Observation start time: 10:15:00 Observation end time: 13:30:00 Total observation time: 3.25 hours
Official Counter: Jen Barrall
Visitors: 4
Weather: Pleasant, sunny day with minimal cloud cover, light NE breeze with temps in the high 60s.
Raptor Observations: Very little activity, even among non-migrating "local" raptors.
Migrants: 1 BWHA that was easily seen; 1 UB and 1 UR that were on the fringes of visibility with binoculars.
Local Raptors: minimum 7 BAEA (4 adults and 3 immatures--counts represent the most adults/immatures seen at one time). One Immature (2nd year) BAEA provided stunning looks as it soared low with TVs between the metal tower and platform. Two RTHA (1 adult, 1 juv), 1 Coop, numerous TVs and BVs.
Non-raptor Observations: Poor day for raptor migration, but it was a great day to be at the platform for migrating warblers--if only I were better at IDing them! Tennessee Warblers all day long, in the pokeberry and then crossing the ridge into the trees. Many species at the tree line. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Parks Volunteer (<parks...>)