Date: 9/4/24 11:52 am From: Brian Jones <ravenwolf121...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] NO SIGHTING: Notice of upcoming projects on the Santa Cruz River in Pima County
I just wanted to let folks know that the Pima County Regional Flood Control
District is going to be starting work on several projects on the Santa Cruz
River in October, one of which will be phased over a couple of years. The
first is sediment removal near the Prince Road alignment to restore channel
capacity. Shortly after that a pedestrian bridge is going to be built in
the same area. This is near Sweetwater Wetlands and Columbus Park. Though
not it’s main intent, it will actually make it not unreasonable to walk
from one to the other, connecting these two birdy places.
The other projects are further north, from around Cortaro Road to Avra
Valley Road. One project in this area is the construction of a wildlife
ramp on the east bank of the river near El Rio Preserve to help wildlife
get past the bank protection there. Here’s a link to that project:<domain...> The other project
is reconstruction of the low flow bank protection and installation of grade
control structures due to undercutting of the existing bank protection.
Here is a link to that project:<domain...> Both
projects will involve a lot of sediment removal and relocation,
particularly the Cortaro Narrows bank protection/grade control structures
project. The bank protection and sediment work is necessary to ensure
public safety and the wildlife ramp is just a good thing to do to help
connect the Tucson Mountains with the Tortolita and Santa Catalina
As with all Flood Control District projects of this type, the District will
be hiring consultants to do reptile/herp salvage/relocation and bird nest
surveys prior to construction, and will do habitat restoration work after
construction. The District will be removing non-native vegetation within
the project areas and will try to preserve as much of the native vegetation
in the project area as possible. But there will definitely be short term
disturbance of habitat and time needed for vegetation reestablishment.
For the birds!
Brian Jones
Tucson, AZ
I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can
do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let
me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.