Observation start time: 08:30:00 Observation end time: 15:30:00 Total observation time: 7 hours
Official Counter: Jim Rocco
Observers: Ed Gowarty,Sr, Joe Sabo, Kevin Georg, Mike Wolfe, Nancy Ott, Paul Fritz
Visitors: 15 visitors including , Paul Frits, Dave Kipp, MIke Wolfe, Joe Sabo, Nancy Ott, Kevin Georg, Ed Gowarty Sr. Dave Poder
Weather: Winds from the ESE all day, early morning wonds were strong up to 22 mph. Temperaturea went from 12 to 16 C. Cloud cover 0% to 20%. Mostly clear blue sky which made spotting a problem. Vixibillity clear up to 40 km.
Raptor Observations: 55 raptors counted for the day including 10 Bald eagles and 3 Osprey.Adult eagles at:9:48, 10:56, 11:10, 1:16, 1:45, 2:40, 4th year bird at 1:47, Juv. birds at 9:48, 1:50, 2:06
Non-raptor Observations: 4 hummingbirds, cedar waxwings, local turkey vultures, Blue jays, ravens, black capped cnickadees, hooded warblers
4 monarch butterflies, clouded sulphers, cabbage whites, tiger and black swallowtails
Predictions: East winds with temperatures reaching the 70's ======================================================================== Report submitted by Jim Rocco (<jd.jh.rocco...>)