Date: 9/5/24 10:56 am
From: Karen Morley <karendeemorley...>
Subject: Re: [AZNMbirds] Curlew Sandpiper--article on first AZ report
That is exactly the point. I moved here 10 years ago from Maryland. There
were several options for getting bird info and it was a pain to have to
follow a lot of different sites. It was wonderful to come to AZ and find
the AZ List Serve. As short a time back as 10 years ago it had regular
postings of the rare birds in the state. Now it hardly posts any unless a
really kind person decides to post or share on it. I didn't know there was
an app called Discord or that it was the new toy for sharing bird info.
(Yes, I am an old geezer) I don't discount using the newer tech and Discord
but why can't the same info get a quick post on the List Serve as well.
Tech savvy folks shouldn't have a problem doing that. All the
justifications I read here about just switching to Discord seem to have a
touch of elitism on them. It makes me sad that the birding community here
isn't as open and sharing as I had thought.

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