This morning, I managed to get the car cleared off and made the slow drive
to Lake Fayetteville. I was happy to see no human footprints on the trail
down to the Environmental Center dock, meaning hopefully the birds were
ready for a first look of the day. Before I even reached the viewing area,
I heard the distinctive "Hoh, hoh" and tried to jog my memory of which swan
that was. I worked my way closer and sure enough there was a swan out
there, just as I'd hoped for on this super snow day.
Got a few photos that confirmed Tundra Swan, but something spooked the
birds on that side of the lake (later I saw the likely culprit — an off
leash dog, yay 😠). The bird flew out east by itself. I know a few folks
have tried to look for it again without much luck. Maybe it'll stick around
Nothing else much special on the lake, but good general numbers of what was