
Least (heard)
Peggy Wang
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Date: 9/6/24 4:13 am From: Bruce Simpson <nylebruce...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Delaware St Pk-21 Warblers 5 Vireos Raptors Woodpeckers Songbirds
I visited this area Sept 2-5 Every day there were Birds everywhere I went Daily Warblers- M15, T15, W19 Th18
American Redstart
Cape May
N Parula
Chestnut-sided-chipping and singing
C Yellowthroat
Black-throated Green-chipping
Black-throated Blue
SWTH-call notes
Double-crested Cormorant
Gray Catbird
G B Heron
Cedar Waxwings
G Egret
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Scarlet Tanager
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
E kingbird
Spotted Sandpiper
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
C Wren
Chimney Swift
Sandhill Cranes-Delaware Wildlife Area
Brown Thrasher
House Finch
Feeding Activity
Honey Locust
Sweet Gum
REVI-Honeysuckle berries
Young REVI begs food from adult
Bruce Simpson-Nature Photographer
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Date: 9/5/24 1:10 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus
On the quiet side.American redstarts, seemed to be good numbers of this species Black throated green warblers Black and white warbler Magnolia warbler Ruby crowned kinglet red eyed vireos belted kingfisher eastern phoebeSwainson's thrushes Empy flycatcher chimney swift ruby throated hummingbirds
Bob McNulty
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
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Date: 9/5/24 9:26 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Thursday morning
A lovely day to be out, even if there was less activity today than yesterday, but there were still decent numbers of birds enough to make it difficult to get on all of them. The dominant warbler species was still Tennessee but magnolias, redstarts as well as Bay-breasted were pretty easy to find. N Parula, Magnolia & TN were heard singing.
Also, I did well on thrushes seeing a couple Swainson’s thrushes as well as hearing them, and also heard Veery a couple times although I could not spot one (confirmed by merlin but characteristic “veer” call). Then I spotted a Wood Thrush in the same area; it called as well. Activity continued late into the morning as I found a couple small flocks in shaded areas after the main flight was over.
One of the first birds I got was a first of season (for Ohio—I heard a couple while I was in Maine in august)—Red-breasted Nuthatch. I heard it first then was able to spot it in a nearby tree.
BT Green
Am Redstart—at least one male
N Parula
Com YT
Vireos: Warbling, RE (lots), WE
Thrushes: Swainson’s, Veery (heard only), wood
Brown Thrasher
Red-breasted Nuthatch FOS for OH
YB Cuckoo eating a caterpillar
Pileated WP
Chimney Swift
Least FC
E Phoebe
Red-shouldered Hawk
Peggy Wang
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Date: 9/5/24 9:22 am From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Clay colored sparrow - woodland mound - Hamilton county
Found yesterday by Sean Gallagher continues today. Ohio bird for me!
It’s with a small flock of Chippies.
On the lawn area of the nature center
There. It’s been cooperating. Find
The chippie flock and scan each one
Well. Although it was first found
This morning in flight. That paleness
Stands out.
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
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Date: 9/4/24 1:19 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus and Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Blendon Woods Nature center parking lot, goldenrod trail, and Lake trail.I was finding only 1 to 3 warblers at a time.Nashville warbler Magnolia warblers Bay breasted warbler Chestnut sided warblers American redstarts Common yellowthroat Black throated green warbler Black and white warbler Gray cheeked thrush Barred owl Indigo bunting red eyed vireos
Woodside green in Gahanna 1-3pm Canada warbler necklace extremely faintBlackburnian warbler American redstarts Black and white warbler red eyed vireoswarbling vireo also singing empy flycatcher Eastern wood pewees
Bob McNulty
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
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The radar was light. Monday was the day! I hit Kelley preserve in Clermont
County. I was under no illusions re seeing a Golden-winged….. although
That spot gets them! No idea why….i was thinking Solitary Sandpiper.
It annoying comes up on my Clermont needs all the time….. I have tried
Valley view, east fork, now here. Oh well! Anyway, the parking lot
At Kelley is always good, I had a nice flock when I first arrived. And I know
I missed stuff! Maggie, Tennessee, Redstart. Alas that was it warbler wise.
Another birder had ovenbird and Parula. I had Swainsons thrush later.
It was slow - and no Solitary sandpiper……
Another birder and I were discussing migrants later. They migrate in, but will
Move around over the following days, until the next time they move on any
Distance. With the proper winds and all. Saturday should be our next big
Migrant morning. I am glad this is falling on a weekend for those who can’t
Get out during the week!
Seward rd. Is drying up for shorebirds! I hate to say that, but we have gotten
No rain down here. The plus side is that the front is drying and starting to
Look good for shorebirds. There’s a parking pull off on the east side of
The road just past the RR tracks. Pull in there. Let’s keep our fingers crossed
That lasts! I don't know where else to get shorebirds now down here. I will
Probably hit Lost bridge this weekend sometime. Hopefully the river produces
Stuff….. anyway, I couldn’t find a WR or Stilt today. Or golden plover.
I need Bobolink for Hamilton county. Sept is migration, so off I went to Fernald.
I walked around lodge pond. Scanning fields far and near. No….. it was the
Afternoon too. Not a conducive time. As I walked back to my car, I spotted three
Smallish, pale birds flying from that mound downwards. That had possibilities!
As much as I enjoy flight Id, that was far! My next time there, I will head to
That area. And the bird blind.
Odes notes - green darners everywhere. And none perched!
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
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Date: 9/4/24 9:00 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Wednesday morning—15 warblers
Another amazing morning at Denison. There were many birds moving through for at least 45 minutes so it was impossible to get on all of them. On days like this I wonder how many warblers I miss. One of the first warblers I saw was a stunning Blue-winged lit up by the early morning sun. I also spotted another Wilson’s.
I managed to pin IDs on 15 species of warblers. Once again, Tennessees seemed to be the most numerous but there were several Nashvilles, Bay-breasteds and N Parulas. Early in the morning it was almost like spring in that I had singing N Parula, Tennessee and Bay-breasted. I also saw four Ovenbirds which must be some kind of record for one day at Denison.
Heard my FOS Swainson’s Thrush doing its “pit” call several times but I couldn’t spot it in the tangles. I heard a Least FC but also saw another small empid that was more yellow than the Least I saw the other day—prob a Yellow-bellied but it didn’t vocalize. A few BG Gnatcatchers were around. Got good looks at a imm male Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Beautiful day to be out.
Had a TN Warbler in my backyard yesterday while I was waiting for the plumber to finish. One Chimney Swift flew over the bike path last evening.
N Parula
Cape May
Black-throated Green
Am Redstart—at least one male
Com YT
Vireos: Philadelphia, RE, WE
Rose-breasted Grosbeak—imm male
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Swainson’s Thrush FOS heard
Com Grackle
Least FC heard
Empid sp
RT Hummingbird female
Peggy Wang
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Date: 9/3/24 4:13 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus
Nature center parking lot, goldenrod trail and lake trailAmerican redstarts Black throated green warblers Magnolia warblers Black and white warblers Common yellowthroat Chestnut sided warblers Bay Breasted warblers Blackburnian warbler Northern parulas Swamp sparrow Swainson's thrushes red eyed vireos
Bob McNulty
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Date: 9/3/24 10:20 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Tuesday morning
I got an early start at Denison, but unfortunately had to leave in the middle of great activity because the plumber I’d scheduled for later showed up early—grrrrrr. By the time I got back, the activity had dropped off significantly. In the short time I did have early, I noted a good flight of Tennessee Warblers, a fair number of redstarts as well as some Bay-breasted warblers. The flocks were fast moving and often high so it was hard to identify some of them. Interesting was a N Parula that was singing & a Least FC that was calling monotonously from its perch. I also had great views of a brightly colored Philadelphia Vireo as well as a female Scarlet Tanager.
The Blue Jays were rather annoying this morning. A few times, I’d be sorting through a slower-moving flock then the Jays would let out an alarm call, scattering all the birds—I could swear they were doing it on purpose.
I went to Morris woods for a brief time afterwards but had very little there except for a Bay-breasted warbler, one green heron and seven wood ducks.
N Parula—singing
B&W female
Am Redstart—all yellow
Blackburnian female
BT Green
Com YT
Vireos: Philadelphia, RE, WE
Least FC
Brown Thrasher
Scarlet Tanager female
House Wren
Song Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing
Com Grackle
Red-shouldered Hawk
Peggy Wang
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Was on! The radar was popping last night. As befits the drop in temps.
Finally…. Migrants everywhere. Even that mythical Golden winged warbler….
My Ohio jinx bird…… Birds were in! I actually was hitting Pearls fen in Greene
county for botany. Since I missed The Sat. Trip. Wow! Enough said.
I detoured to Gilmore as I drove north. Marianne - Ms. Gilmore - texted me
Stating a Juvie YC night heron was out. At mid morning! So I chased. Success!
A sept YC. Yea! I tried quickly for warblers as I power walked out. Didn’t
Happen….. stuff is there! I wanted to get to Pearl.
Pearls fen had good migrants. But I was after plants. Success with them! I enjoyed
Meeting fellow birders there and talking birds! Yep. That’s me! Talking birds….
Oaks Quarry was slow. This is a spot near pearls fen. Completely different habitat.
Good odes though!
I hit Caesar creek beach driving home. On the way. Mistake….. a holiday with
Good weather….. I wanted the sanderling….. next year hopefully when
I do a warren big year. I can’t believe the number of people on the beach….
I pulled into my driveway at 5:03. Right on time!
Good birding all. Tuesday is catch up on errands day. I’ll be out again Wed!
Sandra Keller
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Date: 9/2/24 1:46 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus and Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Blendon Woods Cool weather meant more birds !Black throated green warblers Magnolia warblers Bay breasted warblers Cape May warbler Chestnut sided warblers Black and white warblers Tennessee warblers Nashville warblers American redstarts Blackburnian warbler Black billed cuckoo yellow bellied flycatcher Veery Swainson's thrushes least flycatcher green heron belted kingfisher eastern phoebes indigo buntings red eyed vireos
Woodside green (Gahanna) 1pm-3pmBack throated green warblers Blackburnian warblers Bay breasted warblers Magnolia warblers Black and white warbler Chestnut sided warblers red eyed vireos Swainson's thrus
Bob McNulty
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
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Date: 9/2/24 11:31 am From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Mon morning 12 Warblers
There was a good flight this morning, the best so far this season. Frustrating too b/c it was one of the mornings when there are lots of birds moving through the trees right in front of me to try to sort out but then to the left & right, I could see more birds moving. Always that dilemma of, are there better/more birds over there than right here in front of me?! Nice problem to have. For the most part, I stayed put & let the birds come past me. Delightfully cool & pleasant.
