Date: 9/3/24 1:12 pm
From: Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...>
Subject: Rocky Ridge (03 Sep 2024) 3 Raptors
Rocky Ridge
York, Pennsylvania, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 03, 2024

Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture 0 0 0
Turkey Vulture 0 0 0
Osprey 0 1 1
Bald Eagle 0 5 6
Northern Harrier 0 0 0
Sharp-shinned Hawk 0 0 0
Cooper's Hawk 0 1 1
American Goshawk 0 0 0
Red-shouldered Hawk 0 0 0
Broad-winged Hawk 1 3 5
Red-tailed Hawk 0 0 0
Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0
Golden Eagle 0 0 0
American Kestrel 0 4 4
Merlin 0 0 0
Peregrine Falcon 0 0 0
Unknown Accipiter 0 0 0
Unknown Buteo 1 1 1
Unknown Falcon 0 0 0
Unknown Eagle 0 0 0
Unknown Raptor 1 1 1

Total: 3 16 19

Observation start time: 10:15:00
Observation end time: 13:30:00
Total observation time: 3.25 hours

Official Counter: Jen Barrall



Pleasant, sunny day with minimal cloud cover, light NE breeze with temps in
the high 60s.

Raptor Observations:
Very little activity, even among non-migrating "local" raptors.

Migrants: 1 BWHA that was easily seen; 1 UB and 1 UR that were on the
fringes of visibility with binoculars.

Local Raptors: minimum 7 BAEA (4 adults and 3 immatures--counts represent
the most adults/immatures seen at one time). One Immature (2nd year) BAEA
provided stunning looks as it soared low with TVs between the metal tower
and platform. Two RTHA (1 adult, 1 juv), 1 Coop, numerous TVs and BVs.

Non-raptor Observations:
Poor day for raptor migration, but it was a great day to be at the platform
for migrating warblers--if only I were better at IDing them! Tennessee
Warblers all day long, in the pokeberry and then crossing the ridge into
the trees. Many species at the tree line.
Report submitted by Parks Volunteer (<parks...>)

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