Date: 9/4/24 1:19 pm
From: Robt McNulty <0000066f33ed1548-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Blendon Woods Metro Park Columbus and Woodside Green Park Gahanna
Blendon Woods  Nature center parking lot,  goldenrod trail, and Lake trail.I was finding only 1 to 3 warblers at a time.Nashville warbler    Magnolia warblers    Bay breasted warbler    Chestnut sided warblers    American redstarts    Common yellowthroat    Black throated green warbler    Black and white warbler    Gray cheeked thrush    Barred owl    Indigo bunting    red eyed vireos    
Woodside green in Gahanna  1-3pm   Canada warbler  necklace extremely faintBlackburnian warbler    American redstarts    Black and white warbler    red eyed vireoswarbling vireo also singing    empy flycatcher    Eastern wood pewees    
Bob McNulty


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