Best was my FOY Cape May Warbler (another I missed in the spring) that I even got photos of and my FOS Nashville. Found another Wilson's with a darker cap than the one the other day. Saw one adult & one imm male Am Redstart today altho the majority were yellows. The dominant species seemed to be Tennessee but I had decent numbers of redstarts, Magnolias, Chestnut-siced & Bay-breasted (some with a fair amount of "bay" on the flanks). Also saw my FOS Hermit Thrush. I stopped by Lobdell on the way home but it was v quiet. I did see a Black-throated Green which I haven't recorded for that locale before today. WarblersCape May FOYNashville FOSWilson'sBlack-throated GreenMagnoliaAm Redstart (incl one ad & one imm male)Bay-breastedBlackpollN ParulaBlackburnian femaleChestnut-sided Common YT--juv, late brood RE & WE VireosAcadian FCPeeweeEmpid spHermit Thrush FOSBrown ThrasherRuby-thr HummingbirdCom GrackleCedar Waxwing Peggy WangGranville
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society. Please consider joining our Society, at Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
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Date: 9/2/24 8:09 am From: Douglas Vogus <vogeye...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Ottawa NWR Monthly Census
SEPTEMBER 01, 2024 - OTTAWA NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE MONTHLY CENSUS. ROUTES: East Side, Fox Unit (parking lot only), Boss Unit (parking lot only), West Side, and Western Prairies and Henry Marsh in the morning; Wildlife Drive in the afternoon. OBS. EAST, FOX & BOSS: Jim Koppin, Jim Reyda, Al Schlecht. OBS. WEST: Mary Applegate, Susan Brauning, Katie Clink, Donna Kuhn, David & Kim Myles, James O'Brien, Chris Pierce, Tracy Wiczer. OBS. WESTERN PRAIRIES & HENRY MARSH: Douglas W. Vogus. TIME: 7:35am - 12:15pm; 1:15pm - 4:30pm TIME AFIELD: 7:55 TEMP.: 62F ~ 80F ~ 78F COND.: Sunny, calm and clear, warming throughout the morning; sunny, warm and breezy in the afternoon.
I. MAMMALS: 5 SPECIES, 26 TOTAL. (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
??. Unidentified *Sterna* Tern Species - 10 ??. Unidentified Warbler Species - 6 (fleeting glimpses, backlit, fly-overs - the usual aggravations)
III. REPTILES: 4 SPECIES, (1 DEAD), 19 TOTAL. (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
1. Common Snapping Turtle - 4 (2 hatchlings) (Second September Record on Census) 2. Map Turtle - 3 (Second September Record on Census) 3. Midland Painted Turtle - 11 4. Eastern Garter Snake - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census)
X. Northern Brown Snake - 1 (dead - auto casualty on Krause Rd.)
IV. AMPHIBIANS: 3 SPECIES, 27 TOTAL. (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
1. American Bullfrog - 8 2. Green Frog - 4 3. Northern Leopard Frog - 15
V. FISHES: 2 SPECIES, 162 TOTAL. (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
1. Eastern Gizzard Shad - 1 (Second September Record on Census) 2. Blackstripe Topminnow - 161 (Third September Record on Census)
1. Eastern Black Swallowtail - 5 2. Giant Swallowtail - 1 (New Species on Census - currently at 44 Butterfly Species since 04/2002) 3. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - 3 4. Cabbage Butterfly - 94 5. Clouded Sulphur - 73 6. Orange Sulphur - 34 (New Census High - previous was 28 on 09/2021) 7. Southern Dogface - 18 (Fourth Record on Census - all in 2024 - & New Census High - previous was 12 on 08/2024) 8. Cloudless Sulphur - 3 (Third September Record on Census) 9. Bronze Copper - 1 10. Eastern Tailed-Blue - 1 11. Pearl Crescent - 11 12. Eastern Comma - 2 (Fourth September Record on Census) 13. Painted Lady - 5 (Fourth September Record on Census & Tied Census High from 10/2017) 14. Common Buckeye - 30 15. Red-spotted Purple - 7 (New Census High - previous was 4 on 08/2015 & 08/2021) 16. Viceroy - 42 (New Census High - previous was 30 on 08/2022) 17. Northern Pearly Eye - 2 (Third September Record on Census) 18. Monarch - 32 19. Silver-spotted Skipper - 1 (Fourth September Record on Census) 20. Least Skipper - 22 21. Peck's Skipper - 32 (Third Record on Census, First September Record on Census & New Census High - previous was 2 on 08/2022)
VII. MOTHS: 2 SPECIES, (1 NEW TO CENSUS), 9 TOTAL MOTHS. (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
1. Sod Webworm Moth - 4 (New Species on Census - currently at 20 Moth Species since 04/07/2002) 2. Chickweed Geometer - 5 (Fourth Record on Census, Second September Record on Census & New Census High - previous was 2 on 09/2022)
VIII. DRAGONFLIES & DAMSELFLIES: 12 SPECIES. (Recorded since 05/06/2018)
1. Common Green Darner 2. Eastern Pondhawk 3. Widow Skimmer (Third September Record on Census) 4. Blue Dasher 5. Wandering Glider (Third September Record on Census) 6. Eastern Amberwing (Fifth September Record on Census) 7. Common Whitetail (Second September Record on Census) 8. Black Saddlebags 9. Familiar Bluet (Fourth September Record on Census) 10. Orange Bluet (Third September Record on Census) 11. Fragile Forktail (Fourth Record on Census & First September Record on Census) 12. Eastern Forktail
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Date: 9/1/24 7:57 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Sunday morning—10 warblers
Cloudy & humid at first but sunny later. Activity wasn’t great but I ran into a decent-sized flock later in the morning. In typical fashion, the birds were frenetic & esp with the thick leaves & their being fairly high, it was difficult to get on individual birds long enough for an id. Seemed to be a number of Tennessees, redstarts & “baypolls” but I also got great looks at B&W male, N Parula adult & a gorgeous male Canada Warbler. I got great views of the last 3 as they were lower & in better light. I spotted pale legs on one baypoll & one with a hint of bay on its flanks so pinned ids on those 2.
Canada male
N Parula
B&W male
Am Redstart—all yellow
Com Yellowthroat-imm, likely late brood
RE & WE Vireos
Brown Thrasher
Least FC
Acadian FC
Empid sp
Cedar Waxwing
House wren
Pileated WP
Hairy WP
Peggy Wang
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I got a late start this morning. Was waiting around to see about the weather.
Decided it would be storms in Dayton. Not good for walking around enjoying
Botany! Pearls fen. I'll try and get there this week on my own.
Hit Armleder - Hamilton county. Overcast, no sunny edges, but I know the
Place well enough now to pick up on the migrants around. And there were some!
No Golden winged Warbler though. Some year….. Least Fly, Philly Vireo, orchard
Oriole - might be a breeder, black and white warbler, Tennessee, common yellowthroat, prothonotary, magnolia, blue grosbeaks - probably breeders as it was a family
Group! That wasn’t bad for my late start and the weather.
My highlight was Seward rd, butler. I love shorebirds! And this area is the spot!
Hopefully for awhile! Wr sandpiper. Stilt sandpiper. Golden - plover. Etc. I couldn’t
Relocate the Dow. All the regulars too. Fun times!
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
Sent from my iPad mini
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
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Date: 8/31/24 10:36 am From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Sat AM
Slightly cooler but the humidity was stifling at times, particularly when the sun came out. Not large numbers or flocks so it seemed a more protracted treasure hunt than usual. With some effort, a variety of species, mostly single birds, could be found. I was v happy to find a Wilson's Warbler, FOY for me since I missed it in spring. I got excellent looks a couple times but only fair photos. I did get photos of a cuckoo (just a head shot) that I believe is a juvenile Black-billed: buffy throat, pale green eye ring, black bill with lower bill gray towards base, v secretive (unlike the Yellow-billed I watched on an open branch as it devoured a good-sized caterpillar). I did not get a great look at its tail before it flew when someone came down the trail. I've heard Black-billed Cuckoo perhaps twice at Denison but I've never been able to spot one there. I also had a warbler I puzzled over for awhile. It stayed in heavy cover but at eye level at least some of the time altho it preferred to be lower & deeper in the tangles. I had adequate views but was not able to get photos partly b/c I wanted to really look at the bird. Initially, I thought it might be my FOS Nashville but the eye ring was not prominent nor was the body shape/size right for Nashville. It had a grayish hood, no wingbars & yellow underneath. The back was yellowish olive not gray so I believe it was a imm female Mourning Warbler. I saw this plumage once before, also at Denison a couple years ago & it puzzled me then as well. That bird had stayed closer to the ground than this one. Another birder saw a B&W but I didn't. Had great looks at another Yellow-throated Vireo.
Fewer Peewees now. Heard Least FC again. Saw a perched E Phoebe just before I left. Some late brood imm E Towhees around the last several days.
WarblersWilson's FOYMourning imm female FOSAm Redstart (yellow)Chestnut-sidedTennesseeMagnoliaBlackburnian female Vireos: Yellow-throated, RE & WE Black-billed Cuckoo imm Yellow-billed Cuckoo Least FCAcadian FCPeeweeE PhoebeBrown ThrasherField SparrowHouse WrenPileated WP--pair did a flybyHairy WP Peggy WangGranville
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society. Please consider joining our Society, at Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
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Date: 8/30/24 11:57 am From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison & Morris Woods Fri AM
I got a later start than I'd planned this morning. Bird activity was low but I did find my FOS Blackpoll & my FOY Olive-sided FC (missed it this spring) at Denison. The only other warblers at Denison were a single Magnolia & a couple Com YTs, likely late brood residents? Had good views of a Least FC that called.
Morris Woods was dead, too. Only warbler there was a BT Green. Had Red-headed (imm) & Pileated WPs there as well as 3 Wood Ducks. DBRMagnolia WarblerBlackpoll FOS Com YTRE & WE VireosOlive-sided FC FOY/FOSLeast FC Acadian FCPeeweeWood Thrush Brown ThrasherHouse WrenField Sparrow RT HummingbirdRed-shouldered Hawk Morris WoodsBT Green WarblerRE VireoRed-headed WP immPileated WPPeeweeHouse Wren Wood Duck Peggy WangGranville
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Date: 8/29/24 11:24 am From: August Froehlich <augustfroehlich...> Subject: Re: [Ohio-birds] Colorado River Basin/Sage-Grouse and Project 2025
the US Fish and Wildlife service has a site where you can access a wide
variety of photos of species and habitats, and they are copyright free:
Just search on Sage-Grouse. I think the photos in the Flickr collection are
better, but you can find what you need in both.
