Observation start time: 05:45:00 Observation end time: 16:15:00 Total observation time: 10.5 hours
Compiler: Laurie Goodrich, Rebecca McCabe
Counters: Caroline Fegley
Visitors: 48
Weather: sunny light wind, partly cloudy with a bit of haze in the afternoon and high of 29 (C) degrees.
Raptor Observations: Osprey, bald eagle, broad-wing and red-tailed hawk, 1 American kestrel and 1 peregrine falcon.
Non-raptor Observations: barn and tree swallow, cedar waxwing, eastern towhee, chimney swift, red-eyed vireo, American goldfinch ======================================================================== Report submitted by Laurie Goodrich (<goodrich...>) Hawk Mountain Sanctuary information may be found at: http://www.hawkmountain.org/