Date: 12/28/24 10:13 pm
From: Roy Adolphson <roydjoy47...>
Subject: [ia-bird] 4 Merlins at Glendale Cemetery
Saturday evening (12/28) I went to Glendale Cemetery in Des Moines at
sunset (4:52 pm). There were four Merlins posted up in treetops between
4:52 and 5:02 pm. There was one each in the following blocks: Blk. 20 in
the spruce with the forked top; Blk. 33D in the lone oak tree; Blk. 36 in
the multi-stemmed black cherry; Blk. 50, Section 5 in one of the tall,
skinny locust trees on the western edge of the grounds.

Roy Adolphson
Polk County (DSM)

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