On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 1:10 PM Ted Auch <lsarpp...> wrote:
> Does anyone on this listserv have any great photos they've taken of
> charismatic bird species in the Colorado River Basin and/or specifically
> Sage-Grouse I could use with citation for a very long piece I am writing on
> Project 2025 with a section on Endangered Species Act and Dept of Energy?
> --
> *“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all
> our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a
> sterner sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
> *"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
> atrocities." Voltaire*
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
> Please consider joining our Society, at
> Our thanks to Miami University for
> hosting this mailing list.
> You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
> Send questions or
> comments about the list to: <listowner...>
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Please consider joining our Society, at
Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
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Date: 8/29/24 11:18 am From: Ted Auch <lsarpp...> Subject: Re: [Ohio-birds] Colorado River Basin/Sage-Grouse and Project 2025
Thanks so much August these are great!
On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 2:09 PM August Froehlich <augustfroehlich...>
> Ted-
> the US Fish and Wildlife service has a site where you can access a wide
> variety of photos of species and habitats, and they are copyright free:
> >
> They also curate a similar Flickr collection with a wide variety of
> subjects:
> >
> Just search on Sage-Grouse. I think the photos in the Flickr collection
> are better, but you can find what you need in both.
> -August
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 1:10 PM Ted Auch <lsarpp...> wrote:
>> Does anyone on this listserv have any great photos they've taken of
>> charismatic bird species in the Colorado River Basin and/or specifically
>> Sage-Grouse I could use with citation for a very long piece I am writing on
>> Project 2025 with a section on Endangered Species Act and Dept of Energy?
>> --
>> *“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all
>> our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a
>> sterner sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
>> *"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
>> atrocities." Voltaire*
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
>> Please consider joining our Society, at
>> Our thanks to Miami University
>> for hosting this mailing list.
>> You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
>> Send questions or
>> comments about the list to: <listowner...>
*“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our
deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner
sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
*"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities." Voltaire*
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Please consider joining our Society, at
Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
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Date: 8/29/24 10:55 am From: Ted Auch <lsarpp...> Subject: Re: [Ohio-birds] Colorado River Basin/Sage-Grouse and Project 2025
One more thing to clarify my request in response to Peggy's question
*The species I am really interested in Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed
or likely to be listed that have seen “habitat loss and fragmentation
include the altered wildfire cycle due to the establishment non-native
invasive plants, and human activities, like energy development,
transmission lines and rural subdivisions.”*
*That quote is directly from Sage-Grouse listing on Fish & Wildlife Service
but applies to many ESA flora and fauna. Also I wanted to note that Pendley
talks specifically of how ESA has been corrupted by something he calls
"species cartels" and rampant conflicts of interest at the DOI.*
On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 1:32 PM Ted Auch <lsarpp...> wrote:
> Hello All
> Peggy Wang asked a great question which is whether I will be protesting
> Project 2025 and to be clear the following response was what I sent to her
> *Wow of course I should have stated that up front Peggy! Yes, very much
> against Project 2025. This is a long-form (23,000+ words) piece laying out
> the history of The Heritage Foundation, the role of SCOTUS and Fifth
> Circuit Appeals Court, and frankly White Christian Nationalism in how
> Project 2025 came to be. The sections I am writing about where I would use
> these photos are my systematic critique of the Department of Energy chapter
> written by Reagan-era clown William Pendley.*
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 1:10 PM Ted Auch <lsarpp...> wrote:
>> Does anyone on this listserv have any great photos they've taken of
>> charismatic bird species in the Colorado River Basin and/or specifically
>> Sage-Grouse I could use with citation for a very long piece I am writing on
>> Project 2025 with a section on Endangered Species Act and Dept of Energy?
>> --
>> *“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all
>> our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a
>> sterner sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
>> *"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
>> atrocities." Voltaire*
> --
> *“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all
> our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a
> sterner sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
> *"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
> atrocities." Voltaire*
*“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our
deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner
sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
*"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities." Voltaire*
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Please consider joining our Society, at
Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
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Date: 8/29/24 10:42 am From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Thurs AM
I was feeling a bit stir crazy & since it was cloudy & not too hot, I ventured out this morning. Denison was v muggy with no breeze but temps stayed below 80. There was more activity than I expected & I picked up my FOS Canada Warbler as well as a skulking KY Warbler. The KY was near a spot where they have bred in the past altho I didn't find any nesting KYs this year except in the Taylor-Ochs section. I believe it was an adult female but don't know whether it's more likely to be a migrant or a resident this time of year. Numbers were low but decent species variety. Missed a few high warblers against the bright white sky. Heard a couple Acadian FCs which I haven't heard for awhile as well as a calling then briefly singing Wood Thrush. I spotted a Great Crested FC which called briefly later. Suspect there is a family of Brown Thrashers in the same area where I had what I thought was a family group last year. I saw at least 3 today. WarblersCanada FOSKY Warbler FOSBlackburnianTennesseeAm Redstart (yellow)BT GreenChestnut-sided 1st winter Common Yellowthroat Vireos: RE, WE, Yellow-throated Brown ThrasherAcadian FCPeeweeGreat-crested FCEmpid sp Wood ThrushRose-breasted GrosbeakRuby-thr HummingbirdTree SwallowCom GracklePileated WPHairy WP Peggy WangGranville
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society. Please consider joining our Society, at Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at: Send questions or comments about the list to: <listowner...>
Date: 8/29/24 10:32 am From: Ted Auch <lsarpp...> Subject: Re: [Ohio-birds] Colorado River Basin/Sage-Grouse and Project 2025
Hello All
Peggy Wang asked a great question which is whether I will be protesting
Project 2025 and to be clear the following response was what I sent to her
*Wow of course I should have stated that up front Peggy! Yes, very much
against Project 2025. This is a long-form (23,000+ words) piece laying out
the history of The Heritage Foundation, the role of SCOTUS and Fifth
Circuit Appeals Court, and frankly White Christian Nationalism in how
Project 2025 came to be. The sections I am writing about where I would use
these photos are my systematic critique of the Department of Energy chapter
written by Reagan-era clown William Pendley.*
On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 1:10 PM Ted Auch <lsarpp...> wrote:
> Does anyone on this listserv have any great photos they've taken of
> charismatic bird species in the Colorado River Basin and/or specifically
> Sage-Grouse I could use with citation for a very long piece I am writing on
> Project 2025 with a section on Endangered Species Act and Dept of Energy?
> --
> *“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all
> our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a
> sterner sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
> *"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
> atrocities." Voltaire*
*“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our
deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner
sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
*"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities." Voltaire*
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Please consider joining our Society, at
Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
Send questions or comments about the list to: <listowner...>
Date: 8/29/24 10:10 am From: Ted Auch <lsarpp...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Colorado River Basin/Sage-Grouse and Project 2025
Does anyone on this listserv have any great photos they've taken of
charismatic bird species in the Colorado River Basin and/or specifically
Sage-Grouse I could use with citation for a very long piece I am writing on
Project 2025 with a section on Endangered Species Act and Dept of Energy?
*“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our
deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner
sense of justice than we do.” Wendell Berry*
*"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
atrocities." Voltaire*
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
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Date: 8/28/24 11:58 am From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Butler county shorebird spot
The Seward rd. Pond area. It’s a big pond. With water evaporating creating
A marsh. Who knows how long this will last? Pecs, least and Semipalm
Sandpipers, both yellowlegs. And solitary. Killdeer of course. I had wanted to
Hit lost bridge in Hamilton county next. But nixed that with this heat…..where’s
A cloud when needed?? Brate rd. Had shorebird habitat also. So theres
Possibilities for stuff here!
Hardly any egrets, I wonder where they are?
And a boat was actually on the Seward pond! It was from some official
Company. Looking for invasive fish? It was a fish company.
Good birding all. Stay cool!
Sandra Keller
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Date: 8/28/24 8:51 am From: <mmvalencic...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Chagrin River Bird Quest - NE Ohio
Hi Everyone:
Chagrin River Bird Quest (Bird Quest) is just one week away! Birding begins Friday Sept. 6 at 4pm and concludes Saturday Sept. 7 at 4pm, followed by a celebration, food, awards and prizes. And it's all FREE, but you must register your team soon. This year celebrates 10 years of Bird Quest!
Bird Quest is a 24-hour team birding challenge in the Chagrin River Corridor IBA (Lake, Geauga, Portage and Cuyahoga Counties). Teams can be family members or birding friends, novice birders or well experienced birders. All your birding is done within the IBA, so we have an annual snapshot of the birds present each September. Last year 140 species were recorded from all teams birding from the mouth of the Chagrin River at Lake Erie down to Aurora, OH.
You can learn more at our website ( <> Chagrin River Bird Quest 2024 - Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland ( or email me with your questions. You and your team start your challenge by picking up your FREE T-shirts, maps and other materials at The Rookery, 10110 Cedar Road, Chesterland, OH (Geauga County). BUT YOU MUST REGISTERED TO PARTICIPATE!
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Date: 8/27/24 3:29 am From: Bruce Simpson <nylebruce...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Delaware St Pk-18 Warblers 5 Vireos Woodpeckers Hawks Songbirds
I visited this area Aug 23-25 There was much activity Up to 8 Warblers in a flock Everywhere I went I found Birds
American Redstart
Cape May
N Parula
Black-throated Blue
Bald Eagle
Great Crested
E Towhee
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Baltimore Oriole
Gray Catbird
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Double-crested Cormorant
Spotted Sandpiper
House Finch
Carolina Wren
Belted Kingfisher
Great Blue Heron
E Bluebird
Great Egret
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Feeding Activity
Sweet Gum
Honey Locust
Ash-RBGR-eat seeds
Bruce Simpson-Nature Photographer
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Date: 8/26/24 11:23 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison & Hoover Nature Preserve Monday morning
There was more activity than I thought there would be at Denison on a warm, humid morning, not that it was teaming with birds but there were some warblers around. There was also a singing Yellow-throated Vireo and since they breed there, I don’t know whether it was a late breeder or a migrant. Best find was my FOS B&W warbler— I actually don’t see many of them at Denison.
