Date: 1/5/25 9:59 am
From: mtove (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...>
Subject: John Fussell
I just returned from an extended trip to learn of John's passing. So sad.
More than just being a great birder, John was a dear friend and my memories
of him will first and foremost be his friendship. He was incredibly generous
- housing me prior to Morehead CBCs (and other birding events) for decades -
even back in the days when he lived with his folks. I was continuously
amazed at how easily he opened his house to me (and other birders) - almost
as though we shared the residence. He was truly a unique force and his
passing leaves a deep hole that cannot be filled. RIP my dear friend. You
will be sorely missed but never forgotten.

Mike Tove

Cary, NC

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