Date: 8/25/24 4:04 pm
From: Erika Wilson <terika88...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] SEAZ: Sierra Vista EOP--25 Aug 2024
Hi, birders,
Nine people (from AZ, IL, and SC) walked the Sierra Vista EOP dikes this
morning, noting 65 species. Highlights included Dickcissel, Rufous-winged
Sparrow, and FOS Marsh Wren.

A flyover Dickcissel, uttering its unique buzzy flight calls, was the 4th
EOP record, and the first August record, the previous records being in
September 2018 & September 2019. Another good find was a singing
Rufous-winged Sparrow, a species which comes and goes: regularly seen in
2018-2020, but only 1-2 times/year in 2021-2024. Two Marsh Wrens calling
back and forth in the cattails were the first arrivals for the fall and
winter seasons at the EOP.

Breeding is tailing off, but a Pied-billed Grebe nest we have been watching
was still active, with the female slipping into the water, her chicks on
her back, with their tiny heads poking up between her arched wings. Sora
numbers are rising: on 11 August we had 1 bird calling, on 18 August we had
3 calling birds, and today we have 12 calling, with one seen briefly in
flight. The EOP hosts up to two dozen Sora during the winter months.

*NOTE: EOP walks in September, October and November start at 7 a.m.*

Bird walks behind the locked gates of the Sierra Vista EOP occur every
Sunday morning. For the fall months (September-November) walks start
promptly at *7:00 a.m.* Arrive early at the EOP Bird Viewing Platform to
sign in with the guide--group size is limited to fifteen. Late arrivals
will not have access behind the locked gates. Scopes are useful. Bring a
hat and water--there is no shade nor any amenities on the walk route. There
is a chem toilet in the parking area.

The EOP is located just east (~ 3 miles) of Sierra Vista on AZ Hwy 90. Look
for the Brua Animal Care Center and the Wildlife Viewing signs on the north
side of Hwy 90. Turn left (north) and proceed to the bird viewing platform.
Note that Google Maps may direct you to the wrong entrance.

Cheers, Erika Wilson
Erika Wilson, Sierra Vista, AZ

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