Since the White-rumped Sandpiper was still being seen at Hoover Nature Preserve and I’d never visited that birding spot, I proceeded there & ran into a couple other birders. They had seen perhaps two White-rumpeds before a peregrine made a couple passes and scattered all the birds. They had also seen the White Pelican. They left but I stayed, and eventually got on a grayish peep that was smaller than a killdeer. It had longish wings & a strong whitish supercilium. I wasn’t able to see it fly, but I did watch it preen and got a glimpse of the white-rump as it was preening (scope views) so I was comfortable with the ID. There were also a few Semi-palmated plovers and one Greater YLs. I never saw the peregrine or the white pelican.
B&W male FOS
Am Redstart
Yellow-throated singing
YB Cuckoo
Brown Thrasher
Empid (suspected Least)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
House Wren
Hoover NP
White-rumped SP
Semi-palmated Plover
Greater YL
Caspian Tern—several
Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
DC Cormorant
Osprey—watched one eating a fish on a high perch then saw that bird or another taking a long bath by the “island” where I was watching for the White-rumped SP
Bald Eagle—2 imm
Wood Duck
Peggy Wang
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This sunny morning I stopped at a few favorite local migrant traps and found little early migration. I stopped at New Galena and the East Dam at Alum Lake, then drove over to the north end of Hoover Reservoir to visit the Plumb-Wiese bikepath (and shore), the Area M&N bays (and mudflats), and the Sunbury Rd causeway (and mudflats). The recent drought conditions have dropped the water level at Hoover, but not at Alum, where the level is apparently maintained through October for pleasure boaters. As a result, Alum had little shoreline mud, but Hoover had lots of mudflats, making for decent shorebirds. Notables for the morning included:
waterfowl - nothing but the expected geese-woodies-mallards, but teal should show up any day now cormorants - may be gathering now, with flocks at most locations GreatEgrets - Hoover's mudflats had 3-4 at both Wiese & Areas M,N Plovers - Killdeers were abundant at Hoover, but Area N also had 3 Semipalmated Plovers Sandpipers - both yellowlegs were at both Wiese and Area N, while the former had a Spotted Sandpiper, and the latter also had Pectoral Sandpipers. White-rumped Sandpipers were reported again from the Redbank Road mudflats (further south on Sunbury Rd from Area N), but I didn't have time to pursue them CaspianTerns - singles were at both the Wiese shoreline and Area N Osprey - singles were at New Galena, Wiese shore, and Area N Red-shouldered hawk - 1 adult was soaring over Area M calling Vultures - TVs were scattered everywhere, but Area M also had a BV Red-headedWoodpeckers - they were conspicuous at Area N as usual, but they were also along the Wiese shore and at New Galena on Alum. WoodPewee - one of the few landbird migrants in evidence, with calling birds at nearly every stop Swallows - small numbers of Barns at nearly every shoreline stop; Hoover's Area N had 20, along with 2 Rough-wings Vireos - Red-eyed were at every stop, and Area N also had a singing Warbling CedarWaxwings - small flocks at many locations; they seem to be gathering in prep for migration Warblers - nothing that I could ID, but furtive little warblers were at several stops. It was frustrating that there were so few of them and they were so skittish. Orioles - none at New Galena (where I expect them), but 1 Baltimore was working a fruiting black cherry tree with Robins & Waxwings along the Wiese bikepath.
As an addendum, the Hoover mudflats are starting to show their first crops of transient grasses and herbs, attracting an interesting fauna of butterflies & moths. This is one of the best spots in central Ohio to find Fiery Skippers, an unusual southern stray that has one of the grasses as its primary hostplant. You can also find a decent mix of other butterflies & moths out on the greening mudflats, so keep your eyes open.
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Date: 8/25/24 9:34 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Sunday morning
Warmer & more humid. There was a flurry of activity just as the sun hit the trees by the ponds but it didn’t last much beyond 40 minutes then there were almost no birds to be found. There were larger numbers of individual warbler species but pretty much the same species I’ve been seeing—3-4 at least of Magnolias, Bay-breasted plus a large flock of cedar waxwings feeding on berries. A couple Yellow-billed Cuckoos were after the same berries and flew thru the waxwing flock a few times. I know I missed a lot—I’d be trying to get on one warbler and 3 would dart thru my binocular view! Exciting but frustrating, too.
Morris Woods had more mosquitoes than birds but I was treated to a confiding, close Bay-breasted Warbler bathing in a pool of water. A Pileated WP flew across the road on my drive there.
Blackburnian—single gorgeous male
Am Redstart
Vireos—just WE & RE
Brown Thrasher
Cedar Waxwings—large flock, at least 20
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Scarlet Tanager female—also feeding on berries
Red-headed WP imm
Empid—suspect Least but didn’t study it closely, smaller than peewees, silent
RT Hummingbird
Field Sparrow
House Wren
Tree Swallow
Last evening, I saw at least 10 Chimney Swifts over the bike path—the most I’ve seen at once this summer was 5.
Peggy Wang
PS: any ebird experts out there who can tell me how to change a species listed as rare for the location when it is actually common? Bay-breasted Warbler and a couple others are regular migrants at Denison but ebird lists them as rare so I have to put in more info. Pls reply offlist.
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Date: 8/24/24 1:53 pm From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Another kite try - Mariemont - Hamilton county - no
Andrew and I hit here around the same time as I saw the target bird yesterday.
Nothing today! And I mean nothing! I had a Kestrel, Coopers, RS and RT
Yesterday. Not today! Dragonflies were still all over that field and garden area.
Keep checking likely spots! Although I leave for SW Kentucky Sunday. Working
On my Kentucky list and just exploring.
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
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Date: 8/24/24 11:58 am From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus
Nature center parking lot, golden rod trail, lake trail. 7:30-10amMagnolia warblers Chestnut sided warblers Blackburnian warbler Black and white warblers American redstarts Wilson;s warbler Tennessee warbler Red headed woodpecker Empy flycatcher red eyed vireo blue gray gnatcatcher
Bob McNulty
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Date: 8/24/24 9:34 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Saturday morning
I ran into one mixed flock that lingered for about 45 minutes this morning. Activity was busy enough that I’m sure I missed a few but many were low and in good light which made for enjoyable viewing & even a few photos.
After the flock melted away, I found v few birds despite checking several areas. The activity I’ve seen the last few days has all been in an area where v little clearing of invasives has been done. Areas that used to be good areas to find migrant flocks but have now been cleared out & appear quite barren have had little or no activity. Species variety has been good but numbers are low—I see mostly single birds of each species altho s/t 2 or rarely 3 or more, at least so far.
Yellow-throated (they breed here but I suspect this one was a migrant)
Blackburnian—stunning female
Am Redstart—yellow
Philadelphia/Warbling—did not see this bird as well as the Philadelphia I saw yesterday. It was a paler bird but still had darker lores & body than what I expect for Warbling so I’m leaning towards Philadelphia. Plus, for whatever reason, I see Philadelphia vireos more often here than Warbling, while at the Land Lab, I’ve only seen Warbling.
Brown Thrasher—at least 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
E Peewee
Tree swallow
RT Hummingbird—at least 4
Wood Thrush—heard “machine gun” call
Pileated WP
House Wren
E Towhee
Field Sparrow—still singing
Peggy Wang
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Date: 8/24/24 1:52 am From: Robert Thorn <robthorn6...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Inland Rare Birds, 8-18 thru 23
Migration is now becoming serious, with most of our midwest species either
in it or starting it. Wader dispersal is tapering off, though interesting
herons are still widespread. Shorebird migration is going full tilt, and
gulls & terns are also starting to move. Raptor & perching bird migration
is also starting, so many birds that were rare & worthy of mention on this
list aren’t so rare now. These next few weeks may be the best time to look
for strays this Autumn.
Snow Goose – the Springfield IL bird continued thru 8-20
Gr.White-fronted Goose – the birds at the Princeville Irrigation lagoons (N
of Peoria IL) were still there thru 8-22
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks – the Wooster Ohio flock was still being
found sporadically thru 8-23, and another flock has materialized at the
ElPaso IL sewage plant thru 8-22
Northern Pintail – not a summering duck usually, so a swarm of reports from
many sties along the Illinois River on 8-18, 19 may herald an early movement
Redheads – 1 appeared at Waukegan Beach (N of Chicago) IL 8-18
CommonGoldeneye – 1 bird is still lingering at Pt. Mouille SGA MI thru 8-22
Red-br.Merganser – 1 was still around Pt. Mouille SGA MI thru 8-17, while
further east, the only recent report was from Headlands Beach St.Park OH
8-20. This week produced no records from Lake Michigan or inland
Horned Grebe – 4 of them appeared at a wetland in far NW Ohio (Williams
Co.) 8-17, while reports have increased along the shorelines of the
northern Great Lakes.
Eurasian Collared Dove –still multiple records from IL and western IN, but
still rarer further east. Northern Ohio had birds stray to Huron 8-18 and
Brunswick 8-18. Central KY had birds at Berea 8-18 & 21 and E of Lexington
White-winged Dove - none in our area this week, but 1 is not far away in SE
Missouri thru 8-22.
American Avocets – still a few around, but major straying period is over.
Birds were still at Conneaut sandspit on Lake Erie OH 8-18 and Montrose
Point on Lake Michigan IL 8-20. Inland, birds were still at Caesar Creek
St.Park OH 8-20, Eagle Marsh IN 8-20, and Chautauqua NWR IL 8-19 & 22
Black-necked Stilts – 1 bird has lingered around Howard Marsh on Lake Erie
OH thru 8-22. Around Chicagoland, birds were still at Muirhead Springs thru
8-22. Inland, birds seemed to have moved down the Illinois River to Emiquon
NWR, where 50-80 were seen 8-18 thru 21, with a few birds still around 8-22.
Black-bellied Plover – dip in records from Lake Erie, though birds are
still reliably at Presque Isle St.Park PA thru 8-22, Erie Marsh Preserve MI
thru 8-22, and Point Mouille SGA MI thru 8-22. On Lake Michigan, birds were
S of Illinois Beach St. Park 8-21 and along the Gary IN lakefront 8-19.
Inland birds remained around Hebron OH thru 8-20 and Chautauqua NWR IL thru
8-19, with newer records at Hoover Reservoir OH 8-22 and Emiquon NWR IL
American Golden Plover – scarce in east, with only birds at Erie Marsh
Preserve MI thru 8-22. More common in west, with many reports from IL and
NW IN, mostly from sod farms or wastewater lagoons (like at Princeville IL
or El Paso IL)
Piping Plover – no recent reports from Lake Erie, so those birds may be
mostly gone. On Lake Michigan, birds persisted at Illinois Beach St.Park
thru 8-18, Waukegan Beach IL thru 8-18, and Montrose Point (Chicago) thru
Whimbrel – still scarce. 2 birds were around the Lorain lakefront
impoundment OH 8-18 thru 23 for the only east records, while on Lake
Michigan birds lingered at Illinois Beach St. Park thru 8-18, Gary IN
lakeshore 8-23, and Montrose Point (Chicago) thru 8-18.
