Date: 8/31/24 9:11 am
From: Carole Winslow <cjwinslow94...>
Subject: Clarion Co - Wild turkey late nesting
Just a brief post to report that yesterday while mowing paths we kicked
out a hen turkey sitting on a nest with 9 or ten eggs on our top field.
It's a big weedy field, a little ways out from the woods where we see them
often. We'll be trying to avoid disturbing her again but it seems extremely
late for a turkey nest, anyone else that's seen one this late into summer?
We have been watching a batch of 10-11 young ones around the yard this
summer and they are already getting quite big. Hopefully this hen can pull
off the late nest!

Warblers have been making their way through in small groups, nothing
too notable other than an early Cape May mid August and I have continued to
see them off and on more than any other warbler, but that's typical with
all my spruce trees. Looking forward to cooler days and flight calls!

Carole Winslow
Sligo, Clarion Co

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