Date: 8/28/24 10:57 am From: A. Liebner <000000d98121eaef-dmarc-request...> Subject: Re: Koch property, Northampton County
I saw Nick Bolgiano’ s post but I didn’t get Arlene’s post. Not sure why? Arlene, you have a wonderful habitat!
Anyway, back in the 80’s when I was starting to get into serious birding, we had a large flock of nighthawks fly over. I had to look up ID but it was pretty exciting. Now, after reading about all the sightings I’ve been on the lookout. So far no nighthawks but we do have a few bats, two skunks and several deer.
Chipping Sparrows are gathering up - yesterday, 8/27/24, 12 + fluttered in and around the birdbath in the back of the house. Later in the afternoon a larger flock of 26+ foraged all over the front yard.
It was nice to watch a Red-tailed hawk make lazy circles in the sky along with three Black Vultures while three Fish Crows provided the background sounds. A Kestrel briefly stopped by to perch on the wire out front; not sure if it was the same one, but this morning a Kestrel sat on the wire not too far from two perched American Goldfinches. I happened to catch sight of a male Baltimore Oriole drinking from the hummingbird feeder before moving on. Hummingbird activity has increased with much chasing and chatter. Heuchera-Coral Bells which were budding when the hummingbirds returned on April 29th, continue to bloom and be a favorite source of nectar for hummers.
Happy birding,
Ann M Liebner
Wayne Twp. Schuylkill County
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On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 12:34 PM, Nick Bolgiano <nickbolgiano...> wrote:
Arlene's posts from the farm are always informative and appreciated.
On Monday, at the Hawk Ridge hawk watch in Duluth, MN, 12,000 C. Nighthawks
were counted during the hawk watch period and an additional 23,000 were
tallied after 5 p.m., for a total of 35,000 on the day. Apparently,
nighthawks are doing OK in some places.
Sean McLaughlin, from Huntingdon Co. and the 2021 hawk watch counter at
Tussey Mt, PA, is the lead counter at Hawk Ridge this season.
Nick Bolgiano
State College
On Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 12:02 PM DAVID KOCH <
<0000012d74227426-dmarc-request...> wrote:
> For the past three nights I've been looking for nighthawks. But the count
> so far is dragonflies - 5; nighthawks - 0. In past years I've seen lots of
> them but their numbers have been dropping. So we'll see what happens. I
> recently saw a report of 1400 of them at a site in New Hampshire. although
> it was unclear if that was for one night or several. But while I tanked on
> nighthawks, the backyard was really busy. It was hot and the sunlight on a
> big mulberry tree had flycatchers and warblers constantly moving around in
> it or sparring with each other. Flycatchers see were willow,
> yellow-bellied, olive-sided, and eastern wood pewee. Warblers were several
> redstarts, a yellow warbler, a yellow-rumped warbler, a Tennessee, and a
> magnolia. When the sun went down over the far western hills around 7 pm
> almost all the activity stopped. But I can't complain about not seeing
> nighthawks.
> Arlene Koch Easton, PA Northampton County <davilene...>