*Hudsonian Godwit* – 1-2 have been regular at the Erie Marsh Preserve MI
from 8-18 thru 23, but mind-bending was the well-documented report of a
flock of 240 fly-overs there on 8-23.
Marbled Godwits - birds were around Lake Calumet IL thru 8-23 and at
Chautauqua NWR IL thru 8-17. In the east, birds were on Lake Erie around
the Huron Harbor impoundment thru 8-19 and Ashtabula OH lakefront 8-18 &
Willet – dip in records, with Lake Erie only producing birds at Presque
Isle St. Park PA 8-18 and the Huron Harbor impoundment 8-18 &19, while Lake
Michigan had 4-8 around Montrose Point (Chicago) thru 8-22. Inland, birds
straggled to Chautauqua NWR IL 8-17 and Eagle Marsh (Ft. Wayne) IN 8-20.
*Red Knot* – prime time for these strays, with 1-2 birds at Gary IN
lakefront thru 8-22 and at Montrose Point (Chicago) 8-22, and flocks of 4-5
at Erie Marsh Preserve MI 8-19 & 23 and 1-5 at Point Mouille SGA MI 8-21 thru
Sanderling – still loads of reports from the shores of Lakes Erie &
Michigan, so they should be looked for there. Plenty of inland stragglers,
with birds in the east at Dillon St.Park OH 8-19, Hoover Reservoir OH 8-18
thru 21, Alum Creek St,Park 8-18, and in the west, Heidecke Lake IL
8-19&21, Carlyle lake IL 8-18, and Chautauqua NWR IL 8-21
Buff-breasted Sandpiper – reports declining, with birds at Illinois Beach
St.Park 8-18&20, sod farms W of Chicago thru 8-18, Indian Lake OH thru
8-17, and Battelle Darby wetlands thru 8-19.
Baird’s Sandpiper – many reports from Lakes Erie & Michigan and inland, as
their migration peaks.
White-rumped Sandpiper – drop in reports, with records from 2 sites in
western Lake Erie: Erie Marsh MI8-20&22 and Point Mouille SGA MI
8-19thru22, and 2 sites elsewhere: Kankakee River St.Park IL 8-18&20 and
Lake Monroe IN 8-18 thru 21.
Ruddy Turnstone – an uptick in reports, with birds at multiple sites on
Lake Erie (Presque Isle, Conneaut, Headlands Beach, Huron Harbor, and Erie
Marsh) and Lake Michigan (Montrose Point, Gary IN lakeshore, and New
Buffalo MI beach). No recent reports inland.
Wilson’s Phalarope – decided drop the number of reports. Currently birds
are in th east only at Erie Marsh Preserve MI thru 10-23, with an earlier
record at nearby Pt. Mouille SGA MI 8-21. In the west, the current site is
Chautauqua NWR IL, which has had 6-7 thru 8-23. Earlier records were at
Garden Prairie (W of Chicago) IL 8-20 and Goose Pond FWA IN 8-20
Red-necked Phalarope – bump up in reports, with multiple reports recently,
especially in the west. In the east, birds were 6 at Huron Harbor OH 8-19,
2 at Battelle Darby wetlands 8-20, and 1-3 at Erie Marsh Preserve MI thru
8-23. In the west there have been over a dozen sighings, mostly from
Illinois, with the freshest coming from Chautauqua and Emiquon NWRs along
the Illinois River (both thru 8-23)
Laughing Gull – a continuing paucity of recent reports, with the only one a
bird at Mosquito Lake St.Park OH 8-17 thru 22.
Franklin’s Gull – all reports in the west: Lake Springfield IL 8-17, Gary
IN lakefront 8-18, and Chautauqua NWR IL 8-19
Lesser Black-backed Gulls – decline in reports, with recent sightings only
from Grand Lake St.Mary’s Lake OH 8-17, Lorain Harbor OH 8-18, and Montrose
Point (Chicago) IL 8-18&19
Little Gull – none in our area currently
Least Tern – essentially gone, which makes the report from Lorain OH
lakefront 8-18 that much more startling
Black Tern – quite a few stragglers, with eastern birds at Huron Harbor OH
8-19, Pleasant Hill lake OH 8-19, Medusa Marsh (W of Sandusky) OH 8-20, and
Robertson Preserve OH 8-22,23. Western birds even more numerous, with birds
at Goose Pond FWA IN 8-22&23, Gary IN lakeshore 8-19, Dixon Lake IL 8-20,
Princeville Wastewater lagoons IL 8-23, and 5-20 birds at Chautauqua NWR IL
thru 8-23
Common Loon – yet more random strays, with birds persisting at LaDue
Reservoir (E of Cleveland) OH thru 8-18, Erie Marsh Preserve MI 8-20, Gull
Lake (Kalamazoo) MI 8-21, and Summit Lake IN 8-18
Neotropic Cormorant – the only recent report was a bird at Falls of the
Ohio IN/KY 8-19&20
American White Pelican – multiple sightings from across the region, with
most around Illinois & western Indiana. Western Lake Erie has them
currently at Magee Marsh OH, Howard Marsh OH, and Erie Marsh Preserve MI,
all thru 8-23. Inland strays appear to still be staying where they were
last week, with birds at Hoover Reservoir OH thru 8-23, Knox Lake OH thru
8-23, Falls of the Ohio thru 8-22, Lake Shelbyville IL thru 8-22, and Lake
Charleston IL 8-18 thru 21.
Little Blue Heron – strays still common, with reports all across the
region. Almost all of them are white immatures, so take care with small
white herons.
Tricolored Heron – the bird at Marmet Dam (SE of Charleston) WV was last
reported 8-17
Snowy Egret – some decline of recent reports across region now. The only
recent eastern sightings were around Hebron OH 8-17&18, Ottawa NWR OH 8-17,
and Sandy Ridge Preserve (Lorain) OH 8-22. Records much more common &
widespread in IL & IN
Yellow-cr. Night Heron -- the stake-out bird at Gilmore Metropark OH became
3 and was seen through 8-23, while the bird at Wingfield Pines (S of
Pittsburgh) PA was found thru 8-19. New birds showed a disdain for remote
natural environs, choosing a business park wetland NW of Indianapolis IN
8-22 and the Naperville IL riverwalk 8-19 thru 21.
W. Cattle Egret – hardly any now, with the only reliable records coming
from Goose Pond FWA IN thru 8-20
*Plegadis* Ibis – none currently in our area; the closest Glossy is in
Virgina, while the closest White-faced is in Arkansas
White Ibis – none currently in our area, as the last strays disappeared
around 8-10.
Mississippi Kite –still plenty of records from southern IL & IN now; more
post-breeding strays too, with birds at Springfield IL 8-18&20, Rend Lake
IL 8-18, Ashland KY 8-17, Madisonville KY thru 8-19, Louisville KY thru
8-21, Akron OH thru 8-20, and Mariemont (Cincinnati) OH 8-23
*Swallow-tailed Kite* – ebbing now, with the LaPorte IN and Elkhart IN
birds last seem 8-17, and other recent sightings near Xenia OH 8-18,
Georgetown KY 8-17&20, and Murrysville (E of Pittsburgh) PA 8-21
Broad-winged Hawk – lots of dispersal now, but hawkwatches at Fort Sheridan
IL (Lake Michigan) and Holiday Beach Ontario (W.Lake Erie) have already
tallied their first migrants
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher – 1 remained near Horseshoe Lake IL thru 8-18
Western Kingbird – 1 bird was near Summit Lake (N of New Castle) IN 8-18&21
Loggerhead Shrike – the only 1 in this period was in far southern KY (near
Russellville) 8-17&19
Fish Crow – plenty in southern IL & western IN, but outliers have hung on
at Eagle Creek Lake (Indianapolis) IN thru 8-22, New Buffalo Beach MI thru
8-21, and around Cleveland OH thru 8-22.
Bell’s Vireo - still many reports in IL and western IN. Further east, the
only birds still reported were at Gilmore Metropark OH thru 8-19 and Deer
Creek WA OH thru 8-20
Philadelphia Vireo – multiple reports around Chicago 8-20 thru 22, singles
at South Bend IN 8-22, Elkhart IN 8-19, and Pt.Mouille SGA MI 8-22. Further
south, birds were at Fox Ridge St.Park IL 8-20&23, E of Beardstown IL 8-19,
at Shawnee Lookout (W of Cincinnati) OH 8-20, and Caesar Creek WA OH 8-23
Red-breasted Nuthatch – many recent sightings around Chicago and Cleveland
this period augur for a decent early migration/irruption of this species in
our area. 1 in the Red River Gorge KY 8-21 was possibly a resident but
could’ve been a very early migrant.
Bewick’s Wren – none in our area currently; nothing closer than Tulsa OK
Winter Wren – still regular sightings in central PA and the high glades of
WV; none were found further west this period
Sedge Wren –still common in IL & IN, with multiple sightings as far east as
central OH; listen for them in wet sedge meadows, though ‘wet’ may be a
challenge this week.
Golden-crowned Kinglet – expected records in the mountains of central PA
and WV, but unusual was a stray out to Port William (near Wilmington) OH
Swainson’s Thrush – multiple records around the northern and central areas
of IL, IN, OH starting around 8-20
Pine Siskin – strays appeared around the Chicago suburbs 8-18 & 8-20
Red Crossbill – not exactly strays, early wanderers appeared at the west
edge of the Alleghenies, at Spruce Flat Bog (SW of Pittsburgh) PA thru 8-22
and Cooper’s Rock Forest (W of Mograntown) WV 8-22
Purple Finch – strays reached Chardon OH 8-18 and Shelby OH 8-19, but
migrants have already appeared at Holiday Beach Ontario along western Lake
Erie by 8-20
Clay-colored Sparrow – none in our area this period, though birds were
still being seen in MI & WI north of us.
