Date: 9/4/24 2:51 pm
From: Kimball Garrett via <cyanolyca818...>
Subject: [LACoBirds] Some Piute Ponds notes (no rarities)

The shorebird habitat situation at PIute Ponds continues to be dismal. For
some reason there have been delays in watering up Duckbill Pond, and the
other shallow pond areas are also completely dry. A few shorebirds were
seen in flight today, but only a group of 3 Black-necked Stilts managed to
find a place to land by the Ave C concrete spillway.

The willows and cottonwoods along Ave C continue to be good for landbird
migrants, although numbers and variety were modest this morning. Of note
was a juvenile Vermilion Flycatcher near the Ave C spillway, and a Vesper
Sparrow east of Parking 1. The Nuttall's Woodpecker continues; this morning
it was near the gazebo. My checklist for this morning is here:

A word of warning -- there was a Mojave Rattlesnake right in the road east
of Parking 1 (near the tallest willow). Evidently it didn't like me, as it
coiled up and buzzed for several minutes and continued buzzing even after
it slithered into the annual growth on the south side of the road. I say
"warning" because we birders often step off into this kind of substrate to
get better looks at birds in these willows. So be aware of where you step.
I'm putting photos of the snake into iNaturalist, but they haven't uploaded

KImball Garrett
Juniper Hills

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