Date: 9/4/24 11:26 am
From: Lisa Dziuban <dziubanlisa...>
Subject: Possible Philadelphia vireo-Plumstead Twp., Bucks Co.
A flock of small birds was outside my sunroom windows this morning, where I have my feeders and bird baths. Some of the birds were fluttering around the window panes looking for a place to land. Occasionally this happens with birds new to my yard. One perched on a shrub and I was able to look with my bins. Small, olive drab color, with a beautiful pale yellow color on parts of the breast. When I looked it up the best match was a Philadelphia vireo. I sent an email to Arlene Koch asking her opinion. She concurred that it sounded like a Phila. Vireo. This makes me very happy if it was one, most likely a migrant. It is a new bird for me. Thanks again for your help Arlene!
Lisa Dziuban

“As time passes you will find that the songs of birds bring a constantly increasing pleasure. This is the result of association. The places and people that make our world are ever changing; the present slips from us with growing rapidity, but the birds are ever with us….So I say to you, if you would reap the purest pleasures of youth, manhood, and old age, go to the birds and through them be brought within the ennobling influences of Nature.”
Frank Chapman, Bird Life, 1897
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