Lark Sparrow - scarce now; 1 was along the Chicago lakefront 8-17, while
another was E of Beardstown IL 8-19
White-throated Sparrow – still being found on lakefronts of Lake Erie
(Headlands Beach OH) 8-22 and Lake Michigan (Montrose Pt., Chicago)
8-20,23, but now also being reported from feeders in Worthington (near
Columbus) OH and Akron OH, so there appears to be an early wave of them
White-crowned Sparrow – none in our area yet, but the Bruce Peninsula on
Lake Huron in Ontario has already logged its first migrants 8-17 thru 21
Henslow’s Sparrow – increasingly difficult to find now, but birds could
still be found at Huffman Prairie (Dayton) OH thru 8-17, Muscatatuck NWR IN
thru 8-23, and Goose lake Prairie SNA (SW of Chicago) IL 8-18 &21
Lark Bunting – none in our area, but keep an eye out, as 1 was near
Traverse City MI 8-20
Brewer’s Blackbirds – the only reports were of good numbers at the Newark
Rd sod farms (W of Chicago) IL 8-17 thru 19
Rusty Blackbird – typically a later migrant, but 1 was reported in an Akron
OH park 8-22
Yellow-headed Blackbirds – no strays this period, but birds were still
being found in breeding marshes in WI and MN
Great-tailed Grackle – none reported this period, though no one appears to
have checked the Monee IL stakeout recently
Western Meadowlark – none currently reported from our area, as they’re
difficult to ID without singing; the closest is on a sod farm in eastern
Swainson’s Warbler – 1 was still in the Red River Gorge area KY 8-21
Orange-crowned Warbler – a few early reports of essentially a western
stray: Jackson OH 8-21 , Grunwall Farms For.Pres. IL 8-20, and Holiday
Beach Ontario 8-20
Nashville Warbler – multiple early reports throughout the northern part of
our area now
Blackpoll – many reports from Chicago area 8-17 thru 8-23; scattered
reports elsewhere, mostly around Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, and Parkersburg
Bay-breasted Warbler – widespread through northern part of area now
Chestnut-sided Warbler – an expected early migrant, they’re now widespread
through the area
Yellow-rumped Warbler – many early records now from Chicago area and around
shore of Lake Erie. 1 had reached south to Springfield IL 8-20
Palm Warbler – still no reports this cycle, even from Chicago or Lake Erie
migrant traps, so they really are a later migrant
Mourning Warbler – surprising number of records scattered around area for a
usually later migrant
Connecticut Warbler – an unusual early record came from W of Peoria IL 8-18
Painted Bunting – None currently in our area; the closest ones are still
hanging around the Memphis TN wastewater plant
Blue Grosbeaks – still many records throughout region; they will often sing
into September, so this is a good time to listen for them, especially
around old mine areas or landfills
Dickcissels – still common in IL and western IN, but scarcer elsewhere.
Strays starting to show up at Great Lakes shore (Illinois Beach St.Park,
Chicago lakefront, Howard Marsh OH)
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Date: 8/23/24 3:19 pm From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Mississippi Kite - Hamilton county - Mariemont area
Found yesterday by a fellow birder. Mariemont south 80 trails. And garden.
Wow! What a spot that I didn’t realize was here. I can’t wait to explore
Here more for odes, butterflies, and migrant birds! County bird! I nixed
Hitting the oxbow and lost bridge trip to search for this. Success!
It was hunting dragonflies over the garden, near the power line cut. Then
Headed east. And maybe across the river toward Turpin sod and clear creek.
I have pics of a slim raptor. Zoomed in both optically and digitally. And I still
Can’t tell much…..I don’t bird that way anyway. I want to know what the bird
Is, then I take a pic! Although things change…. I can change…..
I'll try and get to my pics tonight, but I have a lot to do.
I am told this is the time of year that nesting kites disperse before migrating
South. Hopefully this sticks! Although it might have been here awhile.
And I was looking up for Wood storks. They seem to be slipping by us!
I can’t believe those numbers up north!
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
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Date: 8/23/24 1:15 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus and Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Blendon Woods 7:30 am to 10. Nature center parking lot, goldenrod trail, lake trail.Cape May warbler, adult male Black throated green warbler, imm female Chestnut sided warblers Bay breasted warblers Blackburnian warblers American redstart Magnolia warblers red eyed vireo blue gray gnatcatcher
Woodside Green 10am to noonBlackburnian warbler magnolia warblers chestnut sided warblers red eyed vireo
Bob McNulty
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Date: 8/23/24 10:46 am From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison & Morris Woods Friday morning
Denison was active this morning, the most I’ve seen for quite some time. There weren’t big numbers but I had a nice flurry of warbler and vireo activity for about an hour in an area by one of the ponds. I’m sure I missed some birds but got good looks at others. Once the flurry died down, it was pretty dead, and there were no warblers at Morris Woods where I sometimes have some activity later in the morning but not today. Added 3 species for day there: Red-headed WP, Green Heron, Wood Duck.
Highlights were Philadelphia Vireo which I missed this spring plus wonderful looks at a Yellow-throated Vireo perched on a sunlit branch—it just glowed. Also had great looks at my FOS Blackburnian & TN Warblers & at least one perched & calling Least FC. Complete lists on ebird.
Blackburnian FOS
Tennessee FOS
Am Redstart—a few, all yellow
Black-throated Blue female
Philadelphia FOY
Least FC FOS
E Phoebe
Ruby-throated HBs—at least 4, males & females
Brown Thrasher
House Wren
Tree Swallow
Field Sparrow
Peggy Wang
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Date: 8/22/24 1:07 pm From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison Thurs AM
Not a lot of bird activity this morning but I tracked down 5 warblers on another delightfully cool morning. Red-eyed Vireos were easy to find & I heard a couple White-eared Vireos. Saw some imm E Towhees & House Wrens--late broods? WarblersChestnut-sidedBlue-wingedBay-breastedBlack-throated GreenCom YT--heard singing, prob a resident/late brood? E Towhee (inc imm)House Wren (inc imm)Acadian FCE Wood PeweeField Sparrow--still singingWood Duck No more Com Nighthawks the last couple evenings near the bike path in Granville but Wood Thrushes calling & I saw an adult E Bluebird perched with 3 juvs in the same tree yesterday. The other day I had a pair of Ruby-thr Hummingbirds jostling for the feeder.
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Date: 8/22/24 12:42 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus
Nature center parking lot, goldenrod trail, lake trial. 7:30 am to 10:30am. Chestnut sided warblers Bay breasted warblers Common yellowthroat Magnolia warbler Tennessee warbler Blackburnian warbler red eyed vireo warbling vireo green heron belted kingfisher red headed woodpecker
Bob McNulty
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Date: 8/21/24 12:38 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus and Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Blendon Woods: golden rod trail, lake trail, nature center parking lot.Yellow breasted chat - 1st time EVER for the fall for me magnolia warblers (also at Woodside Green park) blackburnian warblers (also at Woodside Green) common yellowthroat young male with just a stub of a tail, very cute! american redstarts chestnut sided warblers bay breasted warbler red eyed vireo indigo buntings blue gray gnatcatchers belted kingfishereastern phoebe eastern wood pewees Green heron
Bob McNulty
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Date: 8/21/24 11:17 am From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Denison & Morris Woods Wed AM
After not seeing any warblers (& v few birds overall) yesterday at Morris Woods & Lobdell despite what seemed like ideal conditions, I went to Denison & Morris Woods again this morning. (I see from Bob McNulty's post I should have gone to Blendon Woods & Woodside yesterday instead!). At least I picked a few warblers today, all FOS for me in OH. While in the Catskills last week, I had one morning with a nice mixed flock of 8 species of warblers incl several Chestnut-sided but today's sightings were my first OH fall warblers. The morning started well with my hearing a Yellow-throated Vireo in my yard as I was leaving.
With all the understory/invasives clearing at Denison, I don't have much hope there will be much of a migration there this fall but hoping I'll be incorrect. Plus, Spring Peeper Pond is nearly dry. Driving from Denison to Morris Woods, I saw an adult Bald Eagle, N Mockingbird, Barn & Tree Swallows & another Red-headed WP.
Warblers--single birds MagnoliaAm Redstart (yellow)Bay-breastedCom YT (heard only, resident?)N Parula (Morris Woods--only warbler I found there) RE & WE VireosAll the WPs except YB Sapsucker at DenisonField SparrowCom GrackleE Wood PeeweeIndigo Bunting Morris Woods onlyGreen HeronWood DuckN Parula Peggy WangGranville
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Date: 8/21/24 10:46 am From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Migration - Armleder - Hamilton county
I had no time to hit Highland county after catching up with errands and Chores. So plan b - hit my local patch and see if any migrants around. Yes! Not many, but I was my usual mid morning self.
1 BT green, 1 Blackburnian, 9 gnatcatchers - they are migrating now too. 2 RS hawks, 4 Broad winged Hawks.
A pleasant late morning. Tried for odes later. Limited success.
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Date: 8/20/24 1:44 pm From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus/ Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Full moon and winds from the north made for a good migration day.Blendon Woods golden rod trail, lake trail, nature center parking lotCanada warbler Bay breasted warbler American redstarts Blackburnian warblers Chestnut sided warblers Common yellowthroat Black and white warblers blue gray gnatcatchers red eyed vireos ruby throated hummingbirds (lots Indigo bunting carolina chickadees (a few without tails)
Woodside green (afternoon)Black and white warblers American redstart Tennessee warblers red eyed vireo belted kingfisher
Bob McNulty
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The shorebird spot down here in SW Ohio was its usual birdy self!
The water in the cattail marsh is evaporating though…. And quickly!
Hopefully some other spot gets good for shorebirds. I wonder what
The birds are looking for when they are flying around looking for a
Feeding spot? The Bairds was very nice.
An August pipit was on the mud there also.
The usual suspects shorebird wise here. I walked my usual there after
Putting the scope back in my car. Nothing migrant wise around that I
Could find. In fact, it seemed like less of the breeders.
The Seward rd. Area was a bit low in numbers also. I would say more
Moved out than came in.
Ode notes - the cool temps had dragonflies perching. Yea! I managed
A Green Darner and Wandering Glider pics! Perched.
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
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Date: 8/18/24 8:07 pm From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] FOS Common Nighthawk Sunday
I saw my FOS Com Nighthawk tonight about 8:15 from the bike path not far from wildwood park. It was headed southward.
Peggy Wang
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Butler county had an Uppie yesterday! I went searching when I could. No success
For me. I still need Uppie for the state. Some year. Butler county - Gilmore and
The Seward rd. Area have been a bright spot down here. 4 Caspian terns there
This morning. From another birder. Stilt Sandpiper at Gilmore - from another
Birder. I am striking out in Hamilton county - Lost Bridge might finally be done…..
