Second Mountain Ft. Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, USA Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 03, 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Observation start time: 05:45:00 Observation end time: 14:00:00 Total observation time: 8.25 hours
Official Counter: Rosemary Spreha
Observers: Larry Coble, Mary Brenner, Sue Dibble
Visitors: Jarrod and Cassidy, 2 FIG security people, 7 for vista.
Weather: Temperature ranged from 50 to 73 degrees, 0 to 70% cloud cover. Medium wind mostly from the north.
Raptor Observations: Local TV, BV and red-tailed hawks. Ravens. 3 Adult Bald Eagles heading north not counted, one juvenile Bald Eagle heading east not counted. One adult and two juvenile Bald Eagles counted.
Non-raptor Observations: Mixed flocks of warblers seen between 7 and 9. Cormorant heading south.
Predictions: Sunny high 78. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Frederick Wilcox (<Ftw539...>) Second Mountain information may be found at: Facebook. Second Mountain Hawk Watch