Observation start time: 08:00:00 Observation end time: 15:30:00 Total observation time: 7.5 hours
Official Counter: Ed Gowarty,Sr
Observers: Bob Stewart, Dave Poder, Greg Gdula, Jack Gilbert, Jim Rocco, Nancy Ott
Visitors: Assisting with the count: Jim Rocco, Dave Poder, Bob Stewart, Nancy Ott, Jack Gilbert, Ray Meyers.
Weather: Sunny with blue skies. No Clouds. Temp 14 to 20 degrees C. Very comfortable. Light to Moderate wind out of the SE. Visibility 30 to 40 km with haze.
Raptor Observations: 29 migrating raptors. 5 Bald Eagles: 9:57 AM juv; 11:15 AM Ad; 1:05 PM Ad; 1:12 PM Ad; 1:30 PM Sub-ad.
Many non-migrating turkey vultures with an extreme interest in the owl decoy.
Non-raptor Observations: Chimney Swifts, Cedar Waxwings, Black-capped chickadee, ravens, blue jays, tufted titmouse. ruby-throated hummingbirds: 6 many tiger swallowtails, cabbage white
Predictions: High of 80 degrees F. Partly Cloudy. Winds light and variable. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Robert Stewart (<bob...>)