Date: 9/4/24 1:53 pm
From: Beverly Propen via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Coastal center
9/4- Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center. 10:10am-1PM. sunny,
mid-tide rising, 65-75F.
Beautiful morning on the marsh- the water was like glass- no ripples. Many
human visitors.
On the marsh: (viewed through bins & the scope) 1 Great Egret, many DC
Cormorants further out ,
2 immature Yellow crowned night herons foraging on the mud flats. One
caught a crab and it was quite a battle. 4 ospreys (2 soaring above the
marsh), and 1 on the nest and 1 on the perch eating a fish,2 Common terns
On the grounds & feeders: 1 Northern Cardinal, 2 Mockingbirds, 3 Catbirds,
1 Ruby throated hummingbird feeding at the jewelweed bush in back, 6
Starlings, 3 House Finches, about 16 House sparrows, 6 Mourning doves, 1
Blue jay and in the fountain 1 warbler species bathing- (yellowish with
grayish/olive above and longer pointy beak).
Bev Propen, Orange

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