Date: 8/27/24 2:18 pm From: Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...> Subject: Second Mountain (27 Aug 2024) 26 Raptors
Second Mountain Ft. Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, USA Daily Raptor Counts: Aug 27, 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Observation start time: 05:45:00 Observation end time: 14:00:00 Total observation time: 8.25 hours
Official Counter: Rosemary Spreha
Observers: Joe Meloney
Visitors: Jarrod, Cassidy and Rebecca from FIT Department of Wildlife,4 for view.
Weather: Temperature ranged from 60 to 90 degrees. Variable light wind. 0 to 30% cloud cover.
Raptor Observations: Local TV and Red-tailed Hawks, Ravens, Sharp-shinned hawk visited site and then dove into valley. One adult Bald Eagle.
Non-raptor Observations: White breasted Nuthatch, goldfinch, Phoebe, Blackburnian, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, Black and White warblers and Redstart. Nashville Warbler ID'ed by Jarrod, red-eyed vireo, Cardinal, eastern wood pewee, Bluebirds, Red-bellied WP, Downy WP, Pileated WP, Hairy WP, Catbird, chimney swifts, cedar waxwings, carolina wren, scarlet tanager, Am Crow, ruby-throated hummingbird, robin, titmouse, common night-hawk.
Predictions: High 93 degrees, winds from the west, possible thunderstorms. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Frederick Wilcox (<Ftw539...>) Second Mountain information may be found at: Facebook. Second Mountain Hawk Watch