It is easiest if you use the online forms to send in reports, but other options are provided as well if needed.
The annual list report is a great chance to look at the community and appreciate all the many accomplishments out there.
This is most interesting the more people take part and report their results. Regardless of how high or low your totals are, this is a chance to join in the community summary of accomplishments.
You don’t have to enter details for every category listed, just send in info for those important to you.
For 2024, be sure to adjust for recent lumps like Redpoll lump and the Pacific-slope/Cordilleran Flycatcher [along w/ the crow lump from a couple years back if not yet done]. In addition, we recommend using the eBird status decisions on local countability of introduced/exotic species.If you are on eBird, almost all the totaling is done for you. Most notably, most western WA counties no longer ‘count’ Ring-necked Pheasant in county life list totals.
This year, I added a spot on the form to report on 5-mile Radius totals for those of you who might have taken the next step from ‘yard list’.
Enjoy the new year, and I look forward to seeing reports of 2024