Date: 12/29/24 10:52 am From: Dave Nutter <nutter.dave...> Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Snowy Owls at Finger Lakes Regional Airport, Seneca Falls
Late yesterday afternoon (Saturday 28 December) 2 Snowy Owls were discovered at the small Finger Lakes Regional Airport on the south edge of the Town of Seneca Falls by Kayla & Melinda & Robert Fisk and David Wheeler. David Kennedy, who saw them shortly afterward, verified that the owls continued there this morning.
The owls have been resting separately along the east edge of the runway near its south end and can be viewed with binoculars from a small pull-off on Martin/Airport Road a short distance west of its intersection with Farron/Hoster Rd.
If you don’t have a scope, you may meet someone there with a scope who would be happy to share an even better view or even photograph an owl using a phone with the scope. Of course, no one should leave the roadway and pull-off area to try to approach the owls. This is a working airport, and owls - like all birds - should only be observed or photographed in a manner which does not disturb them. Snowy Owls often remain awake during the day, but remain mostly sedentary, turning their heads frequently to look at and listen to their surroundings.
After snowstorms several days ago the runway had been plowed leaving a long line of mounds of snow alongside. The owls were along that line this morning even though nearly all of the snow has melted with the more recent warm weather and rain.
Airports in general, and the Finger Lakes Regional Airport in particular, are traditional places for Snowy Owls in winter during irruption years. This is the first time in 2024 that a Snowy Owl has been found in the Cayuga Lake Basin.
- - Dave Nutter
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