Date: 12/26/24 2:38 pm
From: Martin Muller via Tweeters <tweeters...>
Subject: Re: [Tweeters] Bald Eagle pair - perching on Eagle on PI Globe
Melissa, Elaine et al.,

Cool images of the Bald Eagle pair atop the PI Globe eagle. Thanks for sharing.

One additional pair of Bald Eagles that might be providing one or more adults perching on the PI’s Globe is the West Seattle Salty’s pair. Only 2.3 miles as the eagle flies. In years past I’ve watched members of that pair (from West Seattle), cross Elliott Bay and perch on the “E” atop the Edgewater Hotel. 2.1 miles.

Also, just because you see an adult pair perched near one another doesn’t mean it’s necessarily an established pair. Could be a male and a female from different territories hanging out together, just neighborly-like. Typically, members of opposite sex tolerate one another, while same-sex birds usually are less tolerant of one another.

I always like to consider multiple options.

Martin Muller, Seattle

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