Date: 8/25/24 7:46 am From: Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...> Subject: Bake Oven Knob (24 Aug 2024) 29 Raptors
Bake Oven Knob 2 miles North of Germansville, Pennsylvania, USA Daily Raptor Counts: Aug 24, 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Observation start time: 07:00:00 Observation end time: 15:30:00 Total observation time: 8.5 hours
Official Counter: Michele Varricchio
Observers: Ed Wanamaker, James Holt, Josh Butz
Visitors: 67 people with multiple dogs visited the South Lookout.
Weather: Temperatures from 60-80 degrees F. Visibility 15-20 miles with haze on the horizon. Skies clear with a few welcomed clouds. Winds were calm, 1-3 mph WNW shifting mid morning to SW. Humidity decreased from 80% to 50%.
Raptor Observations: An Adult Bald Eagle at 1254.
Non-raptor Observations: Other species observed: Red-eyed Vireo, Northern Flicker, Least Flycatcher, Black-throated Green Warbler, 3 Common Raven, Blue Jay, 24+ Cedar Waxwings, many Barn Swallow, 8 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds
Predictions: Clear skies with temperatures to mid 80s F. Calm SW winds 5-10 mph. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Lehigh Gap Nature Center (<mail...>) Bake Oven Knob information may be found at: