Date: 9/4/24 2:10 pm
From: Barbara Volkle <barb620...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] West Hill Park banding 9/4
Thanks to Strickland Wheelock for this report.

Barbara Volkle
Northborough, MA


Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 20:45:03 +0000 (UTC)
From: Strickland Wheelock <skwheelock...>
Subject: West Hill Park banding 9/4

A crispy cool morning that turned hot by 11 am - plenty of birds flying
about esp E Phoebes - each day we are catching several while watching
groups of others flying about - the large mixed flock of sparrows were
active around our nets again that contain many immature Chipping and
Field Sparrows and again today, we caught an immature male Indigo
Bunting part of the group.Best possible bird today that slipped away
[was partially caught on the back side of the pocket] I believe was an
Orange-cr Warbler but needed a longer look, but last year at this time
we caught a few of them.We again did just 3 net checks where we caught
25 birds that kept us busy until noon - have I mentioned what a great
way to spend the morning - today's mix was several E Phoebes, Chipping &
Field Sparrows, 4 E Towhees, 1 Indigo Bunting, 1 Ovenbird, 1 immature
male C Yellowthroat, 1 B-C Chickadee, some banded & unbanded
Catbirds.Like each day, we enjoy the Bluebirds, the calls of the Wood
Pewee and Gt Crested Flycatchers, many notes of various warblers &
vireos, kingfishers, etc - today there was a Pileated Woodpecker
actively flying around us calling almost non-stop - just walking the
field trails to the nets having all these sparrows feeding close by,
flitting up teasing us.No time = for binocs because we would never keep
up with all the extractions, banding steps each run involves.

Strickland Wheelock
Uxbridge Ma

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