Date: 9/4/24 7:19 am From: Angela Dimmitt via CTBirds <ctbirds...> Subject: [CT Birds] LHAS Talk - Tanya Bourgoin on Importance of Grasslands to Birds
At Litchfield Hills Audubon's monthly meeting on Monday, September 9, the speaker will be conservationist Tanya Bourgoin of Haddam, CT, talking about "Birds & Beyond: the Biodiversity and Benefits of Grasslands". The meeting starts at 6:45 pm, at the Litchfield Community Center, 421 Bantam Road (Rte.202, Litchfield. Free and open to the public. The talk will also be on Zoom. To register for Zoom, go the Calendar section of the website,, before 5 pm on September 8. You will be sent the login link.
Angela Dimmitt
New Milford
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