Date: 12/23/24 8:14 am
From: Glenn Williams via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Napatree CBC highlights 12/22
The Napatree CBC circle is half in coastal Connecticut, half in Coastal Rhode Island, and extends far enough south to catch the eastern end of Fishers Island. Thank you to everyone who went out into the brutal cold and wind today, especially the owlers and folks in exposed areas. We have reports from every group except Fishers Island, so will post final information later. A relatively new count, this was our 23rd effort.

Painted Bunting (RI) - Avondale Rd, Avondale. Second record for count, a female like the first one. At the shingled house just west of Col WIllie Cove feeding on the edge of the circular driveway. Not sure what it was eating, but it held it at the same spot all day. No feeders visible.

Eurasian Wigeon (RI) Mashaug Pond, found this week, perhaps the same one that was there last year that represented our first count record.

Dickcissel (CT) With a flock of House Sparrows on the remnant of old Route 1 directly across from where Wequetquock Cove borders Route 1 in Stonington. This is a flat semicircle with some houses on it. 3rd count record

Snowy Owl (RI) - 5th count record, will respect listserv protocol and not report location. We also had a Long-eared Owl. 5 Northern Saw-whet Owls, a Barred Owl, and 2 Great Horned Owls. This count has never missed saw-whet or GHOW and has had Long-eared 70% of the time. Habitat loss is making the latter more difficult to find every year.

Eared Grebe (RI) - 4th count record, but this is the third year in a row for this presumed returning winter visitor. Quonny Beach Sand Trail

Red Crossbill (RI) - 7th record but particularly noteworthy this year, Atlantic Ave in Misquamicut, house #380

Harlequin Duck (3 - RI) 2 at Watch Hill Light, 1 at Napatree Point, 9th count record

Red-headed Woodpecker (4 - RI) 3 Continuing in the Burlingame State Park campground area, 1 in Westerly seen from St Michael's Cemetery in Pawcatuck, Connecticut across the Pawcatuck River, 7th count records

Black-headed Gull (2 - RI) Both in the Misquamicut section of the count circle, one at the mouth of the Weekapaug Breachway and one in Winnapaug Pond. 10th count records. Seems like a good percentage but as late as the mid-90's, BHGU wintered at Weekapaug Pond and Breachway annually.

Snow Goose (RI) - 7th count record, Watch Hill Light and Napatree, flyby presumed to be the same bird

Lapland Longspur (RI) - continuing in the Misquamicut State Beach parking lot, 8th count record

Greater Yellowlegs (CT & RI), Dodge Paddock/Beale Preserve, Stonington Borough, and Winnapaug Pond, Misquamicut. 13th record

Palm Warbler (3 - RI) our only non-Yellow-rumped Warbler, 2 on the Quonny Sand Trail, 1 at Napatree Point. 11th records

Yellow-breasted Chat (CT & RI) Palmer Neck Rd near bridge over railroad tracks, Oceanview Highway, Watch Hill. Habitat loss makes this once reliable tally more and more difficult. 

Other notable birds for our count were Peregrine Falcon (9th), Killdeer (10th), and Northern Pintail (9th). We are puddle duck challenged but have done better in recent years. Not sure why we haven't had more luck with Peregrine or Killdeer. I should also mention that our primary compiler and circle creator went all the way to Antarctica to shirk his duties again.

Glenn Williams
Mystic, CT

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