Observation start time: 09:00:00 Observation end time: 14:00:00 Total observation time: 5 hours
Official Counter: Cindy Bickel
Visitors: One group of three came to talk awhile, with the couple visiting from Wisconsin, two women also stopped by to chat with one local and her friend from York, PA. Two local hang-gliders showed up around 2 pm. Not sure if they set-up to fly today as I had to leave early. Many cars and a large van full visited the overlook today.
Weather: Cloudless blue sky with a steady variable breeze from mainly the SE.
Raptor Observations: Early birds were lower to the ridge line on the Ferguson Valley side of the mountain. From 10:00 on flight was high and out over the Big Valley side.
Non-raptor Observations: Birds observed or heard were: Eastern Towhee, Hummingbirds, Chimney Swifts, local Ravens (including Nemo), local Red-tails and local Turkey Vultures. Unfortunately, spotted lantern flies were on the increase today.