Second Mountain Ft. Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, USA Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 01, 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Observation start time: 09:00:00 Observation end time: 14:00:00 Total observation time: 5 hours
Official Counter: Tom Kurtz
Observers: Gary Labelle, Nancy Clupper, Rosemary Spreha
Visitors: Taylor and Jay Haag for warblers for 2 hours
8 vista viewers
Weather: Temp range 71 to 83 degrees with light variable winds out of NW, W, and South. Cloud cover 95 to 50%.
Raptor Observations: 1 Adult bald eagle
Non-raptor Observations: 17 nighthawks NW, 35 cedar waxwings, pileated WP, Hairy WP, scarlet tanager, rose breasted grosbeak, white breasted nut hatches, chickadees, peewee, empid species, carolina wrens, yellow throated vireo, black and white, black throated blue, and hooded warblers, hummingbird
4 monarch butterflies
Predictions: Slightly cooler, more sun with NW winds ======================================================================== Report submitted by Frederick Wilcox (<Ftw539...>) Second Mountain information may be found at: Facebook. Second Mountain Hawk Watch