I keep hearing that from veteran Hamilton birders! This year, I believe they might
Be correct. Habitat still looks ok, so must be a lack of food. I stopped at Fernald
After lost bridge. That was quiet also. No sign of the Shovelers reported from
Sat. Not that I hit every pond there! It’s been quiet down here.
Am hoping to get out more this coming week. Monday for odes though.
Next Sunday I leave for a days to SW Kentucky. Pick up some new birds and
Ode notes - am doing better for august than July. I await experts for one Id.
I am not an ode expert! Having fun learning though!
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
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Date: 8/18/24 9:51 am From: <mmvalencic...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Chagrin River Bird Quest (NE Ohio)
Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland invites you to participate in the 10th annual Chagrin River Bird Quest, the FREE 24-hour team birding challenge for birders of all experience levels. It takes place in the Chagrin River Corridor IBA (NE Ohio) from 4pm Friday Sept. 6 until 4pm Sept. 7. Birding is followed by food, fellowship, awards and prizes at The Rookery, 10110 Cedar Road in Chesterland. This FREE event requires registration on our website at <> Chagrin River Bird Quest 2024 - Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland (
Birding is confined to the Chagrin River Corridor IBA that includes over 30 eBird Hotspots in Portage, Geauga, Lake and Cuyahoga Counties. You can find information about birding locations and more under Check-in Materials when you register.
Check in at the Rookery from 4pm-6pm Friday Sept. 6. This includes a free T-shirt for each team member, instructions, birding locations and maps.
If you are a new(er) team, you may want to join one or more of the FREE guided bird walks scheduled in Portage (Owl Prowl), Geauga and Lake Counties. Just show up at the times noted. < > Bird-Walks-2024.pdf (
A pre-event New(er) Birders Workshop is scheduled for Saturday August 24th at the Novak Sanctuary, 382 Townline Road, Aurora, OH. You must register in advance for this FREE workshop at <> CRBQ Pre-Event Workshop Registration - Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland (
Hope to see you at Chagrin River Bird Quest. Any questions just email me at this address,
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Date: 8/16/24 8:48 pm From: Robert Thorn <robthorn6...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Inland Rare Birds, Aug 10-16
Migration is moving apace, with lots of shorebirds coming through,
including many choice rarities. Wader dispersal is shaping up to be strong
this year, with multiple reports of small herons, ibis, and even wood
storks. And perching bird migration is showing lots of early records, which
may not necessarily be a good thing given the wildfires in Canada.
Snow Goose – the Springfield IL bird continued thru 8-11
Gr.White-fronted Goose – the birds at the Princeville Irrigation lagoons (N
of Peoria IL) were still there thru 8-15, and a new record popped up in
LaSalle Wildlife Area IN 8-10
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks – the Wooster Ohio flock was still being
found sporadically thru 8-11
Redheads – after lots of earlier reports in the summer, the only one still
current is at Pt. Mouille SGA MI thru 8-11, which isn’t that current.
Canvasback – the last report of the pt. Mouille SGA MI bird was 8-09
CommonGoldeneye – 1 bird is still lingering at Pt. Mouille SGA MI thru
8-10, while another is not too far away at Point Pelee Ontario 8-13
Red-br.Merganser – 1 was still around Pt. Mouille SGA MI thru 8-10, while
further east, singles were at Fairport Harbor OH 8-11 and Presque Isle St.
Park PA 8-11&12. This week produced no records from Lake Michigan or inland
Horned or Eared Grebe – neither of these small grebes was reported in our
area this period, so if you need a Horned you’ll need to go to Toronto
(8-15), while the nearest Eared is in Minnesota (8-13).
Eurasian Collared Dove –still multiple records from IL and western IN, but
still rarer further east. OH only has a record from an old reliable site,
South Charleston 8-10, while eastern Kentucky now has one around Frankfort
White-winged Dove - none in our area this week, but 1 is not far away in SE
Missouri thru 8-15.
American Avocets – still somewhat scarce, with birds at Huron Harbor OH
8-11 and Lorain Harbor OH 8-16, and another inland NE of Mansfield OH 8-10.
Further west, Lake Michigan had no recent records, but 4 were still around
several spots at Chautauqua NWR IL thru 8-13
Black-necked Stilts – no recent reports from western Lake Erie, so those
birds may have departed. Around Chicagoland, birds were at Muirhead Springs
thru 8-16. Inland, Chautauqua NWR had flocks of 40 around 8-10, with
numbers dwindling thru 8-15. Goose Pond FWA IN still had 2-4 thru 8-12
Black-bellied Plover – lots of recent records from Lake Erie and Lake
Michigan beaches. 1 even wandered inland to Gilmore MetroPark (N of
Cincinnati) 8-11 thru 15, while 2 more were at the Hebron Fish hatchery (S
of Newark) OH 8-16
American Golden Plover – scarce, with singles S of Ashtabula OH 8-10, NW of
West Lafayette IN 8-14, and at Chautauqua NWR IL 8-13
Piping Plover – On Lake Erie, Presque Isle St.Park PA birds were found thru
8-12. On Lake Michigan, birds continued south of Illinois Beach St. Park
thru 8-16, and at Montrose Dunes (Chicago) IL thru 8-14.
Whimbrel – Lake Erie had birds at Huron Harbor OH thru 8-14 and Presque
Isle St.Park PA thru 8-11, while Lake Michigan had birds around Illinois
Beach St.Park 8-16 and Gary IN lakefront 8-12.
Marbled Godwits - birds were around Lake Calumet IL 8-11 thru 16 and at
Chautauqua NWR IL thru 8-13. In the east, birds were at Sandy Ridge Res.
(near Lorain) OH 8-09 thru 8-12 and 1-2 were around Huron Harbor 8-11 thru
Willet – uptick in eastern records, with birds on Lake Erie at Huron Harbor
OH thru 8-16, Lorain Impoundment OH thru 8-16, Ashtabula OH 8-16, and
Presque Isle St.Park PA 8-13. In the west, birds were on the Lake Michigan
south shore at New Buffalo beach MI 8-12, Michigan City harbor IN 8-10, and
Chicago lakefront 8-14. Inland, 1 was down at Falls of the Ohio IN 8-10
*Red Knot* - 1 was still hanging around the Peoria boat ramp IL 8-10&11
Sanderling – many reports from the shores of Lakes Erie & Michigan, so they
should be looked for there. Inland, birds strayed to Hoover Reservoir OH
8-15, Peoria boat launch 8-10, and Chautauqua NWR IL 8-13
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - ‘tis the season for these pretty wonders, with
birds appearing at Illinois Beach St.Park 8-15 & 16, Colchester IL 8-11, NW
of W.Lafayette IN 8-10&11, and at Battelle Darby wetlands (W of Columbus)
OH 8-13 thru 16
Baird’s Sandpiper – more reports from Lakes Erie & Michigan, but numerous
reports inland as well, as their migration heats up.
White-rumped Sandpiper – many reports around the Lake Erie shore (the most
recent being Huron Harbor impoundment 8-16). South Lake Michigan only had a
bird at New Buffalo beach MI 8-12, while inland 1 bird was at Lake Monroe
IN 8-13 thru 16
Ruddy Turnstone – drop-off in reports, with birds at Presque Isle St.Park
PA 8-12, Maumee Bay St.Park OH 8-10, and Erie Marsh Preserve MI 8-12. No
recent reports from southern Lake Michigan or inland.
Wilson’s Phalarope – an uptick, with birds at Headlands Beach & Mentor
Marsh OH 8-13thru 14, Sandy Ridge Res, OH thru 8-15, and Erie Marsh
Preserve MI 8-14 thru 16. Nothing reported from south lake Michigan, but
inland birds were at Chautauqua NWR IL 8-10, N of Peoria IL 8-14, and
Indian Lake OH 8-15&16
Red-necked Phalarope – still rare, with birds at Goose Prairie SWA IL 8-12
and a lake south of Clarksville WV 8-11
Laughing Gull – a drop in reports, with birds seen at Mosquito Lake OH thru
8-15, and Falls of the Ohio KY 8-13
Franklin’s Gull – several reports in the west: Montrose Pt. (Chicago) 8-11,
several spots around Peoria IL thru 8-14, and Carlyle Lake IL 8-12. Nothing
east except for Ontario.
Lesser Black-backed Gulls – multiple reports from Lakes Erie & Michigan,
but nothing inland currently
Little Gull – none in our area currently, but a bird has been around Long
Point on the north shore of Lake Erie (Ontario) thru 8-16
Least Tern – a few records from the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers in far
southern IL & IN, so they appear to be headed south
Black Tern – most of the recent records are from southern IL – Horseshoe
Lake St.Park 8-16 and Carlyle Lake 8-15&16, implying they are mostly south
of us now.
Common Loon – still just random strays, with birds persisting at LaDue
Reservoir (E of Cleveland) OH thru 8-15, Shabbona Lake St.Park IL thru 8-11
and Lake Maxinkuckee IN 8-13
*Wood Stork* – dispersing immatures made headlines, with one flock flying
over Mentor Marsh OH 8-14, while another group settled in at Battelle Darby
wetlands OH 8-13 & 14
Neotropic Cormorant – an uptick as folks scrutinize cormorants more
closely, with birds at Knox Lake OH 8-12, west of Springfield OH 8-14, at
Des Plaines WA IL 8-10, and near Clarksville IN (down on the Ohio River)
American White Pelican – multiple sightings from across the region, with
most around Illinois & western Indiana. Inland strays have become a bit
rarer, with birds at Hoover Reservoir OH 8-12 thru 15, Knox Lake OH 8-10
thru 14, Falls of the Ohio 8-10 thru 15, Lake Shelbyville IL 8-10 thru 12,
and Lake Charleston IL 8-10 thru 14.
Little Blue Heron – strays still abundant, with reports all across region.
Almost all of them are white immatures, so take care with small white
Tricolored Heron – the bird at Prairie Lane wetlands (Wooster) OH was last
reported 8-09
Snowy Egret – reports all across region now, especially in IL and IN. The
only eastern sightings were at Buckeye lake OH 6-14, Killdeer Plains WA OH
8-14, Ottawa NWR OH 8-11, and Erie Marsh Preserve MI 8-16.
Yellow-cr. Night Heron –still multiple strays in the southern IN & IL; the
stake-out bird at Gilmore Metropark OH was seen through 8-15, another was
at LaDue Reservoir (E of Cleveland) OH thru 8-14, and yet another made it
to Wingield Pines (SW of Pittsburgh) PA 8-13 & 14
W. Cattle Egret – some disperal early in the week, with birds at Bureau IL
8-11, Lake Senachwine IL 8-12, Peoria riverfront 8-10, Goose Pond FWA IN
8-10 thru 16, Patoka River NWR IN 8-10 thru 15, Selma IN 8-12, and Sloughs
WA KY 8-14.
