Date: 9/3/24 6:15 am From: Lisa Dziuban <dziubanlisa...> Subject: Night sounds Plumstead Twp Bucks Co.
For the last several weeks I consistently heard an eastern screech owl every evening at dusk. At first I heard it around 8:30, then as the days got darker earlier I heard it at 8:15, 8:00, 7:45, etc. Very predictable! Last night I did not hear it but instead heard a barred owl, around 8 pm, both owls heard coming from the undeveloped land across the street. Also around 1:00 a.m. the wailing of a fox, very close by, woke me up.
Feeders are up and busy with the resident white breasted nuthatches, downy and hairy woodpeckers, family of chickadees, catbird. The swallows are gone and I haven’t seen the towhee in a few days. RT hummingbird seen over the weekend. Dry conditions persist, 48 deg this morning. Glorious day!
Lisa Dziuban
“I stay my haste, I make delays, for what avails this eager pace?
I stand amid the eternal ways, and what is mine shall know my face.”
-John Burroughs,
The Seer Of Slabsides, Dallas Lore Sharp, 1910