Date: 1/16/25 6:38 pm
From: Vic Fondy via <treasurecreek...>
Subject: [sd-birds] Birding Today and Whitewood Report
We took advantage of the good weather today to bird from WW to Bear
Butte Lake then to the Belle Fourche River via SD 34 and back roads to
Vale with return via Whitewood Valley Road.  Most of the area has very
few birds, but the area East of Vale had some raptors.  Our raptor
sightings today included 5 Bald and 1 Golden Eagle, 2 Rough-legged, 1
Ferruginous, and 2 unidentified hawks plus one America Kestrel. Other
sightings of interest included 1 Northern Shrike, a Lewis's Woodpecker,
and one flock of 200+ Starlings..  The warm weather had opened up lower
Whitewood Creek, but all the area lakes were frozen over and we had no
duck sightings.

At our feeders 1.5 miles south of Whitewood we had our first of the year
Townsend's Solitaire.  The Sharp-shinned Hawk has been at the feeders
for the past four days in a row. The other winter birds are staying
around in large numbers despite the Sharpie.

Attached are pictures of the Ferruginous and Sharp-shinned Hawk.

Vic/Donna Fondy 605.269.2553

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