Observation start time: 07:30:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 7.5 hours
Official Counter: Rosemary McGlynn
Observers: Ed Gowarty,Sr, Jim Rocco, Nancy Ott, Terry Suder
Visitors: Terry Suder,Ed Gowarty Sr,Jim Rocco,Nancy Ott
Weather: light WNW winds;valley haze all day;clouds & sun mixed;humid with temps 68-84F.
Raptor Observations: No flight for the first 3.5 hrs then 52 BWs & several other raptors including 1 BE adult @ 12:40 & 1 BE unk age @ 12:44
Non-raptor Observations: crows,TVs,BVs,blue jays,pileated wp,chickadees,titmice,wb nuthatches,chimney swifts,rt hummingbirds. Also 14 monarchs,tiger swallowtails,black swallowtails,c. whites,gr. spangled frittilaries. And last but not least- the dreaded flying ants have returned.
Predictions: A partly cloudy day with some form of light W winds;chance of PM t-storms;80-85F ======================================================================== Report submitted by Rosemary McGlynn (<denali...>)