Observation start time: 08:00:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 6.75 hours
Official Counter: Alan Simon, Bruce Childs
Observers: Alan Simon
Visitors: Robin Queenan and Bryan Clauser
Weather: A lovely day to sit at a hawk watch and watch the world (but few hawks) go by. Temperature in the mid 70's winds mostly from and easterly direction.
Raptor Observations: Usual local raptors, 2 Bald Eagles, Red-tail, Red-shoulder and Cooper's Hawks, Black and Turkey Vultures
Non-raptor Observations: 1 Common Raven and 1 Pileated Woodpeker
Predictions: Similar weather to today but with winds moving from the South to Northwest by the end of the day. ======================================================================== Report submitted by John Mercer (<mercer1135...>) Rose Tree Park information may be found at: www.rtphawkwatch.org