Date: 9/3/24 4:47 pm
From: Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...>
Subject: Allegheny Front (03 Sep 2024) 55 Raptors
Allegheny Front
Central City, Pennsylvania, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 03, 2024

Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
BV 0 0 6
TV 0 0 0
OS 3 5 16
BE 10 12 31
NH 0 0 0
SS 1 2 12
CH 0 1 10
AG 0 0 0
RS 0 1 4
BW 28 93 462
RT 10 16 61
RL 0 0 1
GE 0 0 0
AK 1 1 3
ML 0 0 0
PG 0 1 1
UA 0 1 1
UB 0 1 7
UF 0 0 0
UE 0 0 0
UR 2 3 7

Total: 55 137 622

Observation start time: 08:30:00
Observation end time: 15:30:00
Total observation time: 7 hours

Official Counter: Jim Rocco

Observers: Ed Gowarty,Sr, Joe Sabo, Kevin Georg, Mike Wolfe, Nancy Ott,
Paul Fritz

15 visitors including , Paul Frits, Dave Kipp, MIke Wolfe,
Joe Sabo, Nancy Ott, Kevin Georg, Ed Gowarty Sr. Dave Poder

Winds from the ESE all day, early morning wonds were strong
up to 22 mph.
Temperaturea went from 12 to 16 C.
Cloud cover 0% to 20%. Mostly clear blue sky which made spotting a
Vixibillity clear up to 40 km.

Raptor Observations:
55 raptors counted for the day including 10 Bald eagles and
3 Osprey.Adult eagles at:9:48, 10:56, 11:10, 1:16, 1:45,
2:40, 4th year bird at 1:47, Juv. birds at 9:48, 1:50, 2:06

Non-raptor Observations:
4 hummingbirds, cedar waxwings, local turkey vultures,
Blue jays, ravens, black capped cnickadees, hooded warblers

4 monarch butterflies, clouded sulphers, cabbage whites,
tiger and black swallowtails

East winds with temperatures reaching the 70's
Report submitted by Jim Rocco (<jd.jh.rocco...>)

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