Date: 1/7/25 7:04 pm
From: <arbour...> <arbour...>
Subject: Red Slough Bird Survey - Jan. 7

It was partly cloudy, cold, and a little windy on the bird survey today. 49 species were found. A small flock of White Ibis continue at Red Slough in spite of the cold. They are mainly hanging out in units 30E and 27B and sometimes unit 15. Must be good crawfish fishing to keep them around this long. The same thing happened with them last winter also. The basic plumaged male Cinnamon Teal that I reported a few weeks ago was seen again today for the 3rd time and he is now starting to turn quite red. He is hanging out with a small flock of Blue-winged Teal on Pintail Lake. And finally the biggest surprise of the day was an adult Tree Swallow flying low over unit 27B headed west toward the big reservoirs. This is the 4th record I have of this species for the month of January of which they are always one day wonders at this early date. Normally they return in mid February and set up territories and claim nest boxes. Last year they returned in early February and stayed. Here is my list for today:

Wood Duck - 2

Gadwall - 307

Mallard - 456

Blue-winged Teal - 8

Cinnamon Teal - 1

Northern Shoveler - 262

Northern Pintail - 4

Green-winged Teal - 134

Ring-necked Duck - 188

Bufflehead - 5

Hooded Merganser - 13

Ruddy Duck - 32

Pied-billed Grebe – 26

Double-crested Cormorant - 6

Great-blue Heron - 5

White Ibis - 13 (imm.)

Black Vulture - 9

Turkey Vulture – 24

Bald Eagle - 2

Northern Harrier - 2

Red-shouldered Hawk - 5

Red-tailed Hawk - 3

American Kestrel - 1

American Coot – 694

Rock Pigeon - 2

Downy Woodpecker - 2

Northern Flicker - 8

Eastern Phoebe - 16

Loggerhead Shrike - 1

Blue Jay - 3

American Crow – 6

Tree Swallow - 1

Carolina Chickadee - 5

Carolina Wren – 2

Sedge Wren - 1

Marsh Wren - 1

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1

Brown Thrasher - 1

American Pipit - 14

Orange-crowned Warbler - 1

Common Yellowthroat - 1

Savannah Sparrow - 40

Song Sparrow - 7

Swamp Sparrow - 6

White-throated Sparrow - 5

Dark-eyed Junco - 3

Northern Cardinal – 13

Eastern Meadowlark - 3

Red-winged Blackbird – 1

Good birding!

David Arbour

De Queen, AR

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