On Monday, Dec 16, the Keokuk CBC was held. It was the second time in 25 years I was not able to attend. So, I give an even greater thanks to the birders that participated. I have had the fortune of having a number of people who have contributed to this count for what seems to be going on 40+ years now.
88 species were observed which is slightly above the average of 86 over the last 33 years.
There were a number of notable observations.
24 Turkey Vulture (recorded by two parties) this bird has become more frequent. It has been seen 6 times in the last 10 years on the count.
There was also an observation of a single *Female Barrow's Goldeneye* viewed from Montrose. (photo taken)
Canvasback numbers were below average at 17,423 (recently at 30K+) 1049 Common Merganser 5131 Common Goldeneye 10 Red-breasted Merganser 338 Greater Scaup
We did well on puddle ducks 1 American Wigeon 1 Northern Shoveler 1 Northern Pintail 2 Green-winged Teal
Notable misses: Eastern Screech Owl has become very regular on this count. Greater White-fronted Goose Cackling Goose
I also have been noting every year the battle for supremacy between House Sparrow and Eurasian Tree-sparrow, the totals of which have been neck and neck for years now. This year the House Sparrow won out with 200 total birds vs 179 Eurasian Tree-sparrow.
Thanks again to all of the birders that were able to help.
A special thanks to Francis Moore, Steven Dinsmore, Chuck Fuller and Angella Moorehouse who have each been participating in this count for several decades now.