Date: 9/4/24 9:30 am
From: Ron Rovansek <rrovansek...>
Subject: Re: Flycatchers in Fall
It may be true that in general during migration empids occur in habitats similar to their preferred breeding habitats, but it is not a hard and fast rule. For example, I have seen all five species in my yard at least several times, but my yard has no breeding empids and is woodland edge habitat most suitable for Least Flycatcher. I have seen migrating empids in city parks, college campuses, etc. I have never seen an empid away from some form of tree or shrub, but other than that migration habitats vary a lot.
Ron Rovansek

From: State College (PA) Bird Club <SCBIRDCL...> On Behalf Of Andrew Bechdel
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 3:54 PM
Subject: Flycatchers in Fall

Hey all,

I’ve been attempting to id silent empids this fall and, as usual, it’s been a challenge. I’ve come across several birds (mainly the least, alder, and willow complex) that I’ve been a little unsure of.

One such bird appeared to be a Willow but was hanging out along a forest edge, a habitat more similar to a Least. According to the literature, empids (and pewees) are, in general, found in habitats similar to their breeding grounds during migration.

Does anyone have any experience finding empids in different habitats during migration?


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