*Plegadis* Ibis – none currently in our area; the Deer Creek WA OH Gossy
was last seen 8-09
*White Ibis* – the last sighting at Goose Pond FWA IN was on 8-10, while
the Falls of the Ohio bird was last seen 8-07
Mississippi Kite –more post-breeding strays now, with birds at Springfield
IL 8-10,11, Carlyle lake IL 8-11, Madisonville KY thru 8-15, Winfield Dam
WV 8-14, Akron OH thru 8-15, and Hocking County OH thru 8-10
*Swallow-tailed Kite* – stake-outs all in the west now, with the LaPorte IN
bird staying thru 8-13, then probably moving to Elkhart IN for 8-13 thru
16, and another down at Champaign IL 8-12 thru 14.
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher – multiple sightings now, especially at migrant
traps along the shores of Lakes Erie & Michigan
Olive-sided Flycatcher – multiple early sightings now, suggesting some
early migration of this species, possibly fire-related.
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher – 2 were near Horseshoe Lake IL 8-14
Western Kingbird – no birds are currently in our area, and most of the
nearby birds disappeared after early August. Migration straying may be
mostly over for this species in our area.
Loggerhead Shrike – the only ones reported were in far western IL, at Bond
(near Carlyle Lake) IL 8-15 and Horseshoe Lake St.Park IL 8-16
Fish Crow – plenty in southern IL & western IN, but strays have hung on at
Eagle Creek Lake (Indianapolis) IN thru 8-16, and the Cleveland OH
lakefront thru 8-15.
Bell’s Vireo - still many reports in IL and western IN. Further east, the
only bird still reported was the one at Gilmore Metropark OH thru 8-12
Philadelphia Vireo – another early migrant was at East Fork St.Park (E of
Cincinnati) OH 8-09
Bewick’s Wren – none in our area currently, or even in neighboring states
Winter Wren – regular sightings in NW PA and the high glades of WV; none
were found further west this period
Sedge Wren –common in IL & IN, with multiple sightings as far east as
central OH; the key factor in finding them probably is their taste for wet
sedge meadows of a particular age.
Swainson’s Thrush – multiple records around Chicago this period; the only
record further east was at the Lorain Impoundment OH 8-12
Pine Siskin – none currently reported from our area, with the closest in
the mountains of central PA
Red Crossbill – the strays seen near Chesterland OH were still being found
thru 8-14
Purple Finch – the best spots for strays appears to be Cuyahoga Valley NP
OH thru 8-12 and Beechwood Farms Reserve (N of Pittsbugh) PA 8-14,15
Clay-colored Sparrow – 1 was at the Chiwaukee Prairie along lake Michigan
just north of the IL border 8-13; otherwise, none in our area
Lark Sparrow - scarce now; 1 was at Dixon Lake along the illinois River
8-14, while another was in extreme western KY 8-13
White-throated Sparrow – still being found on lakefronts of Lake Erie
(Headlands Dunes) 8-12 and Lake Michigan (Chicago lakefront) 8-10,15.
Henslow’s Sparrow – increasingly difficult to find now, but birds were at
Geauga Co. OH 8-14,15 and at Harrison Farms Forest Pres. IL 8-15
Brewer’s Blackbirds – the only reports were 2 from the DeKalb oasis (W of
Chicago) IL 8-15
Yellow-headed Blackbirds – the only strays were 4 near Kenton OH 8-13,
though birds are still being reported from summering areas in Wisconsin
Great-tailed Grackle – none reported this period
Western Meadowlark – none currently reported from our area, as they’re
difficult to ID without singing
Swainson’s Warbler – still birds reported at New River Gorge NP WV 8-10 and
west of Land Between the Lakes KY 8-13
Tennessee Warbler – multiple early records now, mostly 8-12 or later
Nashville Warbler – multiple early reports from around the Chicago area,
mostly after 8-11; To the east, birds were near Canton OH 8-16 and north of
Pittsburgh PA 8-11&12
Cape May Warbler – multiple early reports, most from lakeside migrant traps
at Lakes Erie & Michigan and after 8-11
Blackburnian Warblers – many strays now, so they may be earlier migrants
than we assumed.
Blackpoll – no reports this cycle, so they are a later migrant
Bay-breasted Warbler – many early reports from the Chicago area, but very
few elsewhere
Chestnut-sided Warbler – multiple reports from around the western edge of
Chicago, oddly with none at the lakefront. Another cluster of reports comes
from around Pittsburgh PA, with a few straying to the Cleveland lakefront
8-13 and Cuyahoga Valley NP OH 8-10.
Yellow-rumped Warbler – more early reports for what everyone assumes is a
‘late’ warbler, with birds at lake Calumet IL 8-10,11. Erlanger KY 8-14,
and Morgantown WV 8-14
Palm Warbler – no reports this cycle; this is a fairly cold-hardy &
adaptable warbler that mostly migrates late in our area.
Northern Waterthrush - lots of reports of these birds, which are often
early migrants
Painted Bunting – None currently in our area; the closest ones are around
Memphis TN now.
Blue Grosbeaks – records throughout region now; they will often sing into
September, so this is a good time to listen for them
Dickcissels – still common in IL and western IN, and still being found in
appropriate habitat as far east as central OH.
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Date: 8/16/24 3:51 pm From: robert lane <ohiomagpie...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center Invite / Columbiana County
Tomorrow, Saturday August 17th, my wife and I will be part of the volunteer staff at “The Center”. We would like to once again invite any birders looking for an afternoon adventure, to come by and see us. Look us up for a personal tour! As has been stated before, for those who have not visited "The Center", in reality it is a museum of natural history, with over 375 bird, mammal, and reptile, mounts in natural settings. Everything from a full size Musk Oxen to a Great Gray Owl can be seen, with a Passenger Pigeon thrown in for good measure. In The Ohio Room nearly every bird and mammal you will ever encounter in the state can be found. If you were to take an Ohio Division of Wildlife bird field checklist, 185 of the species on the checklist can be found as mounts at "The Center". In the North American Room can be found mammal, bird, and reptile mounts ranging from Alaska to The Southwest, everything from Mountain Goat to Clark's Nutcracker to Gila Monster, all in a continuous natural setting. BCWEC is located at 12884 Echo Dell Road, East Liverpool, Ohio 43920. It is also located adjacent to and at the entrance to Beaver Creek State Park. State Wild And Scenic Little Beaver Creek is nearby just down the road. BCWEC is an all volunteer organization, operating totally from donations and grants. No public funding. Stop by and you will be surprised at what you find. Come on down and see us in the country. We will be open from 1PM to 5PM.
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I just got back from a long road trip East but I did a short walk around Denison to stretch my legs and then saw the post that the wood stork had been seen early today as well as the Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Battelle Darby so despite all the driving I’ve done lately, I headed out again. Unfortunately I dipped on both but there was a nice variety & decent numbers of shorebirds which was nice. While I was scanning the far shore of the pond, I spotted a coyote trotting along the shoreline, the first I’ve seen at that metro park. I got good scope views until it ducked back into the reeds—very cool!
Not much around but saw a male Scarlet Tanager & a Brown Thrasher.
Field Sparrow
Trumpeter Swan—2 adults, 2 sub adults
Wood Duck
Green Heron—2
Great Egret—2
Horned Lark
Complete lists on ebird.
Peggy Wang
Sent from my iPad
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Please consider joining our Society, at
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Date: 8/14/24 11:45 am From: Canterbury, Ronald (canterrd) <00000951b275ca19-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Long-eared Owl Spring and Summer 2023
Anyone have any records of Long-eared Owls for Ohio for Spring (March-May) 2023 as well as summer 2023 (June and July), such as northeastern Ohio? If so, please email me off list at <ron.canterbury...>
Thanks, all.
Ronald A. Canterbury
Editor, The Ohio Cardinal
Associate Academic Director
University of Cincinnati
Department of Biological Sciences
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006
Voice: 513.556.9570
Mobile: 513.237.7791
E-mail: <ron.canterbury...><mailto:<ron.canterbury...>
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Please consider joining our Society, at
Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
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But the water is evaporating quickly. Not sure how long we have here forShorebirds. No rain in the forecast. 10 species today! Most numbers were upSignificantly. Yellowlegs went down. From Sat. Morning. Solitary and Spotted Numbers exploded. Peep numbers doubled. Anyway, some stuff left, new stuffIn. Love it! I was going to hit a spot for odes this afternoon, but wanted to see The differences here. And see if the BB Plover found this morning was sticking. Yes.
Sandra Keller Sent from my iPad mini______________________________________________________________________
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society. Please consider joining our Society, at Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
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Date: 8/11/24 11:50 am From: Randy Rowe <rowe926...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Shorebirds at Funk Tower, Wayne County
August 11, 2024: After failing to find any shorebird habitat at Wilderness Rd, or along Hwy 95 at Funk Bottoms, I drove out to the observation tower off Hwy 95. I was pleased to see that there was a nice expanse of mudflats just south of the tower. It was a bit far off, but the light was excellent. There was a flock of about 45 shorebirds with three species actively feeding there. My estimated counts were 4 pectoral, 15 least, and 25 semipalmated sandpipers. Randy Rowe, Wooster
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society. Please consider joining our Society, at Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
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Lost bridge in Hamilton was slow. Just Killdeer and Semipalm Plover. A friend
Had other species 2 hours earlier than I go there. Sometimes the shorebirds
Stick, sometimes they move on quickly! Rough winged Swallows are staging.
Nice to see numbers. And American Crows - 110. Nice! I like numbers. So if
The local crows are missing…. Try Lost bridge! River and old mud sand pit
Both look fine for shorebirds.
I decided on Gilmore next. Cattail Marsh is one of the best spots right now
For shorebirds down here. Butler county. I have been here before when my
Friend says morning! I get there in the afternoon and most shorebirds have
Moved on….. but lots of times they stick - today was one of those times.
Scope needed for both spots.
80 Killdeer, 2 spotted, 1 Solitary, 17 Lesser and 4 Greater yellowlegs. 19
Least, 6 pec, 4 Semipalm sandpipers. Who knows what will show up
Here! No migrant passerines here that I could find. The path from
The Bilstein parking lot to the main loop is usually good for passerines.
Let’s enjoy this fall like weather! Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
Sent from my iPad mini
Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Please consider joining our Society, at
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