Date: 1/16/25 8:43 am
From: NANCY AND EUGENE HUNN via <enhunn323...>
Subject: Re: [northbaybirds] white-morph Varied Thrush captured at Palomarin
Diana et al.,

I don't know about a "white-morph" Varied Thrush but recently took this photo of a very pale Great Horned Owl. Perhaps someone might know where it might be from.

Gene Hunn

> On 01/15/2025 7:27 PM PST Diana Humple via <dianahumple...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A week and a half ago, Point Blue biologists Mike Mahoney and Mason Avelar captured what some online chatter from other regions calls a 'white-morph' Varied Thrush at the Palomarin Field Station in Point Reyes National Seashore. I don't think we've ever caught one at least in the decades I've been working here, and I'd never seen or heard of this plumage, so thought some of you might also be interested!
> A couple pics here:
> Cheers,
> Diana
> Bolinas CA

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