Date: 12/24/24 6:01 pm
From: Jim Betz via Tweeters <tweeters...>
Subject: [Tweeters] Samish Flats - Christmas Report
Hi all,

  Here are -my- impressions of the status of birding on the Samish Flats.

  1) There are as many - or more Bald Eagles on the Samish Flats,
Skagit Flats, and

      Butler Flats as in prior years.  It's pretty hard to go out and
not see at least one

      and usually several pairs.  We see them soaring, perching, and
actively hunting.

  2) The Trumpeter and Tundra Swan numbers are at least as high as they
were last year.

       Lots of birds and in lots of locations.

  3) I have not seen many Snow Geese this year - but reports of them on
Fir Island are normal.

  4) The Short-Eared Owls and Northern Harriers continue to delight. 
Particularly at the

      East 90 and after about 2 in the afternoon.  Pretty much
guaranteed every day.  The

      new parking lot is nice ... but hasn't really reduced the number
of cars along the road

      in any significant/noticeable way.

  5) I have not seen - yet - any Rough-legged Hawks or other less
frequently seen raptors - but

      the number of Red-tailed Hawks is as high or higher than usual.

  6) There are lots more ducks (of all species) this year than last -
feels more like the

       years before last year.  Flooded fields always bring them!

  7) The flocks of blackbirds (all types) seems normal.

  As I started out with ... these are -my- observations/comparisons ...
Cheers!  - Jim

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