Date: 1/4/25 11:44 am
From: Dean Budd via <1dabudd...>
Subject: Re: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] Louisiana Waterthrush update
Still here at 11:45am

On Sat, Jan 4, 2025 at 9:59 AM <lehman.paul...> via
<lehman.paul...> wrote:

> As of 9:50 a.m. The Louisiana waterthrush found earlier this morning In
> Solana Beach by Jay D. continues to be seen but only for brief, Few second
> looks as it goes up and down the creek on the north side of Academy. The
> stretch you want to check is the stretch visible from the parking lot with
> the tipu trees that's on the north side of Academy. Just one or two
> buildings in from Stevens. The bird seems to keep going back to two or
> three spots where there's actually obvious flowing water for short
> distances rather than stagnant water. It is quite shy. Thank goodness there
> is no way to get down into the creek bed where people would do nothing but
> scare the bird and not see it. So what one does is stay along the edge of
> the parking lot, Looking over the wall down into the creek. And wait. Best
> of course to have several people looking spread out at different spots
> along the wall until finally somebody sees it. But it often doesn't stay
> long enough for other people to get there in time!
> Paul Lehman, San Diego
> Sent from AOL on Android
> <<id...>

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