Date: 12/27/24 1:35 pm
From: Gladys J Birdsall <gjb5...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] American Robins and Snow Buntings
Coming home this afternoon, I observed over 350 Am. Robins.  They were
streaming over Mt. Pleasant Rd., North to South about a quarter mile
east of Baker Hill Rd.  They seemed to be coming down in the stand of
evergreens that are on south side of Mt. Pleasant.  There were others
that were flying on North side and turned to North.  A lot of evergreens
on that side of the road too.  350 might be a bit low.  It was impressive.

Towards the bottom of the hill past the Observatory, there were about 18
Snow Buntings along the side of the road.  I stopped to watch them and
they did fly back over the field but came back to the edge of the road.

Good birding,



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