Date: 9/4/24 1:09 pm
From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Migration today - slow
The radar was light. Monday was the day! I hit Kelley preserve in Clermont
County. I was under no illusions re seeing a Golden-winged….. although
That spot gets them! No idea why….i was thinking Solitary Sandpiper.
It annoying comes up on my Clermont needs all the time….. I have tried
Valley view, east fork, now here. Oh well! Anyway, the parking lot
At Kelley is always good, I had a nice flock when I first arrived. And I know
I missed stuff! Maggie, Tennessee, Redstart. Alas that was it warbler wise.
Another birder had ovenbird and Parula. I had Swainsons thrush later.
It was slow - and no Solitary sandpiper……

Another birder and I were discussing migrants later. They migrate in, but will
Move around over the following days, until the next time they move on any
Distance. With the proper winds and all. Saturday should be our next big
Migrant morning. I am glad this is falling on a weekend for those who can’t
Get out during the week!

Seward rd. Is drying up for shorebirds! I hate to say that, but we have gotten
No rain down here. The plus side is that the front is drying and starting to
Look good for shorebirds. There’s a parking pull off on the east side of
The road just past the RR tracks. Pull in there. Let’s keep our fingers crossed
That lasts! I don't know where else to get shorebirds now down here. I will
Probably hit Lost bridge this weekend sometime. Hopefully the river produces
Stuff….. anyway, I couldn’t find a WR or Stilt today. Or golden plover.

I need Bobolink for Hamilton county. Sept is migration, so off I went to Fernald.
I walked around lodge pond. Scanning fields far and near. No….. it was the
Afternoon too. Not a conducive time. As I walked back to my car, I spotted three
Smallish, pale birds flying from that mound downwards. That had possibilities!
As much as I enjoy flight Id, that was far! My next time there, I will head to
That area. And the bird blind.

Odes notes - green darners everywhere. And none perched!

Good birding all.

Sandra Keller

Sent from my iPad mini

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