Observation start time: 08:00:00 Observation end time: 15:00:00 Total observation time: 7 hours
Official Counter: Brian M. Wargo
Observers: Adam Katrancha, Bill Cline, Bob Stewart, Dave Poder, Jeanine Ging, Jim Rocco, Judy Johns, Kevin Georg, Sandy Cline
Visitors: Heidi Mullendore, Linda Misera, Ed Puskar, Joe, Tyler, Jeremy, Julie, and Garrett Winesickle, Barbara Hall, Tonya O'Neil
Weather: Sunny with some haze in the morning with very little wind. Sunny and mainly clear skies the rest of the day with mild east winds. Beautiful weather.
Raptor Observations: 11:39 Bald Eagle Adult
Non-raptor Observations: American Crow, Belted Kingfisher, Black-capped Chickadee, Blue Jay, Cedar Waxwings, Chimney Swift, Common Raven, Eastern Wood-Peewee, Eastern Towhee, Mourning Dove, Tree Swallow, Tufted Titmouse, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Pigeons, and 8 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. 33 Dragonflies 4 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, 2 Black Swallowtail 2 Spicebush Swallowtail, 3 Great Spangled Fritillary, 5 Cabbage White, 2 Clouded Sulfur, 2 Red-spotted Purple, 1 Common Wood Nymph
Predictions: Hot and sunny with west winds. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Brian M. Wargo (<brianwargo...>)