Date: 8/30/24 2:49 pm From: John Williams <john...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] NW Tucson, Arthur Pack park this morning
First the easy ID: there were two immature plumage Cattle Egrets on the 9th hole pond as I arrived…. The voice in my head said, “White spots, pull out the scope”
Landing nearby, three Ibis. They all crossed the pond, landing in The mesquite by the pump house, where I was able to get photos…. Doing edits for the ebird checklist, one of the ibis looked different.
The dark eye and white barring patch on the throat matched immature Glossy…. I sent photos to several people for review, but I expect that I will be claiming a Glossy Ibis, APPark species #242
The past two days I spotted a Western Sandpiper; photos showed two different birds.
Yesterday a single Black-necked Stilt flew over.
This morning a MacGillivray’s Warbler briefly poked out of a Desert Hackberry.
Zero White-winged Doves in a 2 mile loop; they were still wire sitting just outside the park entrance.
Zero European Starlings…. Curious miss.
17 Purple Martins were wire sitting as I arrived; their numbers are bouncing around a bit.